John Walsh Wants You On A Mental Illness Registry Even If You’re Only A “Would-Be” Gun Owner
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 10 months ago
The host of “America’s Most Wanted,” who also helped create a national registry for sex offenders, says the same system is needed for mentally ill people looking to buy guns.
We got John Walsh Saturday at LAX and asked what he made of Florida’s new gun law — in which the age limit to purchase guns was raised to 21 … and teachers can now be armed.
He says it’s a step in the right direction, but also thinks arming teachers is the wrong way to protect schools from potential shooters — he wants trained pros on the ground instead.
Here’s the most interesting tidbit … John apparently believes a national registry logging people with serious mental illness needs to be implemented for would-be gun owners.
I don’t watch television so I don’t see him on TV. But you see where this is going, right? The progs want a registry of everyone with notes about what the village witch doctor thinks about him. We’ve seen this advocated before.
If you think the second amendment is all about amelioration of tyranny, then maybe you will be on that list too. After all, who decides what mental illness is and who suffers from it? Remember what commenter Menckenlite observed concerning guns and mental health?
Control freaks love psychiatry, a means of social control with no Due Process protections. It is a system of personal opinion masquerading as science. See, e.g., Boston University Psychology Professor Margaret Hagan’s book, Whores of the Court, to see how arbitrary psychiatric illnesses are. Peter Breggin, Fred Baughman and Thomas Szasz wrote extensively about abuses of psychiatry. Liberals blame guns for violence. Conservatives blame mental illness. Neither have any causal connection to violence. The issue is criminal conduct, crime. Suggesting that persons with legal disabilities are criminals shows the nonsensical argument of this politician and his fellow control freaks. Shame on them.
Never forget that such a system bypasses due process. That’s why the progressives love it.
On March 12, 2018 at 7:00 am, MamaLiberty said:
Why would anyone trust this “due process?” It is defined and carried out by the SAME people who are doing everything possible to control the lives and property of gun owners… and everyone else.
On March 12, 2018 at 8:13 am, Coldsteel1983 said:
How very Soviet of him…
On March 12, 2018 at 12:41 pm, Torcer said:
Should we have a similar list for anyone wanting to exercise their other common sense human rights?
A registry for those wanting their 4th amendment rights for instance?
On March 12, 2018 at 12:50 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I guess so, since in Walsh’s mind it’s the job of the state to supply us with cradle to grave security.
On March 12, 2018 at 1:46 pm, Equilibrist said:
Just as a gun registry is a precursor to gun confiscation, a mental illness registry is a precursor to the “confiscation” of the mentally ill.
The denial of second amendment rights for a certain category of people is a precedent for the denial of any and all other rights held by people in that category.
All men have certain inalienable rights. U.S. citizens have those rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights.
Denial or abridgement of those rights for any portion of the population, absent act or crime by each individual, is premised on a determination of one or the other of two things: 1) No human or citizen has any rights that may not be abridged or denied by government at will; or, 2) A certain segment of the population may be deemed to be neither citizens, nor fully human.
Aktion T-4
On March 12, 2018 at 2:29 pm, Fred said:
I’m a government psychiatrist and I’m here to help.
On March 12, 2018 at 3:55 pm, Gryphon said:
Pure bolshevik communism here…
On March 12, 2018 at 4:30 pm, June J said:
That national database of seriously mentally ill people should be filled with democrat voters threatening others with physical violence, and those unsure which of the two sexes they are.
On March 12, 2018 at 6:14 pm, J said:
This guy has made a boat load off his dead kid.
On March 12, 2018 at 7:53 pm, Gryphon said:
Equilibrist –
1) No human or citizen has any rights that may not be abridged or denied by government at will; or,
2) A certain segment of the population may be deemed to be neither citizens, nor fully human. –
These are two Facts of Politics, Since Forever. For all the Talk of “Inalienable Rights”, “Constitutional Rights”, and even “God-Given Rights” (Sorry, Captain) at the End of the Day, the Dog-Damned ‘government’ WILL TAKE BY FORCE Your Rights, If those who Own the ‘government’ will Profit from it.
This is why Armed Men are Free Men, and Unarmed Men are Slaves.
Anyone who says, “I do not want/need Arms” is a Slave.
Anyone who says, “YOU don’t need Arms” is a Fascist who needs to be Killed.
On March 12, 2018 at 7:56 pm, moe mensale said:
If you’ve been adjudicated mentally defective and not granted relief, you’re already disqualified from buying and/or possessing guns. You’re not a would-be gun owner and John Walsh is an asshole.
He’s also a pig for milking his son Adam’s death the way he did.
On March 12, 2018 at 9:08 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I understand, but what he wants is a comprehensive list with everyone on it in case someone wants to buy a gun. The village witch doctor will already have paperwork on him. And then so will the government.
On March 13, 2018 at 7:48 am, Equilibrist said:
You’re absolutely correct. However, there’s a difference between acknowledging the unfortunate and ever-present fact of the thing, and enshrining it as “law”.
Or, in the horrifying hypocrisy of those who encourage and would endorse such a law while proclaiming devotion to the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the concept of individual rights. If it were Leftist control freaks promoting this, I could more easily shrug it off as one more in a very long line of attacks on individual liberties to be fought against. But I encounter this very argument from alleged defenders of individual rights and the rule of law.
On March 13, 2018 at 7:49 am, Equilibrist said:
I am honored and flattered that you quoted my comment in your latest post.
I am not worthy.
On March 13, 2018 at 8:10 am, Equilibrist said:
I wonder if John Walsh, promoter of the sex offender registry, has ever noted the link between being a VICTIM of serious sexual offenses and suffering from diagnosible mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, and PTSD?
Will the victim of childhood sexual abuse be better off by having her, or his, right of self-defense denied? Will the woman once raped be, or feel, safer by refusing her the “privilege” of carrying a weapon?