South African Government Begins Seizing White-Owned Farms

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

News from South Africa:

THE South African government has begun the process of seizing land from white farmers.

Local newspaper City Press reports two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo are the first to be targeted for unilateral seizure after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties stalled.

While the government says it intends to pay, owners Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand ($18.7 million) for the land — they’re being offered just 20 million rand ($1.87 million).

“Notice is hereby given that a terrain inspection will be held on the farms on April 5, 2018 at 10am in order to conduct an audit of the assets and a handover of the farm’s keys to the state,” a letter sent to the owners earlier this year said.

[ … ]

Earlier this month, cattle farmer Jo-an Engelbrecht told the ABC’s Foreign Correspondent his farm just outside Johannesburg was now “worth zero”.

“We had several auctions in the last two or three weeks cancelled because there was no people interested in buying the land,” he said. “Why would you buy a farm to know the government’s going to take it?”

I have thought for a number of months that the smarter farmers would have seen the signs of the times and sold several years ago, moving all of their estate to Australia, New Zealand or the U.S.  Now it’s too late.  The only recourse now is to lose everything or go to war.

Via WRSA, can London be far behind?


  1. On August 22, 2018 at 7:58 am, Fred said:

    “Over time I think the markets as well as investors will appreciate that what we are doing is creating policy certainty and creating the conditions for future investment.” – SA’s fearless leader

    This is business speak for ‘I’m stealing this to sell to my banker buddies.’ And:

    “Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand ($18.7 million) for the land — they’re being offered just 20 million rand ($1.87 million)” – From above

    That’s 10 cents on the dollar. That’s not a mistake or random. These 2 conditions is all the evidence I need to know that there is more here than just taking whites land. Somebody else, such as international banksters, are a driving force behind it. I suspect, with that much money at stake we shall see in the not to distant future who the land was stolen for and for what purpose. There are lot’s statements on the webz about the Africans being unable use the land wisely or productively. While the “leader” of SA talks communistic and power to the people, this is all smoke and mirrors. These seizures are not about giving this land to ‘the people’. It’s about resale for the purposes of Power and Money.

    Big Ag? Maybe. Large scale manufacturing at slave wages like China? Maybe. There is too much money at stake for them to wait even a reasonable amount time to pretend that the resales will be some new idea. Whatever comes out of this I will never buy a single thing from South Africa. Whatever their plan, I will not be complicit.

  2. On August 22, 2018 at 8:10 am, SGT.BAG said:

    Happens every day in FUSA….it’s called eminent domain.
    Your local officials have a monopoly on power and a monopoly on violence. Act accordingly.

  3. On August 22, 2018 at 8:46 am, Mark Matis said:

    The Black South Africans have no reason for concern. Davos and the Bilderbergs will ensure that the governments they own throughout the world ship them all the food they want. No matter how much they waste with their fourth world culture.

    At least until they get their One World Government utopia up and running.

  4. On August 22, 2018 at 8:55 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Resentful blacks stealing land from productive white farmers, many of whom were born in Africa and are as African as they are. If the Left in the U.S. gets their way, this show – so to speak – will be coming to a theater near you.

    Anyone else notice the logical and moral fallacy at the heart of this pitiless land grab? I’m speaking of inherited guilt, the idea that guilt is passed down from generation to generation – which is a non-sequitur. There’s no such thing. The very idea is ludicrous.

    Many of the whites alive today in South Africa – perhaps even most – had nothing to do with apartheid or its abuses, yet they are being held responsible for the (alleged) sins of their forefathers. Perhaps even more absurdly, many – perhaps most – of today’s black South Africans are not old-enough to have been victimized by apartheid, yet claim to be victims and demand to be compensated for their “suffering.”

    The real tragedy in all of this is that as farm lands are taken away from their rightful owners and handed to people who don’t, for the most part, have the necessary skills or training to utilize them – South Africa, like Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) before it – will cease being able to provide food for itself.

    Taking land from farmers who have cultivated the soil for generations, feeding their countrymen and others besides, while helping to build South Africa’s international balance of trade – and giving it to people who aren’t farmers and don’t know how to feed a nation, is the very definition of insanity and stupidity. But it is happening anyway.

    Perhaps it is not too late for President Trump to offer these beleaguered farmers a home and a fresh start in the U.S. We can always use more productive farmers.

    As for those South African farmers who stay and plan to hold out, you’d best arm and prepare to defend yourselves. The same unfortunate fate which befell so many Rhodesian farmers landowners now awaits you – unless you defend yourself.

  5. On August 22, 2018 at 9:07 am, Longbow said:

    They’ll starve themselves. The Land won’t produce for the Black farmers the way it did for the Whites. They will say the Whites cursed the land when they left.

    The Blacks will then turn their rage on ANY white person stupid enough to remain in the RSA in the next few years.

