Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Georgia Cops Use Coin Flip To Decide Whether To Arrest Woman

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago


A flip of a coin by Georgia cops determined a woman’s fate during a traffic stop in April, body camera footage showed.

The video showed Roswell police officers laughing as they used a coin-flip app to decide whether to detain Sarah Webb during a traffic stop, 11 Alive reported.

Officer Courtney Brown was heard asking Webb whether she knew how fast she was going. Webb apologized and said she was late for work, and Brown asked her to turn off the car and hand over her keys.

“The ground is wet and it’s been raining you’re going over 80 miles an hour on this type of a road. That’s reckless driving,” Brown said.

“I’m so sorry,” Webb replied.

Brown returned to her police cruiser to talk with fellow officers about whether to arrest Webb or just give her ticket.

“What do you think?” Kristee Wilson, a responding officer, was heard saying.

Brown said she “didn’t have speed detection,” but the other officer pointed out that the body camera recorded her cruiser’s speed, which would have shown how fast she was going to catch up to Webb.

Brown was then heard saying, “Hold on,” as she opens a coin-flip app on her phone. Wilson suggested that heads should mean arrest and tails should mean release. Brown agreee (sic) and flipped the coin in the app.

“A [arrest] head, R[release] tail,” Wilson said.

“OK,” Brown replied.

“This is tails, right?” Wilson asked.

“Yeah, so release?” Brown responded.

“23 [the police code for arrest],” Wilson replied.

“Michael Jordan?” Brown said while laughing. “All right, so I’ve got too fast for conditions, reckless…”

So one thing I’ll point out is that pointing to your own speedometer, or saying that you “had to drive so-and-so MPH to catch up” has no bearing on anything at all, and jurors who believe that are idiots.  Catching up to a car isn’t the same thing as driving the same speed as the other car.  I trust that I don’t have to perform calculus to demonstrate that.

Second, it appears as if this is the same thing we’ve seen before, i.e., hiring the lowest common denominator pathological morons to perform LEO duties.  In this case it’s a little different in that these are “mean girls” back in a high school lunch room who didn’t happen to like the person they stopped.

Justice in Amerika.

Open Carry Now Allowed For Retired LEOs In California

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

News from California.

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a bill by Assemblyman Tom Lackey allowing retired law enforcement officials to openly carry firearms.

The new law, Assembly Bill 1192, gives retired peace officers permission to openly carry firearms with a high-capacity magazine.

With the previous passage of the Safety For All Act of 2016, it was against state law for any person to carry a high-capacity firearm as of July 2017. The new legislation redefines “honorably retired” to “include a retired reserve officer who has met specified length of service requirements,” according to the bill by Lackey, R-Palmdale.

I wonder whether there is a cop anywhere in America that I would actually consider to be a “peace officer” rather than a cop or LEO.

Under California Penal Code 26350 it is a crime to openly carry a firearm, even if it is unloaded.  They can openly carry because they are special and you aren’t.


Peter Strzok Is A Good Reason To Bring Back Public Hanging

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

NY Post:

Who is this jerk, I wondered, and how in the hell did he get to be a big shot at the FBI? And why are taxpayers still paying for the privilege of his malignant presence on the FBI payroll?

My answers can be summarized in four names: James Comey, Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray. They are chief culprits in the death of public trust in the Department of Justice.

The cause of death was murder, and it was an inside job.

Strzok, whose voluminous texts with his office lover show him to be a king of partisan bias, rose to leadership positions under former FBI director Comey — and it shows. Comey’s self-righteousness was his ultimate undoing, but not before he led the agency into a double death grip of corruption and rank partisanship.

I don’t think it’s as clear as blaming the FBI on folks like Strzok, or blaming Strzok for following the lead of his mentors.  The FBI is wicked, and wicked people gravitate to it.  It’s a symbiotic relationship – the FedGov is an organism, not an organization.

But Strzok is an especially bad case, yes?  He is an emasculated male who hates himself and everyone around him.  Take a look at this brief video of his reactions during the hearing.  I didn’t see the hearing because I don’t watch TV.  It holds no interest for me.

