Shreveport Cop Negligent Discharge While Teaching Gun Safety To Interns
BY Herschel Smith
A Shreveport police officer is under an administrative investigation after he accidentally fired his department-issued gun while teaching two summer interns about gun safety.
Cpl. Marcus Hines accidentally fired his department-issued .40-caliber Glock handgun around 11 a.m. on Wednesday, June 20, while inside his office, according to a police report.
Hines told the department that neither he nor the two public information office interns — a 21-year-old woman and a 22-year-old man — were injured.
Hines’s work assignment is to serve as a department spokesman. Calls to him Thursday evening regarding the incident were not returned.
According to police reports, Hines and the interns recently returned from watching the department’s special response team receive tactical training when Hines began to discuss department-issued weapons and gun safety.
During the conversation, Hines unholstered his gun, removed the magazine and then removed a round from the chamber. He was telling the interns how one should always point the gun in a safe direction when it fired, said Chief Administrative Assistant Ben Raymond in a statement.
The round penetrated the carpet of Hines’ office. Police later removed round fragments near Hines’ desk and took photos of the scene, police said.
After the gun went off, Hines followed police protocol and contacted a supervisor. Hines was then taken to Willis-Knighton Work Kare for substance-abuse screening, police said.
Hines told police he was trying to make the weapon “safe” when the gun went off.
I know. It just went off. I hate it when that happens to me.
But here’s a tip that’s helped me a lot. Take those dumb ass ear buds out when you’re on duty and trying to keep life safe for folks.
On June 25, 2018 at 6:55 am, Frank Clarke said:
“Hines unholstered his gun, removed the magazine and then removed a round from the chamber.”
Yeah… I’d speculate those operations weren’t completed in EXACTLY that order…
On June 25, 2018 at 7:39 am, Fred said:
This is great news. If my gun ever ‘went off’ or ‘it fired’ this must mean that the gun has the hassle and legal bills and months long Ad nauseam tedium of a negligent discharge explanation after explanation to every two bit petty kingdom maker in local guv. And perhaps additional charges of discharging a weapon within city limits and about 10 other completely random charges just because tyrants hate us. So I’m off the hook then because ‘it fired’? Great news.
(Heaven forbid)
On June 25, 2018 at 11:37 am, June J said:
@Frank Clarke – I’m betting you are correct. Order is extremely important!
Earlier this year, at the end of a night fire handgun class, the instructor had everyone line up, remove the magazines from their guns, rack the slide twice and then point the gun downrange and pull the trigger. The guy next to me didn’t get the order right, ejected two rounds, then removed the magazine leaving a round in the chamber which fired when he pulled the trigger. Wouldn’t have been too bad, except the instructor also told us before lining up to remove our hearing protection so we could hear exactly what he was saying to do. I really didn’t need any additional hearing damage.
The student in question had been warned repeatedly that day about keeping his muzzle pointed downrange.
On June 25, 2018 at 11:53 am, moe mensale said:
Well, at least the Cpl. didn’t claim the gun became sentient and went off by itself. :)
On June 27, 2018 at 9:25 pm, Talktome said:
I’ve seen this play before. The narrative in the story simply cannot be accurate, give the discharge that occurred. Instead, the truth is this idiot cleared the round in the chamber, then let the slide go forward, then dropped the mag. Pull trigger = bang. I watched a 2LT on deployment pull this same maneuver clearing her weapon before entering a admin bldg. after the first round cooked off, the idiot repeated the process with predictable results. Yeesh. Was this idiot teaching gun safety to interns supposed to be irony?