Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Michael Hayden Does Gun Control – Again

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

So you’re the same fellow who believed that the NSA surveillance program of Americans was a good thing.

“I assured her that I firmly believed that what N.S.A. was doing was effective, appropriate, and lawful. I also reminded her that the program’s success depended on it remaining secret, that it was appropriately classified, and that any public discussion of it would have to await a later day.”

And I see that you defended all of this in your remarks to The National Press Club.  So I see you in the same category as the Petraeus, McChrystal and their ilk.  In fact, you were coupled up with those controllers months ago demanding more gun control, so this is old hat to you.  I’m as unimpressed with you now as I was back then.

You’re just another traitor to your oath, another collectivist who wants to disarm the American people.  You’re also a liar, just like Petraeus and McChrystal.  You don’t really believe “those guns” have no purpose, or else you would be demanding the disarming of the military and the police.

As for your “service” in the air force, I don’t give a damn about that.  As for your claim that more Americans are dying in the states than in Afghanistan, that’s because we’ve effectively ceased military operations in Afghanistan, and fatherless, inner city criminals are still being made in America by entitlement programs that destroy the family.

So you can just sod off.  I think it’s just dandy that you’re in league with Giffords and her band of mother hens.  That says something about both of you.

Las Vegas Shooter’s Girlfriend Reportedly Listed FBI As Place Of Employment

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

The Free Thought Project:

Las Vegas, NV — A bombshell revelation in regard to the massacre that took place last October in Las Vegas has surfaced this week, suggesting that Stephan Paddock’s girlfriend, Marilou Danley could’ve been an FBI asset. According to a credit application, as reported by True PunditDanley listed the FBI as an employer.

This is the same Danley whose fingerprints were found on the ammunition used to murder 58 people on 1 October. The same Danley who admitted to law enforcement that she helped Paddock load the magazines Paddock would use that fateful night.

This is the same Danley who was reportedly visiting family in the Philippines at the time, and set her Facebook account to private at 12:38 a.m. and then deleted it entirely at 2:46 a.m.-nearly one hour before Paddock’s name was publicly released as the suspect in the shooting. The same Danley whose player’s card Paddock was using the night he murdered all those people.

According to the publicly available intelligence obtained from a consumer credit reporting bureau, Danley claimed she previously worked at the FBI. While anyone can certainly claim anyone else as an employer, according to True Pundit, they contacted the FBI who said their “bosses are concerned” over this revelation.

Thirty, or even twenty or ten years ago it would have been difficult for most Americans to believe this sort of thing.  But as Matt Bracken points out concerning the FBI railroading of one FLL who refused to participate in the Fast and Furious arms scandal, they don’t play by the same rules because their world and life view has not even a single point of correspondence with yours.

And remember folks, the constitution says absolutely nothing about the creation of a federal law enforcement agency of any kind.  In fact, I believe the founders had something to say about that.

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.”

Yes, I’m sure of it.

FBI Tags:

Georgia Woman’s Dog Attacked By Coyotes

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago


Trish Gallup was walking her three dogs Friday morning in Smyrna when one of them, Radar, just started running.

She told Channel 2 Action News that a pair of coyotes took three bites out of Radar, leaving Boomer and Tracker unharmed. Pictures showed the missing tufts of hair on Radar, an 85-pound Labrador.

A picture of a coyote on the path at the River Line Soccer Park on Oakdale Road was posted on Nextdoor, reports Channel 2, and many people responded saying they have also seen them around.

Wildlife experts told Channel 2 Action News that an attack on a large dog like Radar is unusual.

What isn’t unusual is coyotes in “transition areas” — think treelines or areas where cut grass fades into other types of vegetation.

Dr. Tina Johannsen with Georgia’s Department of Natural Resources told Channel 2 that they have received 650 calls into their regional offices about coyotes this year, which is a standard amount.

“They’re just going from point A to point B looking for something to eat,” Johannsen said.

Aren’t we all.

Johannsen recommended keeping cats and small dogs fenced in or on a leash.

She also wanted to remind folks that it’s legal and encouraged to kill the creatures.

For a second year, the “Georgia Coyote Challenge” is in effect. Those who kill the most between March and August could get a lifetime hunting license.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution previously reported that a spokesman said 83 hunters turned in a total of 195 coyotes during the 2017 challenge period.

That’s a big dog (in the video) and yet they still attacked him.  And note that what was once a lone predator is now roaming in packs.  Again I say, these aren’t Coyotes – they are Coywolves.  Killing them is the right way to handle them.

But there is this warning.

Animal advocates groups criticized the “challenge” by saying it doesn’t work and is inhumane.

Killing them doesn’t decrease the numbers, and besides that, even if it did, we shouldn’t do it.  Or something.

Two Linked To Muslim New Mexico Compound Wanted To Attack Hospital

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Fox News:

A couple accused of training children to carry out mass shootings at an “extremist Muslim” compound in the New Mexico desert singled out an Atlanta hospital as one target before police arrested them, according to court documents filed Friday.