No man acts like that, not around other people, and not when he is alone.  He’s the FBI equivalent of a high school mean girl who hates the other clique and shows them with his facial features.  He’s a drama-queen.  And yet, he has immense power.

He is a good example of why we need to bring back public hanging.  He attempted to use his regulatory influence and powers to obviate the duly constituted processes of our republic as conceived by our founders.  He is a traitor.

School children need to see what we do with traitors.  He should be publicly hanged, with school let out early for all the children to watch.  It would be good and healthy for America.

FBI Tags:

Bears Just Don’t Care, And Coywolves Only A Little Bit

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

Charlotte Observer, news from Atlanta.

A Georgia woman screamed in fright as a bear climbed through an open window and into her minivan, tore up a child seat and ate her lunch.

“A bear beat me to my lunch today and is now hanging out in my van for over an hour and I have set the alarm off multiple times!” Carrie Watts posted on Facebook with her video of the bear.

Watts was working as a caretaker in a home Tuesday on Lake Burton, in the northeastern corner of the state, when she looked outside as the large black bear munched away., Atlanta Fox affiliate WAGA-TV reported.

The bear ate her sandwich, chips and cookie, Watts told WSB-TV, the ABC affiliate in Atlanta.

“I panicked. I started screaming,” she told WSB-TV.

She set her minivan’s alarm off multiple times to no avail, Watts posted on Facebook. The bear stayed in the vehicle for an hour before leaving, she posted.

I don’t think a car alarm is going to do the trick dear.  In other news of Coywolves, they are where you might least expect them.

A coyote has been terrorizing two East Bay neighborhoods, killing at least four dogs and injuring several others in people’s backyards in the past month.

One of the attacks happened last week in Danville when a coyote leaped a six-foot high fence of a home and went after two dogs who lived there. Though the dogs survived, other pets were not so fortunate.

Nine-year-old Lucy is recovering from surgery after a coyote attacked her in her own Alamo backyard on July 6. Kent Molinaro says he was in shock when he looked out the window and saw his Jack Russell Terrier.

“I see a coyote with Lucy in his mouth,” Molinaro said.

[ … ]

“All of a sudden he made a funny bark and I saw one of the two dogs being carried to the back fence of the yard,” said Danville resident Dave Bruce.

As the dog was being attacked, another pet nipped at the coyote until he dropped him.

And much farther to the East.

Police in Burlington, Massachusetts, are reminding residents to be vigilant after a coyote possibly attacked a dog on Thursday night.

Authorities said a Winn Street resident reported that a wild animal, potentially a coyote, came into her backyard at about 8 p.m. and grabbed her 9 pound Maltese, pulling it into the woods.

Responding officers searched the perimeter of the woods but were unable to locate the dog.

“This was a very unfortunate situation where a resident lost her beloved pet,” Burlington Police Chief Michael Kent said.

[ … ]

To prevent those attacks, police recommend the following tips:

  • Keep pets on leashes at all times if outdoors
  • Do not approach, feed, pet, or try to interact with wildlife
  • Don’t hesitate to scare or threaten wild animals with loud noises or bright lights

Hey, does a .45 ACP count as a loud noise?

I guess the moral of the story is that a bear just doesn’t give a shit about anything.  A Coywolf, only a little bit.

New Jersey Gun Confiscations

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

David Codrea:

Before judging him for that, consider the environment that is New Jersey. Then consider the overwhelming force the state can bring to bear, and its predisposition to using it, especially if it’s to enforce citizen disarmament. It’s easy to anonymously declare “Molon Labe” on the internet. In meatspace, resistance is more effective when the aggressor doesn’t get to dictate the time and place, especially if that place is your home and you have family inside.

Oh sure, I’ve got that.  I’m not sure if and when he’ll ever get them back, though, or how this ends.

Throwing down with a SWAT team in your front doorstep isn’t a good option.  When it comes to it, 4GW will be necessary to end this infringement.

In the mean time, I’m not sure why any thinking man would choose to live in New Jersey.  As for the cops, they are swine.  Every one of them who participated in this, and all of their colleagues back at the station since they allow this sort of thing to happen.

