Rummage your way to survival
BY WiscoDave
Well, made it past the halfway mark with no pitchforks and torches visible on the horizon. We’ll take that as a good thing.
As is our habit, we start once again with a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer.
As I’m sure most of you know the months of summer do far more than bring forth a bounty of corn and beans. They bring forth the ubiquitous rummage/garage/sale here signs that beckon you to wreck your wallet on the rocks of their wares.
But all is not lost, my mariner of the concrete (asphalt and gravel work, so does dirt) seas of the modern world. Bargains are to be had that can greatly aid you in your survival goals at a great savings when compared to the harpies of retail.
The key to successful navigation in these areas is to have a plan. Look first for obvious items such as garden tools: rakes (garden is my preferred type), shovels (pointed or flat are my preferred) along with a miscellany of small “planting type” tools are my personal “look fors.”
Granted, having a small farmstead makes it difficult to have too many of these things. Think ahead to how many other able bodies you might be dealing with and equip for them.
Next I look for outdoor “stuff.” Hunting items, heavy duty clothing and things of that nature. Hopefully it will fit me or my wife. After that, generic sizes will do for the “others.”
Next food preservation items. Canning equipment and supplies. Both water bath and pressure. Remember, you may not have electric so I’d lean more heavily towards the stove top variety. Also you need to consider how many are in, or might be in, your tribe. With canning equipment the more you can have going the faster (and more) can get done. Dehydrators are something of a “Holy Grail” item to find. While they require electricity you can run them 24/7 and preserve damn near everything. [Remember a few days ago when we talked of training? While a class in canning and preserving food is not as “sexy” as a small unit deployed in an ambush class might be, I’ll bet you spend more time eating than fighting. Just a guess. YMMV].
I could go on but your situation will be different than mine. A person in an apartment might see little use for shovels and rakes but I know a guy that has, I’m pretty sure at least one, multiple dehydrators going constantly. He does everything.
I’m thinking he’s almost got water down…
Don’t just think rummage sales. Thrift stores are also great to search through. Looking for bargains on food alone could be a whole ‘nother post.
I’m sure you see the point of all of this now. Yeah, you’re buying something used. What do you think that new shovel will be the day after you buy it?
Please remove pants before ironing.
Management is not responsible for items left overnight.
On August 3, 2018 at 8:32 am, James said:
My goal is old files/perhaps one day a anvil and old/solid(not hollow!) vices,I can never have enough vices.I would say whatever you want,look on CL,and,start with their free page,yes,mostly junk but have gotten a lot of decent stuff there for free.One of the best was a 4000 watt genny,cleaned the carb/new gas and oil/new plug and ran like a charm.I sold it for 300 and looking back should have kept,along with vices cannot have enough genny’s!
As for what future the shovel has after first day,given your earlier link would go with security device for another able bodied person!
Doing a good job holding down the fort,better you then me!As for pitchforks,we still have em and the week isn’t over!I would say perhaps a article repurposing said pitch fork would keep ya’s safe!
On August 3, 2018 at 11:13 am, Gator said:
Hurricane season once again on the Gulf Coast. They actually do put out some good deals occasionally at the beginning of the season. Things you can never have too much of, like little LED flashlights, and coleman stove propane tanks. I got a free full sized propane tank that even had some gas left in it not too long ago, just getting thrown out. Used it up in the grill, changed it out at Academy for 14.97. Can’t have too many of those, either. Which, this post reminds me, its time to change out the generator gas again. I store 91 octane ethanol free for the genny. Every few months I break my own rule about not coming home with less than half a tank of gas and drive my truck until its empty, and fill it up with the gas cans, then refill them fresh. Nice thing about ethanol free, never needed to add anything to it, and its never given me any trouble.
On August 3, 2018 at 6:54 pm, James said:
Gator,if little tanks in good shape can refill em off your 15 gal.propane tank,save a few bucks for one burner stove.
On August 4, 2018 at 5:40 am, Doc said:
Don’t be afraid to go a little outside of your location. Where we live now, lots of folks can fruits and vegetables, so canning supplies are rare and expensive at yard sales. Look on Craigslist and you can find stuff that folks buy thinking they are going to can (for example) but never do. Great deals but you have to travel a little. We’ve found here that old folks pass their canning stuff down to their children! But you can luck out. We got a 26 quart pressure cooker barely used from an old lady the other day for $10. A Gerber folding hunter 110 for $6. Like Wisco says, we didn’t need another pressure cooker or another knife for the prices were right and we can always find someone that really needs them.
On August 5, 2018 at 8:11 am, jon spencer said:
I generally look for quality knives, non-third world made hand tools and cast iron cook ware.