Tyrants Live Amongst Us
BY Herschel Smith
“The AR-15 and its analogs, along with large capacity magazines, are simply not weapons within the original meaning of the individual constitutional rights to ‘bear arms,” U.S. District Judge William Young wrote in a decision Thursday in Boston, dismissing a lawsuit over Massachusetts’ so-called “assault weapon” ban.
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And Young is living proof that, as bad as the Democrats re on guns, no one can hurt us quite like a Republican turncoat. He was appointed by Ronald Reagan, making him a disappointment along with no shortage of other “conservative” federal court nominees. And Reagan himself, reputation as a “conservative hero” for gun owners notwithstanding, in actuality was not.
I hold other things against Reagan as well, including the withdrawal of the U.S. Marines from the barracks in Lebanon, and the first immigrant amnesty, not to mention Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O’Connor.
As for Young, he is a tyrant. The think about King George is that he lived a long ways away and had soldiers do the fighting for him. Judge Young lives among you. At some point this is going to turn violent. Do they understand that?
On April 9, 2018 at 11:02 am, Gryphon said:
Make Lists. Check them Thrice. The Enemy leadership Lives Among Us, an Advantage that all the Patriots in Nations the U.S. Feral Government has Bombed and Invaded do not have.