I guess that includes all of them since I folded in both the participants and the non-participants.

Houston Psychologist: Children Inadvertently Pick Locks And Cannot Be Trusted Anywhere Near Weapons

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago


At least four children have accidentally shot themselves in the Houston-area this year. All of those children were 6 years old or younger, and three of them died from their wounds. The most recent incident on Tuesday at a Hockley-area home left a 4-year-old boy in critical condition.

Young children generally don’t associate guns with death, and therefore, can’t be trusted anywhere near the weapon, Houston child psychologist Michelle Forrester said.

Forrester, who has been a licensed psychologist practicing in Texas since 1995, works with children under the age of 8. On the heels of two incidents in which Houston-area children accidentally shot themselves, Forrester opined that young children, including those who grew up with firearm education, shouldn’t even be in the same home as a gun.

[ … ]

But Forrester said young children are curious and apt to explore a home. In some instances, they might inadvertently break the combination to a lock box, she said.

They’ll apparently just hand a psychology degree to anybody these days I guess.  Perhaps she ought to take a course in probability and statistics.  She’d find another reason to hate guns, but at least she’d have to retool her argument and wouldn’t sound so ignorant and uneducated.

Bear Country Guns

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

Via correspondent Fred Tippens.

Uh oh.  Queue up The Alaskan on this .357 Magnum focus.  I’m sure he’ll consider that too small.  I’m neither advocating nor denying what the author says.  I’m dropping it out there for your take.  In the mean time, that’s one mean, bad looking critter, yes?


Codrea On Kavanaugh

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago


His views could be critical if and when SCOTUS hears a case challenging state bans on what they pejoratively term “assault weapons.” It still doesn’t get us to a birthright “to keep and bear … ordinary military equipment … that … could contribute to the common defense,” but it’s a better starting place than a court with many of the previous “Republican” picks on the bench (case in point: John Paul Stevens).

David is relatively pleased, or at least, satisfied under the circumstances.  We could do a lot worse than Kavanaugh.  I grok the sentiment, even though I am troubled at his views on the Fourth Amendment.  Very troubled.

As commenter Michael observed, “[As] Far as I’m concerned, a “loss” on a fourth-amendment case is a loss for the second amendment as well.”

He is a mixed bag.  But at least it’s not William Pryor, or at least inasmuch as we can judge at the moment.  I may have more to say about William Pryor later.  His views could be summarized as “If someone knocks on the door, leave your guns in the drawer, lay down on the floor and beg for mercy from intruders because it could be a cop and they’re special and you’re not.  Their safety is paramount.”

William Pryor is a swine.  Let’s pray that Kavanaugh doesn’t turn out to be that as well.

It’s Always Nice To Meet A Fellow Patriot

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

The U.S. Army Still Wants A Gun That Does Everything

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

“The NGSAR will address operational needs identified in various capability-based assessments and numerous after action reports,” according to the PON solicitation document.

“It will combine the firepower and range of a machine gun with the precision and ergonomics of a rifle, yielding capability improvements in accuracy, range, and lethality,” the document continues. “The weapon will be lightweight and fire lightweight ammunition, improving soldier mobility, survivability, and firing accuracy.”

It will also be able to go to the latrine for you, take you to the dance, find your car keys, and most important, can sprinkle magic pixie dust from unicorn farts as they fly over the moon.

Then there’s this.

“They have some pretty aggressive goals with respect to lethality and weight and size and some other performance characteristics,” he said. “All of those things individually may be relatively easy but, when you start stacking them all together, that is really where it becomes complex and you need a new design.”

“There is not an easy button here …”

Well, you’d better try, because it’s what necessary for the brass to tell the demons, gargoyles and pit vipers in the Senate that women can actually do what God didn’t design their bodies to do, i.e., go to war and engage in combat.

My former Marine strongly believes that we’re going to have to lose another war in order to be recalibrated.  This next one will be bloody, and girls will come home in caskets while their parents were told this would be easy and clinical because of all the unicorn pixie dust rainbow farts.

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