Note To Gun Shops: You Can Intuit Your Way To Knowledge, Or You Can Read The Captain’s Journal
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 7 months ago
Via David Codrea, this.
Several gun-related businesses were suddenly — and without warning — disrupted in recent weeks when Intuit stopped processing credit card payments because sales were gun-related, The Post has learned.
Some of the payments stopped didn’t even involve firearms, but simply T-shirts and coffee mugs and gun safety classes, according to small business owners.
As a result, the businesses had to scramble to track down customers to get them pay their bills after Intuit credited back to customers’ accounts the purchases — even if the T-shirt was already shipped or the class already taken, one businessman told The Post.
At Gunsite Academy, a Paulden, Ariz., company that provides marksmanship training in addition to selling guns that ship to a licensed gun shop near the customer’s home, Ken Campbell was dinged by Intuit’s action.
Campbell, a former Indiana sheriff, had just switched credit card processors this spring — to Intuit, the parent of TurboTax and Quicken software — when the trouble began, he said.
Intuit told Campbell it mistakenly believed firearm sales were being made directly to the customers.
Campbell explained the guns were shipped to a local dealer with a federal firearms license who ran the required background checks. Intuit was unmoved.
Honor Defense, a Georgia firearms maker that ships only to other dealers, had a similar experience with Intuit.
Gary Ramey, president of Honor Defense, told Gun Talk radio host Tom Gresham that Intuit “reversed charges” on his customers as well.
Honor Defense could not immediately be reached for comment.
They’re reporting only on what we discussed almost three weeks ago. So the issue with Gunsite is a recapitulation of information already out there. But there is no excuse for Honor Defense.
And there is no excuse for any other gun shop to learn the hard way. This change should already have been made before Intuit dings their customers.
I’ll stipulate that this site is rather niche, I just don’t get why a gun shop wouldn’t be the first folks to check the gun blogs daily. Are they out of touch with their customer base or the politics that determines how they will do business?
On June 12, 2018 at 1:35 am, Nosmo said:
I’ve said this before – as have a great many others – but it’s long past time for the non-Left segment of the political and social environment to divorce itself from the Left and its infrastructure.
Today it’s gun businesses, who knows what will inflame the ire of the Left tomorrow.
The large Leftist outfits – Google, Bank of America, Facebook, et al – will be largely unfazed by shifting dollars to non-Left institutions, but everything below the mega-Lefties can be impacted. Intuit, for example, isn’t so big that its bottom line cannot be affected; whether such action produces a philosophical change in the organization is irrelevant – Intuit (and others) have shown their true colors, so once abandoned there should be no return.
As has often been said, “the longest journey begins with a single step,” the time to begin the transition is Today.
On June 12, 2018 at 7:09 am, Fred said:
Saw this yesterday all over the gun sphere including Gun Feed (A site I respect) and had the same thought; Doesn’t everybody already know this? Guess not. I saw it here first, weeks ago.
Shop owners may not have time to review gun blogs daily. Running a small biz is hard work. Do they not have allied friends?
On June 12, 2018 at 12:51 pm, moe mensale said:
Something is happening if the MSM is finally getting around to reporting this. Even they are late to the party.
On June 12, 2018 at 1:00 pm, Gryphon said:
Somehow this looks like a kind of Financial Fraud going on, a Company offering Transaction Services and then ‘Reversing the Charges’ in a way that Harms both parties in the Deal. Wonder if a Law Firm might see Intuit as a ‘Deep Pockets’ Target?