Codrea On Kavanaugh
BY Herschel Smith
His views could be critical if and when SCOTUS hears a case challenging state bans on what they pejoratively term “assault weapons.” It still doesn’t get us to a birthright “to keep and bear … ordinary military equipment … that … could contribute to the common defense,” but it’s a better starting place than a court with many of the previous “Republican” picks on the bench (case in point: John Paul Stevens).
David is relatively pleased, or at least, satisfied under the circumstances. We could do a lot worse than Kavanaugh. I grok the sentiment, even though I am troubled at his views on the Fourth Amendment. Very troubled.
As commenter Michael observed, “[As] Far as I’m concerned, a “loss” on a fourth-amendment case is a loss for the second amendment as well.”
He is a mixed bag. But at least it’s not William Pryor, or at least inasmuch as we can judge at the moment. I may have more to say about William Pryor later. His views could be summarized as “If someone knocks on the door, leave your guns in the drawer, lay down on the floor and beg for mercy from intruders because it could be a cop and they’re special and you’re not. Their safety is paramount.”
William Pryor is a swine. Let’s pray that Kavanaugh doesn’t turn out to be that as well.
On July 13, 2018 at 9:17 am, Fred said:
“but it’s a better starting place”
I’m not poking at Mr. Codrea. But language matters. If we’re to fix this country we need to be precise.
It’s not a ‘better starting place’. This starting place is; ‘not as bad’. Because, it is bad. ‘Better assumes it’s ‘good’ or goodish. It’s not, it’s ‘bad’. Better flips the mind to positive. Maybe he used it on purpose.
And at least it isn’t so-and-so being nominated is a slavish attitude. Please stop.
Is the empire still garnishing your wages and conducting warfare across the globe for reasons that are not just, let alone biblical? Nothing happening in DC is good, well, I haven’t checked the news today, is it burning to the ground with bodies hanged from the lampposts everywhere?
Go team R, go team R. Yeah? Screw team R.
On July 13, 2018 at 11:56 am, JD said:
I generally agree w/Codrea on most items, and this is no exception. Just as the collectivists have used the ‘boiled frog’ technique to infringe on freedom over the decades, we can also use to same technique to walk it back, if it can be done. This side of going “full-semi” I believe it may be the best option to actually see gains instead of the constant losses.
I know some like to couch it in terms of all-or-nothing, and while I dream of the day that all can be achieved without bloodshed, I am also a realist that would like to keep the frog in the pot and not have to chase it down with lead. Fred is right in that “less-bad” is still bad, however something is still better than nothing (or even less). While eventually we may have no other option than the final one, I would prefer to exhaust ALL possibilities before we get there.
On July 13, 2018 at 2:00 pm, Gryphon said:
No Doubt just another Swamp-Dweller, or He never would have been picked in the First Place…. Probably if one were to investigate his ‘background’ he is like the Rest a Member of more than a Handful of ‘secret society’ groups, Fraternities, Religious Orders. This info would be a much clearer picture of Who he is Beholden to and Co-Conspires with.
JD may be an Optimist in regards that the “system” can be Corrected from Within; however, as a Realist, I think we’ve Passed that Point about a Century Ago. The “Ballot Box” is only capable of giving us a Two-Faced Coin that belongs to the “Money Power” that OWNS the Congress and government.
It is by the “Cartridge Box” that We will Win our Freedom, and only After the feral government Beast is Choking on its own Filth.