Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

NRA Statement On 3D Printers And Plastic Firearms

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago


Chris W. Cox, executive director, National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action, released the following statement on Tuesday.

“Many anti-gun politicians and members of the media have wrongly claimed that 3-D printing technology will allow for the production and widespread proliferation of undetectable plastic firearms.  Regardless of what a person may be able to publish on the Internet, undetectable plastic guns have been illegal for 30 years.  Federal law passed in 1988, crafted with the NRA’s support, makes it unlawful to manufacture, import, sell, ship, deliver, possess, transfer, or receive an undetectable firearm.”

“Crafted with the NRA’s support.”  Do you need to know any more?  And by the way, they and “Take the guns first, ban the bump stocks” Trump are in total agreement on this.

The NRA.  The most powerful, well-funded gun control organization on earth.

Walkabout In The Weminuche Wilderness

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

There are no socialists in the bush” – HPS

All of my physical training only barely prepared me for the difficulty of the Weminuche Wilderness (pronounced with the “e” silent).  It’s National Forest land, not National Park.  The Department of Agriculture no longer prints maps of the area, so we relied on NatGeo for the map, and it’s good, but not perfect.

We have a lot of ground to cover, including traveling with firearms, the modification I made to one of my guns for the trip, the actors in the event, the plan, and how and why the plan got modified on the second day.  I have many observations of things I knew but forgot, knew but was reminded are important, and things that I didn’t suspect would be as important as they are.  So let’s get started.

The Actors In The Event


As you can readily determine, it makes no sense to include many photos of me on this blog.

Joseph, my dear second son:

Joseph is the “Eveready Energizer Hiking Machine.”  He has two speeds – flat out go and stop.  He was my motivation during the trip, as he is in so much of life for everything else when I ponder just giving up.

Abraham Gonzalez:

Abe is cool and easy to get along with.  He makes heads explode in Austin, where he and Joseph are from, by telling people that he’s Hispanic, legal, grew up in America, is a Christian, believes abortion is sinful, voted for Trump, and wants illegals to be returned home without delay.  He’s also a good hiker.  We get along well.

The Plan And It’s Modification

We left from the Thirtymile Campground trailhead, but unfortunately didn’t leave until around noon.  That proved to be important in the plan, which was a four day, three night backpacking trip through the wilderness.  We were limited by my schedule and the schedules of my two partners.

This area is rough.  You must travel through Creede, Colorado, from Denver to get there, and some of the travel is gravel road.  The trip takes almost five hours.  There is no cell phone coverage anywhere near this area.  This is untamed wilderness, and the only other things you’ll see are a few backpackers who have braved the area like you.

The hike in is sustained uphill beginning at around 9000 feet elevation.  We ended the first day when we knew we were soon going to lose light and where we had a source of water.  I’ll speak more about water later.

After our first night, there was a long, moderate but sustained uphill trek to begin our slog up the Continental Divide Trail (CDT).

The beauty of the area is difficult to describe in words.  Perhaps impossible.

A hard right after this long, sustained uphill takes you up the CDT, towards “The Window.”

The difficulty of the uphill on the CDT is difficult to describe.  It’s the longest, sustained uphill at high elevation (10,000 feet – 12,000 feet) I’ve ever done.  It includes rocks, boulders, scree, downed trees, a little bushwhacking, natural gravel, undulations, loss of the elevation you just gained, only to have to regain it, river fordings, creek crossings, and on and on.

Eventually the hardest uphill begins towards Ute Lake.  This is where we’d been at one point.

This is where we were going.

And there was much more after that as we’d find around the next turn.  This hike covered more than five miles of the most intense backpacking I’ve ever done, climbing from 10,000 feet to around 12,000 feet.  During the hike I was burning through 1 Liter of water every 30-45 minutes.

It’s funny how water controls your thoughts and forces your decisions.  Every decision is based on sources of water.  Every one.  The temptation is to face-plant in the nearest stream you come across, but we resisted that temptation and filtered every time.

We passed some other backpackers who told us that the climb from the trailhead to Ute Lake was two full days.  We had tried to turn two days of climbing into 1.5 days, and it wasn’t working.  I was the holdup, as I’m convinced Joseph and Abe could have made it to Ute Lake, but I couldn’t.  We had crossed as much water as we were going to find before the lake, and had to make it there for our final water for the day and night.

Joseph made the decision to turn around and lose elevation to the nearest stream, and it turned out to be a wise move.  Over the course of the day, between uphill and downhill, we moved around eight miles, gained around 2000 feet, and lost around another 1000 feet over the same scree, boulders, and downed trees we had just crossed.  It might be the roughest day I’ve ever had on the trail.  All of this was done carrying 45-55 pound backpacks on our backs, depending on the amount of water we had at the time.  Water is heavy.

Part of what makes this area rough is the thin air, and the heavy breathing only accelerates the water loss.  We consumed an incredible amount of water, but only pissed once per day right before climbing into our sleeping bags.  Orange.  It was literally impossible to stay hydrated no matter how hard we tried.