  6. On August 22, 2018 at 10:26 am, Fred said:

    Never ever register your firearms.

  7. On August 22, 2018 at 12:20 pm, Gryphon said:

    Apartheid (Apartness) or Separation of Races, is going to be Necessary if the White Race is to Survive. So Far, the Ignorant (leftist/libtard) whites are all ‘on board’ with the Policies like this, and the African Invasion of Europe, that are the Set-Up for White Genocide.

    They want You Dead. Prepare Accordingly.

  8. On August 22, 2018 at 3:49 pm, The Big Club said:

    what few black people killing white man is minuscule compared to the rate of white on white genocide of last century.
    millions alone in world wars and civil wars with a good bit of revolution thrown in.
    white man is an abstract of illusion as in it really is only skin deep, so to say white man is doomed for extinction is a fallacy because through out brown and black societies the lighter color of their skin is a highly sought after attribute which will result in white man always appearing on the horizon, if there is a horizon to appear on.
    Don’t let race get your panties into a wad, the real danger is ideology as white man and the countries governments they control appear to be capable of destroying every race that lives on this planet in about 30 minutes.
    The term race baiting is grounded on the idea of race and the discussion of it as being a trap.
    This is how I see it, I could be wrong.

  9. On August 22, 2018 at 9:21 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Gryphon

    Re: “They want You Dead. Prepare Accordingly.”

    The 94-year old former President of Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia), Robert Mugabe, is famous for saying, “The only white man you can trust is a dead white man.”

    @ The Big Club

    Re: “what few black people killing white man is minuscule compared to the rate of white on white genocide of last century.”

    While it is true that the 20th century was a literal bloodbath in terms of the number of whites who killed other whites, that is by no means the complete picture. Stalin and Hitler killed mostly other people of European ancestry (whites), but Mao and Pol Pot killed almost uniformly fellow Asians and not Europeans. The worst tyrants in recent African and Middle Eastern history have slain their own kind.

    As much as the Cultural Marxist historians out there want to hang genocidal crimes (only) upon Europeans (a.k.a. “whites”), that simply isn’t consistent with the historical evidence. Acts of genocide, democide and mass murder occur among all races of humans, and have since recorded history began.

    It may also interest you to know that the greatest killers in history are not Europeans, but the Muslims, who have slain an estimated 270 people – mostly non-Muslims – over the last 1,400 years of jihad (holy war) against the infidels and kafirs. There are a few Muslims who descend from Europeans, i.e., such as those in the Balkans and Albania, but the vast majority are non-Caucasians.

    In discussing the propensity of the European peoples to commit acts of mass violence, it is important to note that while Europeans (white westerners) are no more or any less-savage than any other racial group or civilization, their urge to inflict violence upon others has been multiplied in effect many orders of magnitude by the advanced technologies invented by the West.

    A certain degree of animosity based upon race is to be predicted upon the basis of innate genetic predisposition – what scientists call the “enmity-amity complex,” more-commonly expressed as the tendency of humans, who are social (herd) animals, toward categorizing themselves according to an “in group, out group” paradigm. Simply put, human beings are hardwired to prefer being amongst their own kind. And, especially when the competition for survival gets more-difficult, these preferences are more likely to be expressed behaviorally and in real-world, measurable terms.

    Of course, none of this sort of thinking can be expressed in polite society any longer without the risk of being ostracized – or worse – but this does not change the fundamentals of these truths. Nature, red of tooth and claw, doesn’t care about political correctness.

  10. On August 22, 2018 at 9:23 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:

    Re: “who have slain an estimated 270 people”

    Should have read: “270 million people” apologies for the error…

  11. On August 23, 2018 at 1:36 am, Pat Hines said:

    There were no blacks south of the Limpopo River when the Dutch first landed, and then pioneered the land. Whites did not steal land from blacks.

    Blacks haven’t a scintilla of claim to the land, their 45 million numbers versus the 4.5 million whites is their sole claim to the land.

    All white should move west to Western Cape Province where whites are the majority and there, establish a whites only area.

    That’s the only solution they have left.

  12. On August 23, 2018 at 8:11 am, The Big Club said:

    Georgiaboy61, what we see and what the past proves is times change humans don’t. If we as a specie don’t get out shit together pdq, there is going to be some real trouble in the near future.
    Islam is a combination of religion and political identity that has indeed killed millions and will continue to kill millions because again, humans don’t seem to be able or want to embrace a civilized society throughout much of the world and even goes to great lengths to pull civilization back down to the 7th century.
    Again, ideology is the biggest danger facing human existence. Be careful of the groups you join, and never give up your individuality.

  13. On August 23, 2018 at 8:25 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ The Big Club

    “Again, ideology is the biggest danger facing human existence. Be careful of the groups you join, and never give up your individuality.”

