Machete Attack Every 90 Minutes In “Gun Free” Britain
BY Herschel Smith
The huge number of crimes committed with the deadly, sword-like weapons means there is an average of 15 a day in the UK, or one every 90 minutes.
Figures uncovered using freedom of information requests by the Daily Mail show that police dealt with 928 crimes involving machetes in the last two months of 2017.
London saw the bulk, with 425 of the attacks. There were 99 in Greater Manchester, 77 in the West Midlands, and 29 each in Merseyside and West Yorkshire.
Just three years earlier, the deadly blades were used in 100 crimes a month over the same period.
As violent crime surges across the country, and even faster in London, the long blades, designed for chopping undergrowth, appear to be a weapon of choice for criminals in the UK, which is governed by strict gun-control laws.
It’s happened with Hispanic gangs in Chicago too. It isn’t a fair fight no matter how you slice this up (pardon the very bad pun). That’s why we carry guns. I want the edge. If I don’t carry, I give him the edge.
On April 16, 2018 at 10:27 pm, Fred said:
The article, and the po po, keep using the word crime or criminal. I don’t think they know that war is not a crime, it’s war. But not to worry; the muz mayor will take every natives butter knives. Solved! It’s called Jihad, sweetie pie.
Some other words that might help are:
dawah, dhimmi, hijra, jizya, kafir, shaheed, shariah, kitman, takfir, taqiyya, ummah, sira, hadith