Cuomo Pushes “Red Flag” Bill To Remove Guns From Homes Of “Troubled Students”
BY Herschel Smith
From a reader, NY Post:
Teachers and school administrators would have the power to petition a judge to remove guns from the homes of troubled students under a measure pushed Tuesday by Gov. Cuomo.
Flanked at his Midtown office by teachers-union leaders Randi Weingarten and Michael Mulgrew and other anti-gun advocates, Cuomo said his “red flag” measure would make New York the first state in the nation to offer such empowerment to teachers.
Christian school parents have heard and used the phrase en loco parentis.
This isn’t it. Under this framework, teachers are vessels of the state and have all the police powers thereto. John Dewey and Horace Mann would be happy about this if they weren’t in hell.
On June 8, 2018 at 8:09 am, dad29 said:
I’ll be the bad-guy fussbudget here: the term is “IN loco parentis.”
On June 8, 2018 at 11:57 am, Chris Mallory said:
“en loco parentis” Makes perfect sense when a Christian school parent refers to a public school parent. Just use the “modern” meaning of “loco”.
“Look! Crazy Parent!”
I send my child to a private Christian school because I wouldn’t let the government train my dog. Why would I give them my child?
On June 8, 2018 at 4:41 pm, Jeffrey Dege said:
If they truly believed someone was a threat to society, they’d be holding him for evaluation, not just taking his guns then leaving him free to walk the streets.
On June 8, 2018 at 7:46 pm, jim said:
Jeffrey: These communist hippies are just looking for a way to control all of us more!!!
On June 8, 2018 at 9:05 pm, Fred said:
Fuck Horace Mann. May he burn forever.
On June 11, 2018 at 3:28 am, DAN III said:
Whatever happened to readin’, ‘ritin and ‘rithmatic ?
On June 11, 2018 at 6:15 am, Strick9 said:
Think about this one for a minute. The power to strip SOMEONE ELSE of their 2nd amendment rights for another person’s actions or in this case, potential actions. This is the movie Minority Report coming true.