    Well-said, and I agree completely. Traditional Americans avoid ideologies of all kinds, because they are a rebellion against reality. Regarding Islam, civilized people – i.e., those in Western and non-Muslim civilization – face a choice: Keep your civilization and reject Islam, or adopt Islam and lose your civilization. It’s really that simple.

  14. On August 23, 2018 at 9:36 am, The Big Club said:

    Georgiaboy61: Islam is just one of the many ideologies that threaten civilization.
    Looking @ the radical left we see their toxicity being displayed across the world’s universities in straight up in your face communism.
    All the while they are trying to suggest they are anti fascist but are totally stomping on the 1st A by insisting that ONLY their speech is to be heard.
    Many of us with level heads are pointing this out but let me explain/warn that the rally is NO PLACE to try to discuss toxic idealogy when everyone is screaming and beating each other with weapons.
    Humans always seem to allow the radical element of the affected groups be the mouth pieces of the ideology be it left or right because of the loudest squeaking wheel syndrome.
    The universities are, in my opinion, committing suicide by not allowing open discussion and as far as I can tell, encouraging the furthest reaches of the radical left to be the controlling factor of what is allowed in banter also known as an echo chamber resulting in the destruction of respect of the organization towards anyone that isn’t the small minority of what looks to be insanity running amok.
    One can only shake their heads in amazement and reload more ammo..
    Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

  15. On August 23, 2018 at 2:14 pm, Gryphon said:

    The big Club –
    “white man is an abstract of illusion as in it really is only skin deep,” is a Factually Incorrect Statement. White Europeans are Inherently (because of the Cold-Climate they came from) More Intelligent that the average room-temperature I.Q. africans. This Racial Difference is a subject of constant Attack and Denial by a certain vaugely-european Ethnic Group, that spreads the Lie that “Everyone is the Same” to promote their communist, one-world agenda.
    The now-obvious White Genocide Program is an integral part of this ‘new world order’ and the African/Muslims are the Weapon being used.

    Want to Argue with Me about the Superiority of the White Race? The Computers and Internet we are Communicating on were Not Invented in Africa. Neither was Anything about the Sciences and the ‘industrial revolution that made Modern Technological Society possible. South Africa will be another Example of when White Men are not ‘running things’, the low-I.Q. Races will Fail to even Maintain the level of Tech that the Whites Created.

    These are Very Unpleasant Political Facts; Failing to Address them in a timely manner may well result in the Destruction of Western Society as it now Exists, as the Forces attempting to Destroy it are Manifestly Incapable of Building anything to Replace it.

  16. On August 23, 2018 at 2:42 pm, The Big Club said:

    Among white Americans, the average IQ, as of a decade or so ago, was 103. Among Asian-Americans, it was 106. Among Jewish Americans, it was 113. Among Latino Americans, it was 89. Among African-Americans, it was 85. Around the world, studies find the same general pattern: whites 100, East Asians 106, sub-Saharan Africans 70. One IQ table shows 113 in Hong Kong, 110 in Japan, and 100 in Britain. White populations in Australia, Canada, Europe, New Zealand, South Africa, and the United States score closer to one another than to the worldwide black average. It’s been that way for at least a century.

    So.. do you consider Jews as white because it seems they don’t as they want to convey themselves as a separate race from all other races from what I have encountered.

    “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights”
    – Declaration of Independence-
    Rights? Maybe.. Equal? not even..

    James Watson, the legendary biologist, was condemned and forced into retirement after claiming that African intelligence wasn’t “the same as ours.” “Racist, vicious and unsupported by science,” said the Federation of American Scientists. ” Utterly unsupported by scientific evidence,” declared the U.S. government’s supervisor of genetic research. The New York Times told readers that when Watson implied “that black Africans are less intelligent than whites, he hadn’t a scientific leg to stand on.”

    As you said: These are Very Unpleasant Political Facts.

    Critics think IQ tests are relative-i.e., they measure fitness for success in our society, not in other societies. “In a hunter-gatherer society, IQ will still be important, but if a hunter cannot shoot straight, IQ will not bring food to the table,” argues psychologist Robert Sternberg. “In a warrior society physical prowess may be equally necessary to stay alive.” It’s a good point, but it bolsters the case for a genetic theory. Nature isn’t stupid. If Africans, Asians, and Europeans evolved different genes, the reason is that their respective genes were suited to their respective environments..

    so.. ok.. sure lets talk but here is where I get this above information..

    When looking at different races, genetics and physical composition derived from the environmental factors in which they have lived through the ages, it is really hard to not see evolution at work.

    So it seems if you want to have smart offspring, marry a Jew or if not available, an Asian.
    They will then be able to figure out volume and the vanishing point in space, but don’t expect them to spear an elk.

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