Is Politico Connecting Latino Voters With Socialism?
BY Herschel Smith
A new POLITICO/AARP poll shows Democrats ahead by 7 points in generic ballots in both the governor’s and Senate races. But to actually win statewide elections in this highly ethnically polarized state, Democrats will need to juice turnout among younger and especially older Latinos, who have tended to vote at lower rates than other voters in their age group — who also are trending ever more Republican. And not just in purplish Arizona: All across the U.S. Southwest, Latino voters could be the key to flipping Republican strongholds from red to blue, if only the Democratic Party can figure out how to get enough of them to the polls. Solve that mystery, and even a GOP-dominated state like Texas could suddenly be in play.
Why yes, I believe they are. And say, what does all of this have to do with recognition of second amendment rights anyway?
On July 17, 2018 at 8:32 am, SGT.BAG said:
When Latinos can vote for a Mexican and American president you can kiss everything goodbye. Cultural-terraforming.
On July 17, 2018 at 9:02 am, Fred said:
The Catholic Church taught them the value of being a free shit army very well. Men at arms threaten that dot guv gravy train you see.
On July 17, 2018 at 11:27 am, Bill Robbins said:
From my look-out, here in California, it is clear that Democrats have created a “Democratic Socialist” wing to attract Latino voters, most of whom (along with their parents and great-grandparents) grew up under socialist rulers, regimes and juntas. What could be more familiar to a Latino voter than good-old, warm, fuzzy, systemically and culturally corrupt socialism?
On July 17, 2018 at 11:43 am, george said:
This is why any talk of “bringing the nation together” is just nonsense. The U.S. is no longer a nation. It is an empire held together by force. Hispanics will vote for their own. They tolerated whites while they had to in the democrat party. The dems next presidential candidate will more than likely be black. After that (if the country is still around as constituted) Hispanics will be in total control of the democrat party.
If I was betting, we will only have one more president after Trump. After that the country will no longer be constituted as it is now.