Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

South African Government Begins Seizing White-Owned Farms

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

News from South Africa:

THE South African government has begun the process of seizing land from white farmers.

Local newspaper City Press reports two game farms in the northern province of Limpopo are the first to be targeted for unilateral seizure after negotiations with the owners to purchase the properties stalled.

While the government says it intends to pay, owners Akkerland Boerdery wanted 200 million rand ($18.7 million) for the land — they’re being offered just 20 million rand ($1.87 million).

“Notice is hereby given that a terrain inspection will be held on the farms on April 5, 2018 at 10am in order to conduct an audit of the assets and a handover of the farm’s keys to the state,” a letter sent to the owners earlier this year said.

[ … ]

Earlier this month, cattle farmer Jo-an Engelbrecht told the ABC’s Foreign Correspondent his farm just outside Johannesburg was now “worth zero”.

“We had several auctions in the last two or three weeks cancelled because there was no people interested in buying the land,” he said. “Why would you buy a farm to know the government’s going to take it?”

I have thought for a number of months that the smarter farmers would have seen the signs of the times and sold several years ago, moving all of their estate to Australia, New Zealand or the U.S.  Now it’s too late.  The only recourse now is to lose everything or go to war.

Via WRSA, can London be far behind?

Training Regimen

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Charleston Gazette-Mail:

The carbine match involved four disciplines: slow-fire prone, in which shooters are allowed 15 minutes to take five sight-in shots and 10 shots for record; rapid-fire prone, in which shooters must complete 10 shots in 60 seconds from standing and prone positions with a mandatory reload; sitting, also 10 shots in 60 seconds from standing and sitting positions with a mandatory reload; and standing, 10 shots in 10 minutes.

“The targets we were shooting at had black circles 6.4 inches at diameter, with an inner 10-ring that’s 3.4 inches in diameter,” Fiora said. “The targets were 100 yards away.”

Fiora scored 95 of a possible 100 in the slow-fire prone event, 96 of 100 in rapid-fire prone, 96 in rapid-fire sitting, and 87 of 100 standing.

That sounds challenging.  Congratulations to Mr. Fiora.  I’m sure he would do better than I, and I should train harder.

Georgia Police Use Stun Gun On 87-Year-Old Woman Carrying A Knife To Cut Dandelions

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Chicago Tribune:

When Martha Al-Bishara went on a walk near her home in northern Georgia last week, she was on a quest for dandelions. The stroll would end in her getting stunned by a Taser and arrested by police officers.

The 87-year-old woman often ventured outside – with a kitchen knife and a plastic bag in hand – to cut and collect the plants for cooking, her family said. She was doing just that last Friday afternoon when she crossed the street from her home in Chatsworth, Georgia, and arrived at a partially fenced lot belonging to a branch of the Boys and Girls Club. There, she began gathering the plants she needed.

Someone on the property, however, called 911 to report a woman in a blue dress and a brown headscarf on their site.

“She told me she doesn’t speak English and she’s walking up our bike trail with a knife towards me,” a man said in a 911 call obtained by WRCB News. “She’s old so she can’t get around too well, but … looks like she’s walking around looking for something like vegetation to cut down or something. She has a bag, too.”

The 911 caller added that the woman “didn’t try to attack anybody or anything.”

Soon afterward, at around 4:30 p.m., two officers and the chief of the Chatsworth Police Department arrived at the scene, according to a police report. There, a Boys and Girls Club staff member escorted them to the back of the property, where they spotted Al-Bishara standing on a hill, still holding a “a white plastic bag in her left hand and a steak knife in her right hand.”

It was unclear if the officers realized Al-Bishara did not speak English but, according to police, the woman did not respond to multiple verbal requests to put down her knife. Instead, she reportedly continued walking and collecting dandelions.

“While we were approaching the female she bent down to the ground and cut a weed and stood back up holding the weed in her left hand with the plastic bag,” the police report stated. ” We kept telling her to drop the knife. The female would look at us. Her demeanor was calm even seeing us with our guns out.”

The Chatsworth police chief at one point threw his own pocket knife on the ground “in an attempt to show the female that we wanted her to drop the knife,” according to the report. When Al-Bishara still didn’t respond and began walking down the hill toward the police, one of the officers turned on his Taser and pointed it at the woman, the report said.

When she about five yards away, with the same “calm” demeanor and facial expression, the officer shot his Taser, striking Al-Bishara in the chest and sending her to the ground, the report said.