Prosecutors in Taos County, citing interviews with the 11 children found at the compound earlier this month, claimed in the filing that Jany Leveille wanted to “confront ‘corrupt’ institutions or individuals … and reveal the ‘truth’ to these corrupt institutions or individuals.”

According to the prosecutors, one of the children said Leveille “specifically” mentioned Grady Hospital as a “corrupt” institution. They added that Leveille “expressed her displeasure with Grady Hospital … due to treatment she and her mother received there.”

The filing also said investigators recovered a 10-page, handwritten document entitled “Phases of a Terrorist Attack” from the New Mexico compound. The document includes “instructions for the one-time terrorist,” but it was not clear if a specific target was mentioned.

Authorities also said Leveille and her partner, Siraj Ibn Wahhaj, “would laugh and joke about dying in Jihad.”

I don’t want to hear another damn word about my guns.  Instead, I suggest that you evict jihadists and shut down the borders.

After all, this fellow is the son of an unindicted co-conspirator of the WTC bombing.  This isn’t complicated.

We’ve Got A Problem With Guns And Faith

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

The Hill:

Jacksonville, Fla., city councilman Reggie Gaffney told a reporter on Sunday that Americans need to talk about gun control and getting closer with God after a shooting in his district Sunday afternoon.

“I think we’ve really go to ask ourselves two questions,” Gaffney told a local CBS/Fox affiliate shortly after reports of the shooting. “What are we going to do about guns? And we’ve really got to get focused on getting closer with the Lord.”

“I really think we’ve got a gun problem in America, I think we’ve got a gun problem in Jacksonville, and I think we’ve got a faith problem,” Gaffney said.

The councilman said he is “very sad and frustrated” after “the second shooting in less than 48 hours.”

Gaffney was likely referencing the shooting Friday night at a Jacksonville football game, which claimed the one life and sent two other Floridians to the hospital, an associate of the Florida Times-Union reported.

You’re suggesting that getting closer with God mean endorsing gun control.  As I’ve pointed out Reggie, that’s opposite of the truth.  I don’t have a problem at all – you’re the one who is confused.

What you should really be saying is that parents should be doing a much better job at raising their children, and turning our collective American back on the God of the Bible has turned out to be a really bad idea.

I don’t take cues from ignoramuses.  Go do some study and pondering, Reggie.

Matt Bracken On The Deep State And Gangster Government

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Make sure to watch all of it.  Matt is at his best here.

Police Dog Was Left In Hot Car For Six Hours And Died From The Heat

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this sad news.

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — A police dog handler has been suspended without pay for five days but won’t face criminal charges after his dog was left in a police vehicle for more than six hours and died from the South Carolina heat, Columbia Police Chief Skip Holbrook said.

Master Police Officer David Hurt had the air conditioning on, but for some unexplained reason turned off a heat alarm and left his windows open July 26. Hurt failed to even come to his vehicle to let the Labrador retriever mix named “Turbo” use the bathroom — behavior that shocked seasoned dog handlers, Holbrook said.

“He didn’t give any logical reason,” Holbrook said at a news conference.

The chief also presented the findings of the internal investigation to prosecutors, who decided that Hurt used terrible judgment but wasn’t criminally negligent and no charges should be filed.

“It was a mistake of the heart he will have to deal with the rest of his life,” said Holbrook, who added he didn’t fire Hurt because he immediately took responsibility for his grave error.

Hurt also will be suspended from the bomb squad and can never handle a police dog again.

Turbo was the first dog given to Hurt, who was selected to be a handler and went through hundreds of hours of training. The 22-month-old explosive-sniffing dog had been with Hurt for seven months.

Hurt was at a high school July 26, getting active shooter training, and didn’t take the dog inside because of the loud noises and crowd, Holbrook said.

Other handlers also left dogs inside vehicles because they could be needed for a call on a moment’s notice but they all checked on their animals frequently, the chief said.

When Hurt returned to his vehicle at the end of the day, Turbo had white foam around his mouth and was listless. Hurt immediately recognized the dog was suffering from heat stress and took it to a veterinarian. The dog was put to sleep two days later after suffering organ failure, Holbrook said.

“It was a mistake of the heart he will have to deal with the rest of his life,” said Holbrook.  Oh sod off, you bastard.

The most interesting thing we learn from the report isn’t that officer Hurt is a sociopath, or that Holbrook is corrupt, but this tidbit that Holbrook thought might be exonerating.

Other handlers also left dogs inside vehicles because they could be needed for a call on a moment’s notice …

Officers who used that as an excuse are liars, plain and simple.  It’s no more time to grab your dog and head to the car than it is to run there yourself.  Anyone who knows and loves dogs knows you cannot leave dogs in heat like that.  They have no way of discharging heat except to pant – that’s how they sweat, dumbass.  They aren’t designed like you and me.

So your other officers there that day are sociopaths as well.  Thanks for the warning.

Also via WiscoDave, let’s do a little compare and contrast.

A Nebraska woman was arrested, charged with animal cruelty, and sentenced to a year in prison after leaving two dogs to die in a hot car.

