No, Controller, You’re Priorities Are All Wrong!
BY Herschel Smith
“If a cuss word on TV offends you more than pictures of dead children in Parkland or Newtown, then your priories are all wrong,” Davis replied to Tucker Carlson of Fox News. First, that’s a ridiculous argument that presupposes both aren’t offensive, but more illustrative of his mindset is that he presumes to impose his will over all others – a hallmark of all so-called “progressives.”
First, I’m still waiting for someone to deliver death certificates and coroner’s reports of the dead children at Newtown. I note with some suspicion that the Connecticut Chambers and Governor passed a law right after Newtown that forever sealed those records.
Second, if you believe that the NRA had anything to do with any of the events you listed (Newtown, Parkland), you’re priorities are all wrong, and you apparently (stupidly) believe in the ubiquitous power of the legal system to dictate the behavior of humans who have volitional choice.
On May 18, 2018 at 5:59 am, ragman said:
Was this the same idiot that said an AR15 could fire 150rnds in 15 seconds?
On May 18, 2018 at 12:16 pm, NOG said:
I really wish Fox would have recorded this about a hour before. Then when broadcasting the interview, have TC speak normally but mute every word this fascist spoke. Then after the interview TC would say “See how this works? Take away the Second and the First is right behind. It would make the point and bonus- make this fool look just like the fool he is.
On May 19, 2018 at 6:06 am, Ned said:
Just think what this maroon must think about AAA.