If you’re afraid of an 87-year-old woman cutting dandelions, you may be a pussy.  In fact, if you are prone to call the police and say something like this:

“She told me she doesn’t speak English and she’s walking up our bike trail with a knife towards me,” a man said in a 911 call obtained by WRCB News. “She’s old so she can’t get around too well, but … looks like she’s walking around looking for something like vegetation to cut down or something. She has a bag, too.”  [she] “didn’t try to attack anybody or anything.”

You may be a pussy.

America is full of pussies, making it ripe for takeover by barbarian hordes.  But the good news is that at least the old woman now knows her boundaries.

Don’t know the language – too bad.  Can’t hear – too bad.  Have dementia – too bad.  You’d better be cognizant enough to obey the commands of the lords and masters, “Officer Safety!”

Using A Suppressor For Home Defense?

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

John Lovell on use of a suppressor for home defense.

I would choose to use a suppressor.  Frankly, I think the decision to involve the police quickly is the most dangerous thing he could possibly do.

Why Are Hollow Point Rifle Bullets More Accurate?

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Shooting Sports USA:

From the standpoint of interior ballistics, the ideal match rifle bullet would be a bore-diameter, homogeneous cylinder with flat ends perfectly square to its body. Such a bullet would be cheap, easy to manufacture and have maximum bearing surface for superior accuracy.

From the standpoint of exterior ballistics, an efficient match rifle bullet would have a high length-to-diameter ration; a sharp, drag-reducing point; and a tapered base (boattail). Such a bullet would offer high retained velocity, flat trajectory and minimum wind drift.

From the standpoint of terminal ballistics, the ideal match rifle bullet would offer a center of gravity displaced toward the base, a jacket with no sidewall variations and a core with no weight variation. Such a bullet would offer consistent, reliable, sub-minute-of-angle (MOA) accuracy from lot to lot.

These requirements pull match rifle bullet designers in different, often mutually exclusive, directions. As a result, all match rifle bullets are a compromise—none are perfect.

I think it might have been clearer if the author had said “from the standpoint of gyroscopic stability, the ideal rifle bullet would be a bore-diameter, homogeneous cylinder with flat ends perfectly square to its body.”

But overall, this is an informative article and worthy of a little time.

Ruger LCR .327 Federal Magnum Revolver

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Shooting Illustrated:

For those who may not know, the .327 Fed. Mag. operates at pressures around 45,000 psi as opposed to 17,000 to 20,000 psi of the .38 Spl. The resulting upgrade in performance is enormous with .327 Fed. Mag. ammo providing 1,400 fps using the lighter bullets and more than 1,100 fps with the heavier weights. The other bonus is the Ruger LCR .327 Fed. Mag. holds six rounds rather than the usual five typical of small-frame revolvers.

I was about to say that this article is misleading and quoting chamber pressures in a pistol rather than a revolver, but I’m wrong.  These velocities are associated with a 3.5″ wheel gun barrel length.  I see that the 5.5″ barrels are getting more than 1600 FPS muzzle velocity.

This is impressive.  How did I miss this hot little cartridge?  As I said, it’s really difficult to keep up with the cartridges nowadays.

Open Carry Comes Up Again In Florida

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

Tampa Bay Times:

Ron DeSantis told a gun rights advocacy group that people should not need a permit to openly carry a firearm in public, according to the group’s lawyer and a release sent out by the organization this week.

Eric Friday, the general counsel for Florida Carry, said he met with DeSantis in Kissimmee while the Congressman was there for the Republican “Sunshine Summit” in June, which featured a debate between DeSantis and his rival in the governor’s race, Adam Putnam, as well as prominent speeches from prominent Republicans like Ben Carson.

DeSantis’ position was originally touted in a roundup earlier this week of various lawmakers’ stances on gun issues based on conversations they had with the group.

[ … ]

“What Congressman DeSantis said is he doesn’t understand why you need a license to exercise a fundamental right in the first place,” Friday said in an interview with the Times/Herald. “He did not make a commitment to support open carry or unlicensed carry. He didn’t say he would he would push for it in the Legislature (if elected governor).”

“We were very pleased with his answers and very pleased to hear him express support,” Friday added.

If he’s merely throwing scraps from the master’s table and refuses to push for this or say he supports open carry, then why is Friday pleased with DeSantis?

Am I missing something here?

And as for our God-given right of open carry, how is this proceeding in the other more liberal states in the country, like California, Hawaii and South Carolina?

South Carolina?

Don’t Do This

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

He’s fortunate he didn’t kill someone.

More FBI Secrecy In The Las Vegas Shooting

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

David Codrea:

ATF was “not allowed to physically examine the interior of the weapons” recovered from the Las Vegas shooter’s hotel room, a new Freedom of Information Act production by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives reveals. The baffling revelation appears on page 335 of a response sent to attorney Stephen Stamboulieh as part of an ongoing production of documents responding to his FOIA request.

