Meetup With @WRSA
BY Herschel Smith
Did a wonderful meetup with @WRSA tonight at my home. He drove much farther than I would have liked to meet me face-to-face and for us to get to know each other better. It’ll be my turn next time.
What a wonderful man, and wonderful time together. We talked philosophy, theology, hardware, the state of things in our country, PT, our own history, and good cooking, among many other things. And I think he enjoyed the chicken and broccoli casserole I made for him.
I’m very blessed that I have people in my life who would make efforts like that to meet me and get to know me. While cyberspace is okay, it’s no replacement for face-to-face meetings, time together, and simple relaxation with friends.
You MUST do that with your friends, but also make a decided and determined effort to do that with those who are not as close as you would like. You will need them in the future, and they you.
On April 12, 2018 at 8:20 am, DAN III said:
Well, good for you Mr. Smith.
Re: driving. I have come to dislike it. Not the physical act. Rather, the massive amounts of bad drivers behind the wheel.
Driving any distance without incident deserves an award.
On April 12, 2018 at 8:28 am, Gunshow Dave said:
As a fan of both Captain’s Journal and WRSA, I just have one thing to say: Chicken and broccoli casserole, seriously?!
On April 12, 2018 at 9:31 am, Herschel Smith said:
Well, I’ll tell you what, Dave.
Grilled chicken. Not microwaved chicken. Broccoli for fiber. We’re all concerned about our health, aren’t you? No potatoes for me. Potatoes crank the insulin process and go immediately to fat. Veggies, meat. That goes along with the 4-times a week gym visit, daily four mile walks, and weekend mountain biking or hiking. I’m actually doing okay on that front. I’m past the age where I can eat anything and do nothing and get away with it.
If you’d like to join us next time, feel free to come grill us some steak on the grill. For working all day and then meeting up at home, I did okay with a pre-prepared meal for us. After all, I didn’t have all day to get ready, and we both had to go back to work today.
On April 12, 2018 at 10:45 am, Pat Hines said:
WRSA has been to visit with me twice, the last time at the bunker (my home). I agree with your evaluation completely, Herschel. We three should arrange a meet, Greenville is probably about half way for you both.
On April 12, 2018 at 10:52 am, Herschel Smith said:
Family in Greenville. Greenville is fine w/ me.
On April 12, 2018 at 4:27 pm, Ed said:
Never mind the content of the talk (important and resonant as it may have been), this post is one of the simplest and most important posts I’ve read in a long time.
On April 13, 2018 at 12:00 am, WRSA said:
Part of our discussion was about the benefits of simple fellowship amongst those of like mind.
We agreed that such communion
– settles the mind (“Here’s another person who is neither crazed nor boneheaded who sees the day’s events as I do”),
– warms the heart (“It’s so nice just to talk freely with another American”), and
– steels the spirit (“I am not alone. There are others who share my concerns. Together, we can get through the coming storm.”).
And in candor, as I told my host, casseroles are the kind of thing that singletons just don’t make at home.
Get to know your social media correspondents in person – now, while it’s easy.
All we have is each other.
On April 13, 2018 at 2:51 pm, Ca said:
Agree Greenville