Stephen Willeford At The NRA Convention In Dallas
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 8 months ago
This video is worth watching to the end. First of all, I dislike the fawning over the NRA and even more over cops. Stephen is a good man, a very good man, but the thing about this service to the community is that it was unpaid and without regard for the safety of his own life.
As to the part about cops being “sheepdogs,” for me to think of cops that way would require a massive change in culture. For any individual to rise to the level of being a “sheepdog,” he must be unpaid, and Willeford didn’t think for one second about “coming home safely at the end of the day.” That’s why this was self-sacrifice. Cops who write and follow procedures that put officer safety first are not involved in self-sacrifice.
Here is the video.
He’s of course right about the sheepdogs needing a shepherd.
On May 7, 2018 at 3:09 pm, moe mensale said:
I don’t understand the adulation some direct toward those who have been found by the Supreme Court not to be what they claim to be – sheepdogs. Well, at least they got part of the description correct.
On May 7, 2018 at 4:57 pm, Steve Miller said:
I tried I just can’t bear the audio of the cheers for standing up because you belong to a gun control org (NRA – see 1934 NFA, 1938 FFA, 1968 GCA, 1986 FOPA 1994 AWB 2018 BSB etc.) then he follows up with that stupid “First Responders” no dumb*** those are the people that show up AFTER BEING CALLED BY THE ACTUAL FIRST RESPONDERS. And I am a fire dept volunteer (ham radio/emergency comms operator) so I know a thing or two about the FR myth. Similar to calling non-LEOs “civilians”