Democratic House Would Make Gun Control A Top Priority
BY Herschel Smith
If Democrats control the House in 2019 they would quickly schedule floor action on gun violence prevention, protections for “Dreamers” and infrastructure, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Tuesday.
“When we win and we take over in January, some of the issues that will come up soon are the issues we are asking the speaker to take up now,” Pelosi said, naming those three issues.
Speaking during a town hall event with students at Georgetown University, the California Democrat several times used phrasing that suggests she’s not thinking about “if” Democrats retake the House but “when.“
She’s right, I’m certain, it’s not if but just a matter of when. And they’re not even waiting until they have a democratic president. They want it now.
What do you think will happen if the democratic house hands Mr. Donald “Ban the bump stocks take the guns first” Trump a spending bill with gun control attached to it? For the answer, consider what he did when a republican congress did that very thing with CDC spending for “gun studies,” support for a bump stock ban and Fix-NICS.
On April 25, 2018 at 8:29 am, Ned said:
“Conservatives” conserve nothing. It is a defensive posture to the left. It’s a process of surrender. There is no conservative plan to move liberty forward.
If the Democrats stated a desire to burn all the books in the library, Republicans would object, and the solution would be to implement a slower destruction of all the books – phasing in the burnings over a 5 year period.
This is why the alt-right is inevitable. When Republicans run the show and we get a bump-stock ban, and heaven know whatever next, we certainly won’t have to wait for the Democrats to become totally screwed.
On April 25, 2018 at 11:15 am, Jaque said:
Will Americans rise up in a collective revolt against a national gun ban and confiscation or will they submit like servile fools? My bet is submission. Even by the those who have a safe full of AR-15’s and 5000 rnds of ammunition. The thought of losing their freedoms, and home and all savings and possessions will outweigh their desire for freedom and gun ownership.
On April 25, 2018 at 12:24 pm, June J said:
@Jaque – what will YOU do, submit or revolt?
On April 25, 2018 at 6:32 pm, Gryphon said:
I believe that it will take only a Few, High-Profile, Very Messy Fails at ‘Gun Confiscation’ for the politicians to be Staring at full-on Civil War in their Faces.
If a Group were to “Resist” and it turned into another ‘Waco Massacre’ with Tanks and Drones, no .gov employee ANYWHERE would be Safe. Nor their Families.
Jaque – You are either a Coward or a .gov Shill- “The thought of losing their freedoms, and home and all savings and possessions…” is going to drive a Certain Number of people to Acts of Violence the libtards like pelosi and schumer cannot Contemplate, and Won’t Believe when they See it.
Surrendering your Weapons is the path to Surrendering EVERYTHING, including Your Life. Be our Guest, too many useless eaters around these Days.
On April 25, 2018 at 8:31 pm, Longbow said:
The gun industry will experience its biggest boom EVER! WooHoo! Let the festivities commence!
On April 26, 2018 at 5:24 am, DAN III said:
Should a blatant weapons confiscation be initiated by the .gov politicians, determine your target priorities. While badged thugs most assuredly will be the enforcers of a weapons confiscation attack on our Freedom and Liberty, do not ignore the political leadership.
Leadership….always remember the leaders, the politicians.
On April 26, 2018 at 7:11 pm, Jim said:
You’re telling me you don’t where the children of these liberal scumbags live. Better get cracking, time be short…..
On May 1, 2018 at 5:55 am, Frank Clarke said:
Of little value, his compunctions,
Who arrogates clavigerous functions,
When once from circumscribing pen
Is fled its equine denizen.
Codex Magniloquens, qto.II
Translation: this is what 7 decades of voting for the lesser of two evils has gotten you.