Just How Deep Did ATF Weapons Trafficking To Mexico Go Anyway?
BY Herschel Smith
“Did the State Department issue the Justice Department a license or a written waiver in order to allow for the transfer of thousands of weapons across the U.S.-Mexico border?”
[ … ]
If an answer was provided to those questions, it is not reflected in the 100 page June 29 response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed against State by attorney Stephen Stamboulieh representing Kent Terry, the brother of slain Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and me.
Read the whole thing. Yea, it’s very difficult to get any government agency to respond to embarrassing FOIAs. I’ve still never gotten an answer to my FOIA on who issued arming orders to the National Guard or other troops involved in Hurricane Katrina gun confiscations, and I’ve asked multiple times.
Ignoring FOIA requests is part and parcel of .gov, whether local, state or federal. The law may as well not exist as far as I’m concerned.
When the sheepdog turns on the sheep and couples up with the wolves, who will protect the sheep? What happens when the sheepdog goes corrupt and ignores the safety of the flock when they’re merely doing the bidding of the wicked shepherd?
On July 9, 2018 at 12:47 pm, moe mensale said:
“Sheepdog” no longer means what it once meant. And hasn’t for a very long time.
On July 10, 2018 at 6:19 pm, James Higginbotham said:
they didn’t issue any LICENSE .
On July 10, 2018 at 6:38 pm, TexRancher said:
When will they be prosecuted? Surely, there are laws they violated here and also in Mexico.
On July 10, 2018 at 10:47 pm, Longbow said:
Quote: “When the sheepdog turns on the sheep and couples up with the wolves, who will protect the sheep?”
I’ll tell you who. The Master with a rifle. The Master OWNS both the Sheep and the Sheepdog. If the Sheepdog joins with the wolves, it must be killed post haste. Then the Master will find another Sheepdog to herd his sheep, to bark and snarl, to nip at the sheep’s heels, to move the herd the direction the Master wants it moved, which is, to be perennially sheered and ultimately to be slaughtered.
When you use “Sheepdog” the above is what you are saying.
I don’t see my neighbor as “sheep” i.e., the Master’s property. I am NOT in need of a “Sheepdog” to herd me. I am the master of my life. I will defend my life, by force of arms if necessary, most especially against someone who sees himself as my “master” and sends his “sheepdog” to herd me to slaughter.
I’m sick of hearing it.
Knock it off!
On July 13, 2018 at 8:42 am, MarkPA said:
An important question here is: Who is the “master” in this metaphor? In our system of government the citizens are the masters; government officials are their employees; the sheepdogs in this metaphor. If – and whenever – the employees/sheepdogs get out-of-line it is the right, the duty, of the master to restore the proper order. Neglecting to do so, the master shirks his duty. In our system the masters must vote in government officials who will do their bidding according to the master’s sentiments. When the masters re-elect employees who are not doing their duty the masters are simply perpetuating an unacceptable state of affairs. Eventually, the masters’ efforts will have to escalate; else, the system will invert.
Finally, we might ask, who are the sheep in this metaphor? Clearly there are some members of society who are less capable of fending for themselves. Children, women, the elderly, the infirm. Parents, husbands, adult children and neighbors may be unable to defend these in the moment. Few will be at liberty to leave their shops or farms to pursue evildoers. For this purposes, the “masters” employ “sheepdogs”, officers of the state, to pursue and punish evildoers.
On July 13, 2018 at 9:34 am, Fred said:
Mark, are you being sarcastic or have you truly not realized that we’ve lost all control over our country? Perhaps you’re waxing poetic about an era gone by?
On July 13, 2018 at 10:56 am, Herschel Smith said:
I don’t think many people are groking the “tongue-in-cheek” reference to “sheepdog” very much. Some folks take me too seriously.