Teenager Found Not Guilty Of Capital Murder In The Shooting Of A SWAT Officer
BY Herschel Smith
It’s a video and I don’t want to embed it, so go watch. It’s short.
He shot down the stairway of his home when he thought someone had broken in. Someone did break in – a SWAT team. The report doesn’t say why they were there.
He says he stopped shooting when he realized they were police officers. The good news is that a jury can actually find that a man has a right to defend his home regardless of the identity of the invaders.
The bad news: they did find him guilty of aggravated assault on a police officer. They can’t just let a man shoot a “hero of the community” and get away with it, can they?
And now for more bad news. Prosecutors are out there everywhere who want you to lay down and let home invaders ransack your home, rape your women and kill you. Just in case the home invaders happen to be cops, we need to consider their health and safety above yours. So, capital murder.
Prosecutors. I’m beginning to think that what @WRSA told me was true. The evil starts and ends with prosecutors.
On May 8, 2018 at 10:07 pm, Russian Troll-bot said:
A pity the guy didn’t have a hand grenade on him. Prosecutors are filth.
On May 9, 2018 at 6:27 am, DAN III said:
Please. Do not forget the district attorneys. Prosecutors are hired by the DA in his image and beliefs.
There are no good cops OR district attorneys.
On May 9, 2018 at 7:07 am, JoeFour said:
Everyone should read this book: Our Corrupt Legal System … PDF link below:
On May 9, 2018 at 8:06 am, Frank Clarke said:
“The evil starts and ends with prosecutors.”
Well… No. The evil starts and ends with prosecutorial immunity. “Gee Your Honor, I don’t know –how– that box of exculpatory evidence failed to get turned over to the defense. Sorry. We’ll do better next time.”
When that excuse is not followed by disbarment and a felony prison sentence, we must not be surprised that it happens again and again. As long as prosecutors (and police) are not held to the –higher– standards that their official power warrants, that power WILL be abused.
On May 9, 2018 at 9:38 am, Herschel Smith said:
You want to entrust yourself to yet another law, or lack thereof. It’s the sickness that affects so much of America today. Make some change, and the society will follow in moral bliss because the law says so.
But it’s the same corrupt legal system that would presumably hold prosecutors accountable when they screw up and overreach, and that system cannot be trusted because of the people.
And we’re back to sinful man. The problem is that children’s moral compass is eviscerated in school, and then they are sent to law schools where they learn the corrupt legal philosophies of Stanley Fish and Jacques Derrida. The days of men like Daniel Webster, who cared more about justice, are gone. But then, the days of men like Webster are gone.
And that’s the point. No new law, new covenant, lack of some law, or new legal system or lawsuit can save us. Learn to read my prose within the world and life view in which it is crafted (whether you agree is another matter).
America needs a reformation and spiritual awakening before it can sustain anything but another corrupt culture.
On May 9, 2018 at 3:29 pm, moe mensale said:
“Well… No. The evil starts and ends with prosecutorial immunity.”
Don’t forget the other evil twin – qualified immunity.
On May 9, 2018 at 5:14 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Again. It’s all merely a symptom. None of it is the cause.
On May 9, 2018 at 7:09 pm, TheOtherGeorge said:
“The problem is that children’s moral compass is eviscerated in school…”
The schools teach Communism. How to undo what it took the Marxists the better part of 70 years to accomplish? (subvert the education system). A Herculean (if not outright impossible) task. Although I despise the bastards, I have to admit to a begrudging admiration for their ability to stick to their goal of subverting our culture for more than two generations. How the hell is that even possible when it is so difficult to make any group of people focus on a task for even a fraction of an hour, let alone years?
On May 9, 2018 at 7:15 pm, Mack said:
One thing you should add to your commentary is foreign influence seeking to destroy our Republic, like George Soros.
He needs to be stopped; any suggestions?
* http://freebeacon.com/politics/soros-drops-1-5-million-san-diego-far-left-district-attorney-candidate/
* https://legalinsurrection.com/2018/05/george-soros-dumps-big-money-in-u-s-district-attorney-races/
Look, this is dangerous.
On May 9, 2018 at 9:43 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Soros would have absolutely no power whatsoever if men believed the Bible and were held accountable by their small group Christian communities. They aren’t held accountable because they have no small group Christian communities. They have no small group Christian communities because they don’t believe in God. They don’t believe in God because American Christians are lazy, anemic, powerless, and no longer practice the faith they say they have.
Communism is a religion. In order to teach it, you have to destroy the existing faith. In order to do that, one has to destroy the two basic building blocks without which there is no functional society: the church, and the family. Once that is done, it’s easy. When men no longer believe in anything, they come with empty minds made of mush. School is the symptom. Not the cause.
On May 10, 2018 at 11:56 am, Mack said:
@Herschel Smith said:
“They don’t believe in God because American Christians are lazy, anemic, powerless, and no longer practice the faith they say they have.”
The Loneliness of the Remnant Believer.
The sign of the times.