I Want To Be A Second Amendment Extremist Too
BY Herschel Smith
Concerning David Codrea, he is apparently a second amendment extremist.
Hey, what exactly do I have to do to catch a break here? I want some prog to call me something like a “far-right gun nut second amendment extremist wild man,” or some such thing.
I’ll have to leave it to readers. I wish I could have a contest to see who could create the best caricature of me, the winner claiming prizes of guns and ammo. I could post it as the comment of the week. Alas, I have nothing to give away.
On March 26, 2018 at 10:10 pm, Fred said:
“Alas, I have nothing to give away”…having lost it all, er, what little you had, in a tragic boating accident no doubt.
How about “Far right Christian gun zealot”?
How about “Swashbuckling but gentlemanly Christian gun and artillery promoter who wants civilians to have tanks and warships”?
How about “Dangerously religious gun rights blogger who won’t be hornswoggled by the ‘let’s compromise’ idiots”?
How about “An alarmingly more dangerous extremest than the violence inciting NRA”?
I could think of 20 easily. It’s actually a ridiculous game that I already play with myself. Pity I or an empoyer doesn’t put my mind to better use.
On March 27, 2018 at 3:10 am, Greg Wilson said:
Herschel, now is as a good a time as any to tell you what you mean to me. I first learned of your blog many years ago via Mike V’s blog, and with his passing you have helped maintain what little sanity I still possess. I’m an old school Sovereign Grace Baptist pastor (http://www.libcfl.org) and chairman of Free Florida First (http://freefloridafirst.org). I’m an extremely thankful for your ministry — for indeed, it ministers to me and to those I share your thoughts with.
On March 27, 2018 at 9:30 am, Herschel Smith said:
Thanks for your kind words. They are too kind to me, in fact.
My language is probably rather rowdy for you sometimes, but my belief system is unshakable, having been delivered to me by Dr. C. Gregg Singer (Atlanta School of Biblical Studied) and Dr. Douglas Kelly (RTS).
Thank you for your patronage to this humble site.
On March 27, 2018 at 3:44 pm, Bill Robbins said:
Some people are nuts. You are not one of those people. I realize this may come as a disappointment, but, we all must live with our demons.
On March 28, 2018 at 8:08 am, Ned said:
So Citizen Green complains about how David Codrea wrote about totally not a crisis David Hogg, who obviously isn’t a crisis actor. Because if he were an actor, he could keep his lines straight.
Citizen Green labels Hogg a “survivor of gun violence.” According to Hogg, he “got my camera and got on my bike and rode as fast as I could three miles from my house to the school to get as much video and to get as many interviews as I could because I knew that this could not be another mass shooting.”
Therefore, David Codrea is a Second Amendment extremist and “far right gun absolutist” according to Comrade Green. Too bad retired Supreme Court (((Justice))) John Paul Stevens isn’t. Instead, he turns out to be an oath-breaker, who should probably be rotting in prison for breaking that oath. Yet that’s not newsworthy to these assnecks.
I’m pretty sure that Herschel falls under the same category – a terrible, Second Amendment extremist – one who understands that the amendment does not magically bestow upon him any right.