[ … ]

“ATF did not disclose that they had not examined the firearms prior to promulgating the rule,” firearms designer and Historic Arms, LLC President Len Savage notes. “And now that the comment period is closed should they go forward with this rule under the Administrative Procedure Act that information can not be used in a court challenge because it was not submitted prior to closing of comments.

“DOJ is manipulating the APA to make sure that information will NOT be used to shoot down the rule,” Savage concludes.

I’m not a lawyer, but the pretext for this entire rule making was the alleged use of bump stocks in the Las Vegas shooting.  The intentional inclusion of material false information in the federal record is felony perjury.  Government agents should be as liable to that fact as any others.

Continuing with a follow-up.

“Today, we filed a lawsuit against the Federal Bureau of Investigation over a Mandalay Bay FOIA [Freedom of Information Act] request that the FBI denied,” Stamboulieh Law, PLLC announced in a Thursday media advisory.

Firearms designer and Historic Arms, LLC President Len Savage is the plaintiff in the complaint that charges “Defendant FBI is unlawfully withholding records requested by Plaintiff pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §552.” As reported by this column in April:

The FBI has responded. They claim they have no way of knowing how many “bump stocks” have been used in crimes and the FOIA law doesn’t require them to be responsive.

Do you see what’s happening here?  Agents of the ATF promulgated the rule on bump stocks.  A different federal agency, the FBI, refused them access to the guns in that Las Vegas hotel room, and now claims that none of this is their responsibility.  The finger always points in the other direction, doesn’t it?

It is said that FBI agents are having to record their conversations with potential criminals because juries don’t believe them any more.

They deserve it.  They’ve asked for everything that’s happening to them.  Secrecy is the enemy of good and honest government.  Truth be told, there are very few things that there is any moral reason for holding back from the American people.  Operations security in a time of war is the only example that comes to mind.

FBI Tags:

Why Did A Raleigh Police Officer Fire A Gun At A Moving Vehicle In A Busy Intersection?

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 6 months ago

I don’t know.  That’s a damn good question.

RALEIGH – A police officer stopped an SUV, which had been reported stolen, at a busy Southeast Raleigh intersection after 4 p.m. Monday.

As the officer approached the GMC Terrain, the driver backed up, made his way into traffic and turned left from Merrywood Drive onto Rock Quarry Road, according to Ronald Bullock, who saw the encounter.

That’s when another Raleigh police officer, who had arrived during the traffic stop and got out of the patrol car, fired a gun at the fleeing SUV, Bullock said.

“I heard, ‘Pop! Pop! Pop!’” said Bullock, 63, who manages a strip of retail outlets near the intersection. “There was no warning or anything.”

No one was shot, but Bullock and other witnesses and Southeast Raleigh residents are questioning the officer’s decision to fire at a moving vehicle in the middle of the afternoon when bystanders were around.The retail area managed by Bullock includes an auto-sales lot, a barber shop and a convenience store, and nearby is the Daniel Center for Math and Science, a nonprofit that serves at-risk children.

“You are going to jeopardize people’s lives because of a piece of metal,” Bullock said, referring to the SUV. “It could have been a lot, lot worse. It was a stolen car versus several lives that could have been lost.”

Raleigh police have released few details about the incident, which began with a report of a stolen vehicle and ended with a chase on Western Boulevard near the campus of N.C. State University.

Police say the driver of the SUV was Ronie Demitri Hyman, 22, of Addison Street in Raleigh. Hyman was charged with vehicle theft, felony fleeing to elude police, reckless driving and failing to stop after a property-damage accident.

A report about the shooting will be released within five days, police said, which is standard practice.

“RPD does not comment on ongoing investigations or litigation,” police spokeswoman Donna-maria Harris wrote in an email to The News & Observer on Tuesday. “A Five-Day report will be forthcoming.”

The Raleigh Police Department’s policy says officers should not shoot at a moving vehicle, “due to the risks, and considering that firearms are not generally effective in bringing a moving vehicle to a rapid halt.”

The Supreme Court decision in Tennessee versus Garner was handed down for situations just such as this, where there is a presumed crime, but no trial and no conviction.

Under these circumstances, the SCOTUS said that shooting and killing someone – even a fleeing inmate – bypasses the right of due process, and so LEOs cannot discharge weapons unless their life is in danger (just like you and me).

Of course, no district attorney is going to bring charges against a LEO since they are all on the same side, rendering the SCOTUS decision meaningless.  So LEOs are just like you and me, only better.

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