North Carolina Democrats Want A California-Like Roster Of Certified Handguns
BY Herschel Smith
A trio of Democrats want North Carolina to follow California’s footsteps in governing gun safety.
The “Ensure Safe Handguns” bill instructs the N.C. Department of Public Safety to prohibit the use of handguns that have design flaws endangering users. The bill instructs the department to use California’s Roster of Handguns Certified for Sale as a model.
California has prohibited the sale of hundreds of handguns, affecting popular brands like Beretta, Colt and Smith & Wesson.
State Rep. Verla Insko of Chapel Hill, the Democratic House whip, referred to the proposal as a common-sense solution to an uncommon but deadly problem.
“I grew up in a hunting, gun owner family and had a brother who was a gunsmith and gun shop owner. Gun safety was a very high priority. Misfires are uncommon; but they can be deadly,” Insko said. “I heard of one recently in Orange County that involved a law enforcement officer’s handgun, a gun that would surely be on the approved list.”
Uh huh. “Misfires.” Say, that can’t have anything to do with keeping your booger hook of the bang switch, can it? Yea, I thought so.
The problem is that such lies and misdirects and misrepresentations are useful for rubes, idiots, soccer moms, and progs. North Carolina is full of them.
The point is that there is a low level civil war going on against liberty, and if we want to see this escalate into a moderate to high level civil war, this is how you do it.
Here’s a warning to North Carolina legislators. Don’t do it. I have no doubt that within the current framework this will die. But if the legislature is handed to the statists, I have no doubt that they will make hay.
Roy Cooper is a statist extraordinaire, and he’s never seen an infringement, destruction of liberty, tax or new law he doesn’t love. Elections have consequences.
On June 6, 2018 at 4:44 am, Joshua Smith said:
This is what happens when Yankees and Californian Hippies move in like entitled locusts.
No, we don’t have open carry, and yes, our roads are horrible.
But we have FAR less yanks and FAR cheaper cost of living here in Upcountry SC. Please come, everyone. Just don’t tell your friends.
On June 6, 2018 at 5:20 am, Ray said:
Walk up behind your enemy. Put your gun behind his or her ear. Shoot them. Repeat as needed until the communist party has been eliminated.
On June 6, 2018 at 7:16 am, Jack said:
I’m embarrassed to admit that Insko is my rep.
Unfortunately, this is a solidly Dem district, and it will be hard to replace her with someone less opposed to the Constitution.
On June 6, 2018 at 7:57 am, moe mensale said:
“The department would conduct firing and other tests to determine which firearms are unsafe.”
Of course, there’d be absolutely no bias having a state agency in a position to determine which firearms are safe or not safe. We can be assured the agency will be non-partisan in its determinations.
This is why SAAMI was founded at the direction of the federal government and why firearm safety standards don’t fall under the auspices of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. To avoid all political influence.
On June 6, 2018 at 8:08 am, moe mensale said:
“California has prohibited the sale of hundreds of handguns, affecting popular brands like Beretta, Colt and Smith & Wesson.”
All new handgun models must be tested and passed by CA’s Dept of Justice firearms compliance unit. ALL changes, including non-functional changes, must be submitted and tested. A currently approved handgun can be offered in a new color by the manufacturer and that “new” version must be resubmitted and retested. And it’s a costly process for the manufacturer. This is how many mainstream handguns get removed from the approved list. Because the manufacturer doesn’t want to spend the time and money getting their new green, functionally identical to their old blue model tested and approved. CA found a very sly way of shrinking the available handgun pool.
On June 6, 2018 at 11:02 am, Bill Robbins said:
CA’s roster ensures that CA purchasers of firearms have access to the the most advanced firearms that were available 30 years ago. The roster is a marvel of ideological stupidity and political dishonestly. Gen4 Glock? Forget it. Gen5 Glock? No way. Yet, CA law enforcement can use Gen5 Glocks? Why? Because Gen 5s are safer than Gen4 and Gen3? Because CA law enforcement wants to use the same new Glocks that law enforcement can use in all/most other states?
Logic flew out the window decades ago.
On June 7, 2018 at 2:53 pm, Pat Hines said:
I think we should all stop giving communists the benefit of considering them just ignorant and unknowledgeable.
I assign the descriptors vicious, venal, corrupt, conniving, and stronger words. They are NOT educable, they don’t want to know more.
They want us disarmed.
That applies in places like Charlottesville where communists run the government, we frightened them so much they’ve engaged law professors from Georgetown University to engage us with lawfare. Today, Charlottesville is the most lawless town in Virginia.
They want us dead.
That’s why they imprison us and let Black Lives Matter go without even a slap on the wrist.
On June 10, 2018 at 10:52 am, William Ashbless said:
This part was not covered: the handgun drop test specifically exempts Single Action Revolvers from being subject to testing. Single action revolvers, specifically Colt 1873 and Millions of clones and reproductions, are available to the public despite a reputation for discharging when dropped.
Another feature of California’s Sham ‘Safety’ Law allows law enforcement to purchase guns that are deemed ‘deemed’ unsafe for civilian use.