Fish Fry Friday
BY WiscoDave
The week is nearing its’ end. Soon this place will be reclaimed by the rightful owner. But until then…
As is our habit, we start once again with a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer.
Long days make for long weeks. My day begins at 1AM when I get up and tend to animals. I leave shortly after 2 on my 65 mile drive to work.
I return home, traffic willing, around 430PM. I tend to animals, then to myself (there’s a wife in there someplace) and retire, hopefully, before 7PM. Rinse and repeat. That pretty much is my week.
But Friday. Friday is special. Not only is it the end of my work week (OK, my paycheck earning work. Plenty to do around the farmstead on the weekend) but it is the day of THE FRIDAY FISH FRY!!!
Those of you who have never experienced it are probably staring at this quizzically. Those that live in WI take it so for granted that it’s difficult to comprehend what a unique phenomenon it really is until you reflect on it.
A wonderful peek at it can be found here
[Hot damn, I think I did that right!]
So, how does a glimpse into my journey to another quadruple bypass operation fit into this week’s theme? [I really hope this blue underlining goes away when I post this. Damn, tried to fix it and now everything’s underlined].
To me, the fish fry is something to look forward to. [OK. Underlining gone but it’s still blue. Sigh]. A little mental diversion to help “get through the week.” We all have, or at least I hope we all have, some thing that we look forward to. Maybe not as dramatic as a cast away clinging to hope and life but some thing/thought to have as a goal or mental diversion.
If/as things fall apart I believe things to look forward to will be critical to our mental health and wellbeing. Please remember that I’m not talking about getting so caught up in a day dream fantasy that a monkey drops a rock on your head and removes you from the equation. Just a little something that helps you keep going.
My wife’s stepdad was in the 1st Cav in Vietnam. He kept a picture of his muscle car in his helmet. He had left the car all tarped up and ready for his return when he left. The thought of that car kept him going through his tour. When he rotated home he actually met one of his brothers who was heading over to start his tour. They talked briefly. Bob’s brother, Lee, mentioned that nothing special was going on at home and that all was pretty much the same as when he had left. They parted ways, each continuing on their journey. Lee left out the part where he had taking Bob’s car out of storage and totaled it. Oh well. Life goes on.
Until tomorrow.
On August 3, 2018 at 5:15 pm, Elliemaeclampitt said:
Fellow wisconsinite here, your post is so spot on it brings chills. Heading out soon to a local favorite spot for fish fry and cold bottled high life, shamrock inn big bend wi. Like you I look forward to my fish fry as i slog through my weekly grind. Unlike you I also look forward to catching up on the weeks musings from wirecutter. Enjoy your fish fry.
On August 3, 2018 at 5:26 pm, Michael L Downing said:
I couldn’t get the link to work for me. I have lived for the past 11 years in NC and retired to a secluded place in the mountains but before that I lived for 7 years in Chase MI which is a small town inland from Ludington. We had a 20 acre mini farm there that was surrounded by large farms. Just down the road from us a few miles was the even smaller town of Hawkins. it was just a spot on the map with a small local bar, a general store with two gas pumps and one for diesel. That bar was the local gathering place for the farmers and locals to have a beer and catch up on news. Every Friday night they held an all you can eat fish fry. Couldn’t get a better feed anywhere.
On August 3, 2018 at 9:50 pm, TJ said:
Lived in Wisconsin the first 24 years of my life and fondly remember the local Friday night fish fry. Going back to visit an old friend next month and will spend both Friday nights that I’m there eating fish. :-) Life (and fish) is good.
On August 4, 2018 at 5:19 am, WiscoDave said:
Yeah, I can’t figure the link thing out. You have to copy and paste it into a tab and then search. Sorry about that…
On August 4, 2018 at 5:21 am, WiscoDave said:
In mear Horicon. If you ever get to the Hartford area, try the Mineshaft. Outstanding.
On August 4, 2018 at 7:24 am, James said:
While usually a Sat. and not fish but a excellent pizza do know the feeling of a nice time out with great food.Unfortunetly,pizza place was sold/new owners kept name but changed pizza recipe to one that was horrible,WTF?!
When I do fish is when I will be willing to pay 15 plus for a pound of tuna which is rare,or,when lucky and get some freshwater bass/trout on the line,river to pan in a few hours tastes excellent!
On August 4, 2018 at 11:41 am, Ed said:
God bless, and keep on keepin’ on. You’re doing great. Don’t worry about the run-on underlining and stuff. Learning and life is “ready, fire, aim”.
On August 4, 2018 at 6:59 pm, scott s. said:
Growing up outside of Milwaukee in the 60s the Friday Night Fish Fry was a pretty big deal, and we weren’t even Catholic.
On August 5, 2018 at 11:35 am, dad29 said:
Oconomowoc resident here!!
As Scott tells us, that “fish fry” thing was bequested to all by the Catholics. You can thank us.
Best wishes on your endeavors at the farm and the other workplace!