Gun Confiscation Genie Or Chimera?
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 8 months ago
As an aside, that the phrase “Molon Labe” is new to him shows a person profoundly ignorant of those he would turn into enemies. In fairness, his readership admittedly could leave most of us in the dust if the topics were men’s fashion tips, mixing the perfect martini or where to go for the best mankini wax job.
Then there is this.
This is existential. If Americans once more rebel against tyranny, there’s no reason to expect history will not repeat itself as far as the very personal and often violent Patriots vs. Tories conflicts that happened last time. If that does, those for whom no gun laws will ever be enough, and who egged it all on, should not delude themselves into thinking their roles will be overlooked …
I suspect that Holmes read the comments and email and saw that his prose was received poorly, deciding that he didn’t like what he saw. So he decided to write about it again. He was probably fabulating as to the true nature of the email, alleging personal threats when the mail had more to do with generic statements of philosophy.
As to Codrea’s first paragraph I lifted, it almost made me spit my coffee. As to his second paragraph, Holmes and others had better take the “generic statements of philosophy” very seriously. The people making the statements sure do.
As I said, I’m not very worried about Holmes. I’m very concerned about nickel and dime, death of a thousand cuts, constantly dripping, constantly badgering gun owners to death. A new AWB that doesn’t declare AR-15s illegal, just non-transferrable upon death. New laws that make it illegal to shoot AR-15s at ranges. New taxes and controls on ammunition. New banking laws that make it difficult if not impossible for gun manufacturers to do business.
We’ve discussed it all before. You know how to detect and prevent the flanking maneuvers, right?
On May 29, 2018 at 8:57 am, Gryphon said:
Captain – Panasonic Toughbook Computers are Coffee-Proof.
Cordrea Hits the Bullseye with …”those for whom no gun laws will ever be enough, and who egged it all on, should not delude themselves into thinking their roles will be overlooked .”
I really Doubt that the average libtard Gun-Banner has given a thought about how they (meaning the useful idiots like Holmes) are NOT surrounded by Armed Guards like the Political Class, and that the internet is the Greatest Open-Source Intelligence / Target Identification Device ever created…
On June 1, 2018 at 9:16 am, RDB said:
Holmes is an idiot, but unfortunately he is representative of the group we are fighting.
I especially like his analogy comparing addicts with gun users. He notes that guns are always present at shootings like alcohol or drugs are possessed by addicts. He wants to ban all guns but says nothing about banning all alcohol and drugs. Logic like this will lead to bans of knives, baseball bats, sticks, etc.