Alex Jones Of Infowars Sued By Sandy Hook Parents In Defamation Lawsuits
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 9 months ago
Three parents whose children were killed in the Sandy Hook school shooting have filed defamation lawsuits against Alex Jones, the controversial conspiracy theorist and Infowars host who has falsely claimed the 2012 massacre was faked.
The two lawsuits were filed on Monday afternoon by Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, the parents of 6-year-old Noah Pozner, and by Neil Heslin, the father of 6-year-old Jesse Heslin.
“The statements were a continuation and elaboration of a years-long campaign to falsely attack the honesty of the Sandy Hook parents, casting them as participants in a ghastly conspiracy and cover-up,” the plaintiffs said in their suits.
Jones has repeatedly questioned whether 20 children and six adults were gunned down in Newtown, Connecticut, on Dec. 14, 2012, deriding the shooting as a “hoax” concocted to chip away at Second Amendment rights. The gunman, Adam Lanza, killed himself as police arrived at the school, but a clear motive for the rampage has never been identified.
In a broadcast last year called “Sandy Hook Vampires Exposed,” Jones suggested a CNN interview with De La Rosa was faked — a claim that her lawsuit blasts as a “sick lie.”
Hey, why does Alex Jones get all the credit and attention? So let me say this one more time, as if a dozen isn’t enough.
Sandy Hook was a hoax, fraud and fake perpetrated on the American people concocted to chip away at gun rights and liberties in America.
If you dispute what I’m saying, show me the autopsy reports by a licensed medical examiner. Show them to me now, please. Not later, now.
I would link the YouTube video on the Sandy Hook hoax again, but as you might have expected, Google has taken it down for “violating the terms of service.” In other words, they didn’t like what the authors had to say.
Because Google.
On April 18, 2018 at 9:45 am, H said:
I remember reading an account by one of the medical examiners which might explain why the autopsy reports have been kept closed, the caskets were closed, etc., assuming of course that they exist: the shooter did half and full 30 round magazine dumps into his individual victims. That provides 3 reasons: it doesn’t support most of the calls for gun control after the (claimed) event, it further emphasizes how the authorities were useless, giving him so much time, and it turned the bodies into “hamburger”.
On April 18, 2018 at 10:24 am, Herschel Smith said:
Or … none of that ever really happened.
On April 18, 2018 at 1:23 pm, George said:
It is an odd case. All records destroyed. Researches who have attempted to gather information stonewalled. The DOJ has sent millions of dollars to the PD there for “healing”. Does not make sense.
On April 18, 2018 at 9:58 pm, Ned said:
Looks like AJ must have been directly over the target on the Sandy Hoax issue. I wonder what the plaintiffs are prepared to disclose in discovery. Also wonder if their lawyer actually explained how this works, or if they’re just hoping for summary judgement.
I have so little faith in the courts that it wouldn’t surprise me at all if they had already paid a judge and the fix was in.
On April 20, 2018 at 10:12 am, Gryphon said:
Yeah, that was a Giant Fraud from Start to Finish, the ‘Coverup’ costs must now be approaching a Billion $hekel$, and I doubt that this will ‘go to court’ for it will give A.J. and other Investigators an even bigger Exposure of the Fraud.
I’m not sure if it’s still Online, a Video Presentation, in great Detail, by a (Since Fired) State Police Investigator who Methodically DESTROYED the Hoax Narrative with Loads of Evidence.