St. Louis “Clergy Of The Dead” Speak Out Against Guns In Churches
BY Herschel Smith
Religious leaders across denominations spoke out in St. Louis on Wednesday against pending legislation that would allow concealed weapons in places of worship in Missouri without permission of the clergy.
“The bill would broaden Second Amendment rights at the expense of the First Amendment right of religious liberty,” said Most Rev. Robert Carlson, archbishop of St. Louis, who presides over some 500,000 Roman Catholics in the region.
Carlson was joined at a press conference by eight religious leaders representing the Jewish, Episcopalian, Methodist, Baptist and Evangelical Lutheran faiths, among others.
The clergy members specified opposition to one bill in particular: House Bill 1936 which would expand the places where concealed weapons are allowed.
The bill has passed two House committee votes along party lines. Republicans voted yes. Democrats voted no. The bill’s sponsor, Rep. Jered Taylor, R-Nixa, did not immediately return a request for comment Wednesday.
The legislation aims to end “gun-free zones” where concealed weapons are restricted, including places of worship, college buildings, public hospitals, voting polls, amusement parks, casinos and bars.
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Under current law, a person must get permission from a member of the clergy at a religious institution in order to carry a weapon into the place of worship. The new law would allow for the legal carry of a concealed weapon unless a sign banning weapons is prominently displayed.
What a strange thing. The law doesn’t mandate that churches allow weapons, and since this is private property I support that because I support property rights.
What the law does is force them to post since this property usually comes with understood open invitations to join the services. In other words, the “clergy” here doesn’t want the public to know their position, or at least be forced to wonder.
Perhaps they also don’t like the fact that in an ironic twist they are announcing the fact that they have decided to leave themselves without protection of any kind and thus a shooting gallery for would-be perpetrators.
I think it’s a wonderful thing that congregants and parishioners can now tell if they should enter at their own risk as soon as they set foot on the property. I think it’s sad that the rest of the folk have been left with no protection.
These clergy aren’t clergy at all. The churches are open sepulchers with dead men preaching to dead congregants. They have no wisdom, no discernment, and couldn’t care less about the law of God, the pinnacle of which is the law of love, or protecting and caring for those around you.
On April 13, 2018 at 12:08 am, DAN III said:
These “No Concealed Weapons” people amaze me with their ignorance. Unless I have to walk thru a metal detector I have two weapons on me at all times. That’s why they are concealed.
“There’s a fool born every minute.” – – Attributed to P.T. Barnum
On April 13, 2018 at 12:17 am, Ned said:
I suppose the Roman church’s Pope will now eschew his Swiss Guard. For that matter, the Pope should tear down those wall and let in the refugees.
On April 13, 2018 at 10:29 am, Fred said:
Herschel is right. The first amendment is not modified by the second…although you may find those around you to be rather polite and orderly. Ignorant argument!
But worse is the argument that evil is modified by the lack of firearms. Godless argument!
On April 13, 2018 at 3:09 pm, ExpatNJ said:
The legislation prohibiting weapons in churches should never have been passed in the first place. Did the leaders of these ‘501c Churches For Super Deceivers’ originally push for that law, or just not object? Maybe what is really needed are background checks for clergy, priests, rabbis, reverends, etc.
This could also be a perfect set-up for an upcoming false flag. Enemies of Freedom will claim, “we allowed guns in churches, and see what happened?”
But, the names and photos of these “Rev’s.” (as in revolting) have been coded into a ‘FUSA Database of Traitors’, so they will not be forgotten …
On April 13, 2018 at 5:01 pm, Bill Robbins said:
“Entering City of St. Louis. Pray at your own risk.”
On April 13, 2018 at 8:05 pm, Russian troll-bot said:
Cool, reverend. I’ll just open carry my .44.
On April 13, 2018 at 9:37 pm, Buck Wheaton said:
The whole reason for concealed carry of a deadly weapon is to have an effective means of the defense of self and others, at the option of the person so carrying. Any property owner who wants me to disarm must assume the liability of defending me. But this slide of property rights is never mentioned, and in effect the property owner is relieved of such liability by the effect of most state laws. This imbalance in liability creates a slight imbalance towards posting a property unless a lot of customers speak up otherwise.
On April 15, 2018 at 1:12 pm, Gryphon said:
Like the Captain says, “My Rights come from God” and I stay the Hel Out of these Churches filled with False Preachers…
ExpatNJ – Don’t think for an Instant that the Enemy does not Study things like this, looking for ‘Targets of Opportunity’ to Exploit…. Just Like the Florida ‘incident’, there is a Pre-Planned ‘operation’ to have a propaganda Meme ready to go.
On April 16, 2018 at 1:14 pm, Empassioned1 said:
I live in St. Louis, and regardless of any posting, I will continue to carry. If no trouble arises, there is no need that anyone should know. If trouble does arise, I’ll take on the penalty in court rather than be a defenseless victim.
The reality in St. Louis is that drugs, crime, and murder are on the rise, and church leaders are looking to find ways to bring back social morality through increased presence of the church in neighborhoods via new converts. But regardless of how “peaceful” we want to be as Christians we are charged with responsibility for protecting our families. We’ve had a number of female representatives in our state and local governments trying to force gun registration and even gun bans in an effort to curb the problem. None of these measures has made it beyond the laughter and dismissal of their colleagues.
Even if someone intends to do harm to a local church, short of security seeing a person with gun in hand ready to shoot, any response will be after someone has been shot at and probably wounded or killed. A point of reference would be the death of Pastor Fred Winters (a friend and colleague) who died in this very type of scenario. Had Fred not grabbed the slide and stove-piped the casing from ejecting, the shooter was free to continue choosing other targets. But because of his dying actions others were able to advance and take down the shooter, but not before he seriously stabbed another person. Again, no one had weapons but the shooter.
The recent situation in Texas showed what a shooter could do when no one was able to take him on– except the gun owner living around the corner who grabbed gun and ran barefoot into the fight and did eventually stop the shooter.
On April 17, 2018 at 6:06 pm, Ron W said:
Empassioned1, I believe that barefooted “Good Samartain” was using his AR-15. Joe Biden could only respond that “he shouldn’t have had that rifle.” He was also an NRA firearms instructor and now we have “kill the NRA” criminal threats from the leftist anti gunners. These are very evil people!