Ashley Alberts-Roach, 38, of Bellevue, Nebraska was arrested and charged with two felony counts of animal cruelty after she left her boyfriend’s two dogs – Paco, a 4-year-old Pit Bull/Lab mix, and Rosie, a 3-year-old Pit Bull mix locked inside her vehicle for 4 hours in August of 2016.

Alberts-Roach put the dogs inside her car around 10 a.m. on Aug. 5, 2016, because she didn’t want them in her house, prosecutor Gage Cobb said. Her 11-year-old daughter later told her the dogs were in distress, but Alberts-Roach left them there.

Feel free to weigh in with comments and let us know what these two reports tell us.

Ruger Hawkeye Long Range Rifle

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

This model is in 300 Win Mag, and the MSRP is apparently about $1279.

The Hunter is made in .308, 6.5mm Creedmoor and other calibers.  The price point seems right to compete with the higher end rifles given the accuracy.

I predict budget-minded shooters like these rifles.

Firearms,Guns Tags:

Does Anyone Really Believe Social Media Corporate America Doesn’t Hate You?

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

This is a trend, one that doesn’t surprise me in the least.  Nor should it surprise you.

Why We Can’t Ignore The “Militia” Clause Of The Second Amendment

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Mises Institute has an analysis up on why we can’t ignore the militia clause of the second amendment.  It’s interesting reading, and I recommend you turn your attention to it for a few minutes.  But I want to issue some warnings nonetheless.

As I’ve pointed out many times before, the context and theoretical framework for understanding the American revolution was and always will be continental Calvinism and covenant theology.  God manages His created order in terms of covenant.

We are all in covenants in every aspect of our lives, all of the time, from marriage, to church, to state and then economics.  If you choose to be unfaithful to your wife and violate the marriage vows, there are consequences and curses for that.   These consequences happen in time and space and also in eternity.

In time and space, your wife will divorce you.  If she doesn’t, the consequences befall her, in time and space.  She has decided to live with an unfaithful man, refusing to avail herself of the remedy God has given her.  In eternity, the unfaithful man will answer for what he did, and so will the woman if she refuses to avail herself of the remedy.

In economics, if you steal you will go to prison.  If a country refuses to avail itself of the remedy for theft, believing that it can rehabilitate criminals to make them better when God has said that is His responsibility, not yours, the country will suffer, as there are consequences in time and space.  Ultimately, the men who made the decisions on national policy will answer to a sovereign God for their recalcitrance.

So too with tyranny.  Tyrants will answer to their people for their tyranny, and if they don’t, the people will suffer in time and space for their recalcitrance, and both will answer to God in eternity.  God will not be mocked.

Turning to the foundations for the revolution, recall that I explained the Christian roots of covenant and its role in the theoretical framework for the war.

In terms of population alone, a high percentage of the pre-revolutionary colonies were of Puritan-Calvinist background.  There were about three million persons in the thirteen original colonies in 1776, and perhaps as many as two-thirds of these came from some kind of Calvinist or Puritan connection.

[ … ]

… by 1776, nine of the thirteen original colonies had an “established church” (generally congregational in New England, Anglican in New York, Virginia and South Carolina, “Protestant” in North Carolina, with religious freedom in Rhode Island, Maryland, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware and Georgia) … While this did not necessarily mean that a majority of the inhabitants of these colonies were necessarily committed Christian believers, it does indicate the lingering influence of the Calvinist concept of a Christian-based civil polity as an example to a world in need of reform.

[ … ]

Their experience in Presbyterian polity – with its doctrine of the headship of Christ over the church, the two-powers doctrine giving the church and state equal standing (so that the church’s power is not seen as flowing from the state), and the consequent right of the people to civil resistance in accordance with higher divine law – was a major ingredient in the development of the American approach to church-state relations and the underlying questions of law, authority, order and rights.

[ … ]

It was largely from the congregation polity of these New England puritans that there came the American concept and practice of government by covenant – that is to say: constitutional structure, limited by divine law and based on the consent of the people, with a lasting right in the people to resist tyranny.

I say all of this to set the stage for a reiteration of my observation on the second amendment and the militia.

… all the founders needed in order to object to federal control over such God-given rights is to find a single example of such an infringement that would be found unacceptable.  The militia served as this example.  That doesn’t mean that it is, would have been, or must have been, the only example or reason for the amendment.  The amendment clearly states what the FedGov shall not do, not what it can or may do or the sole reasons for its existence.

So a man has a right to the ownership of weapons if he is a paraplegic and unable to serve in the militia.  A people have the right to overthrow their government whether there is such a thing as a militia or not.  I can tell the militia (whatever that is in this context or any future context) to go pound sand and that I refuse to join, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with either [a] my God-given rights to keep and bear arms for self defense or the amelioration of tyranny, or [b] the fact that that right is recognized in the constitution, which is a covenant under which we have agreed to live.

My rights (and duties) flow from the Almighty, the very fountain of liberty.  The constitution is a mere covenant.

This understanding in the antecedent to the constitution and the second amendment, not vice versa.  Never forget that.  The militia doesn’t justify the second amendment – among other things, the second amendment justifies the militia, both organized and unorganized.

And neither has anything whatsoever to do with the justification of the right of resistance to tyranny.  That flows from the Almighty.

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