Denver City Council Bans Bump Stocks, Shocked To Find That No One Turns Theirs In
BY Herschel Smith
In January, the Denver City Council approved a ban on the possession of bump stocks and police have told people they need to turn them in. More than two months later, police have not received a single one.
Denverite reports police told gun owners that if they “are in possession of a bump stock, and would like to turn-in their bump stock to the Denver Police Department, they can do so at any Denver Police Station.”
The council approved the ban by a vote of 11-1. “Congress failed to act. The legislature had not acted. And I saw an opportunity for Denver to lead the charge and create the momentum that we desperately need,” said Alan Kennedy-Shaffer, who introduced the measure.
The measure that was passed also removed the “grandfather clause” that enabled people to have a magazine with a capacity of 15 rounds or more if they bought it before 2013.
Well what the hell did you expect? Get used to it. This is good practice for when you expand that magazine ban across America, and for when you ban AR-15s.
Or as they say, “No. Your move.”
On March 20, 2018 at 1:49 am, Dan said:
It’s very unlikely that the actually expected many people to comply….if any. That wasn’t the point behind the ban. The point is now that they have banned bump stocks ANYONE caught with one…for whatever reason…will be CRUCIFIED in court. They will be destroyed to the fullest extent possible by the legal system. Those in power have no plans to go door to door hunting for bump stocks, mags, guns or anything else. They plan to disarm us piecemeal, one victim at a time over however long it takes. ANYONE caught in possession of these items will be bankrupted, destroyed, made unemployeable and homeless by the incessant grinding of the legal process. And their families will ALSO suffer immensely. The public destruction of the handful they catch every year will serve to get most who they don’t catch to get rid of the newly designated contraband.
And THAT is how they seek to disarm us. One innocent victim at a time…not en masse. The first method is just ‘business as usual’ and will not be opposed. The second risks Civil War II. The evil people in power are not stupid, they don’t want war if they can avoid it…but they are evil and will stop at nothing to maintain power and control.
On March 20, 2018 at 9:19 am, Herschel Smith said:
Well, okay.
It’s a brave prosecutor who decides to try that case.
Or foolish.
On March 20, 2018 at 1:58 pm, ExpatNJ said:
Another possibility: There are no ‘bump stocks’ in Denver?
Maybe gun owners in free states should do what Mike Vanderboegh did:
SMUGGLE ‘bump stocks’ and ‘high capacity magazines’ INTO DENVER.
Can you just imagine the Council members going into apoplexy and vapor lock?
On March 20, 2018 at 2:50 pm, moe mensale said:
There is no compensation when turning in a bump stock.”
Why would any person object to turning over legal or illegal personal possessions to the cops under those circumstances? People are just being unreasonable. /sarcasm/
On March 20, 2018 at 3:02 pm, moe mensale said:
““Why would we allow a rank amateur to have that sort of firepower and capacity, unnecessarily, if we’ve already banned machine guns of this type?” Councilman Rafael Espinoza told Denverite.”
Don’t you just love the arrogance of these people who supposedly represent their constituents? And when did Denver or Colorado ban machine guns? I believe NFA registered items are legal there.
On March 20, 2018 at 3:09 pm, moe mensale said:
From the PD letter:
“…bump stocks are defined as any device for a pistol, rifle or shotgun that increases the rate of fire…”
This is how they play games and twist terminology around. The “bump stock” ban bans far more than “bump stocks.” It bans ANY device that could increase the rate of fire. Pretty damn arbitrary and wide open definition that could encompass all sorts of gun-related items beyond just bump stocks.
On March 20, 2018 at 7:17 pm, jim said:
Moe; right-on. you could be arrested just for using a convenient belt loop on ordinary pants. will we then outlaw belt loops??
On March 21, 2018 at 6:10 pm, Longbow said:
And the “Vast Majority” of cops, you know, those really super duper good guys who are conservatives and Constitutionalists, have refused individually and through their professional organizations to enforce such a ban…. right?