Happy Independence Day
BY Herschel Smith
Happy independence day.
Enjoy it with family and friends. And remember. King George was just a man. There have been many other such men throughout history, are many such now, and will be many in the future, who would “erect a multitude of New Offices,” and send “hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.”
All usurpation of God’s authority and governance over mankind is wickedness. Always and forever.
On July 4, 2018 at 10:07 am, downeasthillbilly said:
“. . . mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses . . .”
God gives us inalienable rights, but we retain only those rights which we are personally willing to assert and defend. We have allowed our rights to be eroded by that long train of abuses.
I have a new grand-daughter . . .
On July 4, 2018 at 11:00 am, Fred said:
It’s a good day to reflect on the blessings we still have. It’s a good day for a little inventory. Happy independence day Herschel.
Congratulations hillbilly, I pray you raise her up in the way that she should go, in the fear and admonition of our LORD Christ the Holy Saviour. Prov 22:6 and Eph 6:4
On July 4, 2018 at 11:16 pm, TheAlaskan said:
On August 28, 1776, George R_______ (left blank on purpose,) his two sons, Elijah and Ezekiel, their two uncles, Samuel and Joseph, brothers of George, mustered into the 3rd Western Battalion of the Western Maryland Militia, commanded under Capt. Griffith Johnson’s Company. Their battles were:
Brandywine Creek-loss- George Washington Commanding General.
Germantown-loss-George Washington Commanding General.
Monmouth-loss-Maj Gen. Horatio Gates Commanding.
Camden-loss-Maj Gen. Horatio Gates Commanding.
Guilford Courthouse-tactical British victory-Maj Gen. Nathaniel Green Commanding.
Yorktown-win-led to treaty of Paris of 1783.
George R_______(left blank on purpose) was my seventh great-grandfather, 123 years after the first R_______(left blank on purpose) immigrant.