Citibank Hypocrisy On Guns
BY Herschel Smith
… Citibank’s unwarranted attack on gun owners and the firearms industry by requiring businesses to discriminate against gun to lawful customers under 21, and barring the sale of so-called “bump stocks” and standard capacity magazines. Further, the global banking giant signaled its intent to drag manufacturers into its citizen disarmament schemes.
There are reasons why some of us who have our firearms purchases choices denied by corporate parasites find Citibank’s promotion of Jay-Z so hypocritical …
There are two ways to look at this. The first is that the market will handle the problems and anyway, I cannot possibly boycott all of the businesses that cause me problems. There will be no prohibition on guns that is successful. As commenter Fred has pointed out, “prohibition doesn’t work … Markets see regulation as damage and automatically re-routes around it.”
On the other hand David points out that Citibank is the recipient of FedGov money, or in other words, our money. It shouldn’t be, and it’s a testimony to the evil that grips our country that corporations can both receive tax monies and then work against the very rights that founded the country.
Other than governmental actions against such corporations, and/or boycotting every corporation that does things like this, I have no solution short of civil unrest.
On March 30, 2018 at 7:37 am, Frank Clarke said:
Is there a source for Fred’s “Markets see regulation as damage”? That sounds like it would be worth reviewing.
On March 30, 2018 at 11:05 am, Fred said:
It’s a paraphrase of Uncle from some years back. No idea now what post it was. He probably got it from Bastiat or Hayek or Mises, somebody like that.
On March 30, 2018 at 12:34 pm, Fred said:
Seems like so long ago. Hmm? Anyway:
On March 30, 2018 at 2:57 pm, Bill Robbins said:
I filed a complaint against CitiGroup’s new policy online at the web site for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, The CFTB was created by Senator Elizabeth “Liawatha” Warren as an intentionally un-accountable government agency to shake-down the financial industry. So, being a good citizen and all, why not use the CFTB’s online complaint form to file a complaint against CitiGroup? I contend that Citigroup is inappropriately and potentially illegaly and unconstitutionally using its market power to shut-down legal commerce in jurisdictions where 18 to 21 year-old customers may legally purchase a firearm.
I suspect my complaint will go nowhere and have no effect, but, if thousands of people were to file complaints against CitiGroup at, someone might pay attention. If the NRA ever wakes up, they might even see an opportunity to raise more money.
On March 30, 2018 at 2:59 pm, Bill Robbins said:
Darn it. That’s, not
On March 30, 2018 at 10:28 pm, Heywood said:
Just cancelled my credit card with them. The drone on the other end must have been through this a few times. She had a canned response denying they were going after guns. Once I smacked her around with the facts, she cancelled my card within 1 minute. Will it matter? Nah, but it makes me feel better.