Training Regimen
BY Herschel Smith
The carbine match involved four disciplines: slow-fire prone, in which shooters are allowed 15 minutes to take five sight-in shots and 10 shots for record; rapid-fire prone, in which shooters must complete 10 shots in 60 seconds from standing and prone positions with a mandatory reload; sitting, also 10 shots in 60 seconds from standing and sitting positions with a mandatory reload; and standing, 10 shots in 10 minutes.
“The targets we were shooting at had black circles 6.4 inches at diameter, with an inner 10-ring that’s 3.4 inches in diameter,” Fiora said. “The targets were 100 yards away.”
Fiora scored 95 of a possible 100 in the slow-fire prone event, 96 of 100 in rapid-fire prone, 96 in rapid-fire sitting, and 87 of 100 standing.
That sounds challenging. Congratulations to Mr. Fiora. I’m sure he would do better than I, and I should train harder.
On August 22, 2018 at 8:17 am, Fred said:
He scored a little better in rapid fire prone. That’s interesting. This reminds me that 90% of my shooting misses are due to a lack of concentration. In rapid fire one must aggressively stay focused. This is news I can use.