False Arrests Of Virginia CHP Holders
BY Herschel Smith
The Virginia State Police are way, way behind on entering CHP holder information into the Virginia Criminal Information Network (VCIN).
What that means is that if you are stopped by law enforcement, who for some reason doesn’t trust the validity of your CHP, and the officer queries VCIN, he might be told incorrectly that your permit doesn’t exist (if new) or has expired!
Supposedly the VCIN system puts up a message warning officer’s that it’s data is not to be blindly trusted, but I’m hearing some officers are doing so anyway and there have been arrests. If the VCIN information isn’t 100% accurate, why are the State Police even providing it? That’s a recipe for disaster.
What an awesome way to lose the mandate of heaven (to recapitulate a phrase MV used so often)! Impose an unconstitutional system of people to have to get state permission to exercise a God-given right, fail to catalog that permission, and then arrest them anyway.
I don’t want to hear one word about sympathy or support for LEOs. LEOs in Virginia have either [a] done this themselves, or [b] allow their colleagues to do this with impunity. Thus either way they are responsible for this evil act, each and every one of them, individually.
On June 6, 2018 at 6:18 am, ragman said:
“Individually responsible “? Now that’s a scary thought. I guess that means our state and local heroes will do what they want to, laws(all of which are illegal and unconstitutional) be damned. Avoid Virginia at all costs.
On June 6, 2018 at 8:40 am, Ned said:
Why I fear police lights on the car behind me much more than, say, a lowrider.
On June 6, 2018 at 4:18 pm, Adam Baum said:
“I don’t want to hear one word about sympathy or support for LEOs.” I’ll gladly comply with your request.
On June 6, 2018 at 9:06 pm, Fred said:
Let me just fix this for Ammoland here;
“The Virginia State Police are behind NOT entering CHP holder information…”
There we go.
On June 7, 2018 at 7:51 am, Shark said:
And the state should be liable for violation of those citizens’ rights, to the tune of a million dollars per false arrest. Bet the state could find the money to ensure prompt entry of the CHPs into the system promptly THEN, eh???
On June 7, 2018 at 7:45 pm, Gryphon said:
Virginia state PoLice are Total Scumbags. Look at what went on at that Rally/Riot in Charlotesville, where the VSP Actively Aided/Forced the ‘Antifa’ groups (that had been Bused In by Grygori Scwartz & co) into Attacking the otherwise peaceful rally. NO arrests were made of the ‘antifa’ participants or ORGANIZERS, although numerous Laws were broken regarding Inciting a Riot, and Wearing Masks in Public for the Purpose of Intimidating others… and Anti-Klan Law.
BTW, “Virginia” is supposedly a “Commonwealth”, not a “State”. Somebody tell me why there is a “State Police Force”?
Oops, 1871 and the “incorporation” of “Government”. The Republic no longer Exists…