Farmlands: The Death Of South Africa
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 4 months ago
Via WRSA comes this stunning documentary.
David Codrea takes note of several comments on the state of affairs.
Double negative = a positive. Land stolen from from the natives and then stolen back … I hope this goes continent wide, including the De beers factory … I don’t feel sorry for this man at all. He profits off hunting large animals. Karma is truly at work here! … Hmmm, so, like the Dutch grabbed the land from the native south Africans … No it’s not theft. And you can defend all you like it won’t help … Go home mate … At first I had sympathy… but then I read “hunting” farm….. A HUNTING farm??? Sorry farmer, NO sympathy here! Murdering animals for “sport” is VILE! … If you kill animals they will get you back somehow…
So I hate to be all logical and everything because I know it’s dreadfully boring. But you know me – I don’t believe that consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.
If the commenter has no sympathy for the farmers because they allow hunting and charge for it (like many Americans do with their land), I’m wondering if the commenter will see the necessity of having no sympathy for the indigenous population when they, like savages, kill and steal the land from the farmers, only to starve to death in short order?
No, it’s not likely. What is more likely is this (here, I’m making a prediction for my progressive readers on which you can test me – I do have at least some progressive readers don’t I?). When people begin starving to death because they have no civility, cannot run farms, cannot operate machinery, cannot supply power and fuel because they have no idea how to run power plants, etc., it will become a litmus test and a point of doctrine for the progressives that the U.S. must send aid, even if it means increasing taxes on Americans. Watch it in the upcoming debates.
Furthermore, they will even demand that a Marine Corps MEU be dispatched to “keep the peace” and supply “much-needed aid.” They will make these same demands of the United Nations, who will lean on America for this responsibility.
But starve they will. And they will deserve it.
On August 28, 2018 at 11:54 pm, BRVTVS said:
In case anyone has any doubt about Mandela’s communism, here’s a clip from his prison release speech where he salutes the Communist Party.
On August 29, 2018 at 8:00 am, Fred said:
I don’t understand why there aren’t Marine Helo’s landing all over this farmland area and offering to evacuate anybody under threat that wants to leave. Bring them to the US for safe relocating. Where’s Reagan when we need him.
And FYI to the leftest retards about the hunting in SA; it’s all legal, taxed, stamped, approved by the SA dot guv. DUH. In fact hunting and “green tourism safari’s” are big biz and a source of much needed revenue.
I’ll have to watch the vid later.
On August 29, 2018 at 12:07 pm, Gryphon said:
And, libtards, within Weeks of the White Farmers being Massacred, the savages will be Killing the Wildlife to Extinction, and everything remotely ‘Technical’ like Water, Sewer, and Power Utilities will have fallen apart.
On August 29, 2018 at 12:22 pm, Bob said:
The Dutch and English didn’t steal land from the natives, because there were no natives. When the first settlers got there, they had to travel hundreds of miles inland before finding anyone. The few blacks they did find were not the Zulu, who have relatively recently flooded into South Africa and begun demanding the land be “given back” to them.
On August 29, 2018 at 1:54 pm, Jack Crabb said:
But… but… it worked so well in Rhodesia.
Oh, wait a minute.
On August 29, 2018 at 2:51 pm, June J said:
Where in Africa, other than along the Mediterranean Sea, have Africans built or achieved anything historically significant?
I’m sure there’s some things, I just don’t have the time nor the will to do research on Africans.
On August 29, 2018 at 11:21 pm, Stealth Spaniel said:
Anything worth while in Africa was built by white men. Civilization exists because of white people willing to do the dirty work. Why is South Africa running out of water? Because the government mandated that the work force reflect African population percentages. Somehow, skin color doesn’t suffice for actual training and experience in running water plants. Imagine. I wish that we were doing something to get whites out before the murders start. The Boers are hard working, skilled, and capable.
On August 30, 2018 at 12:56 pm, Gryphon said:
Remember, Who ran the “Anti-Apartheid” campaign in the U.S. and Europe?
Yep, it was the (((bolsheviks)))