The third day we made the decision to make our way out to the trailhead, another eight miles, once again never having to stop to piss.  The drove back into Denver for the night, and on Friday we made a day-hike in the Rocky Mountain National Park to Lake Haiyaha.

Once again, it’s beauty is difficult to put into words.

Lake Haiyaha in the rain.

Dad and Son

Joseph, the hiking machine.

Let’s discuss lessons learned from this adventure, as well as recommendations for equipment and training.

The Gun

I wanted to carry one of my 1911s, but decided that I wanted something more powerful than .45 ACP.  We’ve discussed 450 SMC before (Short Magnum Cartridge), which is the .45 ACP with a rifle primer, leaving more room for powder.  Most guys who shoot the 450 SMC out of 1911s seem to be using a 22# spring rather than the 18# spring that is typical for the 1911, so I ordered a 22# and 24# spring from Wolff Gunsprings.  I also ordered some 450 SMC ammunition, as no gun store anywhere near me carried it.

I wanted to go by Hyatt Gun Shop and talk with Woody before doing this.  Woody knew exactly what I was doing, recommended the 22# spring, and told me I’d be just fine with the ammo in that particular 1911.  “It’s a good gun, it’s all stainless steel, and the rounds are similar in ballistics to the 460 Rowland.  Just hit what you’re aiming at,” he said.  I replied that I’d field stripped it and wasn’t so sure it didn’t already have a 22# spring in it.  He cycled the slide once, and said, “It has the 18# spring in it.  It’s difficult to tell by looking at it.”  Sure enough, it did.

I field stripped my gun, installed the 22# spring, and inserted a 10-round Wilson Combat magazine for ten rounds of 450 SMC.  The 22# spring makes it slightly stiffer to cycle the slide.  We saw plenty of deer, Chipmunks, and other assorted wildlife, but no bear and no moose.  There were times when my partners went on ahead of me and I solo-hiked, but I would have been fine with that setup when in any danger.

Travelling With Firearms, And The Stupidity Of The TSA

We don’t have any complaints against the TSA in Austin, TX.  They seemed relaxed and not too puckered about guns, and used to seeing them.

Charlotte, no so much.  The airline employees who used to check firearms now “feel uncomfortable” doing it, so call a TSA representative.  The TSA employee who checked my gun actually seemed to know something about guns (he remarked that I had a chamber flag in the gun), but he was a bit puckered for my tastes.

He tried to pry open the box, got it a centimeter or two open on one end, and told me it didn’t meet TSA standards because the gun could be taken out of its box.  I doubt it.  I think he was exaggerating.  Fortunately, I had a cable and another lock, so I wrapped the cable around the handle and locked it where he couldn’t pry it open at all.  If I had not had the extra cable and lock I would have missed my flight.

Denver is just downright stupid.  Checking a gun means having a airline employee take your luggage at a glacial pace to another room where it gets put through an X-Ray machine.  She then asked if the gun was unloaded and locked, to which we said “yes,” and then she lets the same airline employee take your luggage back to a conveyor.  At this point he slams it down on the conveyor and walks away leaving the luggage there unattended.  Joseph and I decided to stay with our luggage until the belt started a little later moving our luggage behind the wall.  We weren’t going to walk away until we saw that our luggage had disappeared.

I would have loved to ask the TSA lady what she thought she was looking for.  If this is like every other airport, every piece of luggage is X-Rayed.  But what she accomplished besides the typical X-Ray every piece of luggage gets is beyond me.  All she did was ask us questions the airline employee could have asked.  Our luggage was never opened, the gun was never inspected.  Not, by the way, that I think the TSA regulations make any sense or it’s necessary for the gun to be in any certain configuration or inspected at all.

Let’s face it, folks.  Since we are dropping off the luggage and we are picking it up, the only necessity for the luggage to be locked up is what happens behind the wall.  The only good of locking up the gun is theft by airport employees.  We know it, the TSA knows it, and the airlines know it.  It’s the truth.  None of this has anything to do with security.  It’s all about airport theft by airline or airport employees.

From there we went to the Denver security checkpoint.  One TSA employee was running up and down the line, up and down the line, up and down the line, back and forth, to and fro, with a dog (presumably a bomb-sniffing dog) stopping whenever the dog wanted to stop.  One lady turned to me and said, “It makes me so scared to go anywhere these days.”

I responded, “I’m not scared.  This is all theater, designed and built to make you think certain things.”  She gave me a puzzled look and moved on.  When asked for my driver’s license, I showed it to the TSA employee, who then said “take it out of your wallet” (it had a window).  I rolled my eyes, which apparently he didn’t like.

He said, “Always take it out.  How we ‘posed to know if it’s paper or not?  Rememba ‘dat.”  My immediate thought was “How are you ‘posed to know whether any information I’m presenting to you is real rather than a complete fabrication, you imperious imbecile?”  I didn’t say that as it would have caused me to miss my flight.  I pick my fights.

Lessons Learned (And Relearned)

The temperature varied between 40 and 70 degrees F, and we ran into some rain.  I cannot say enough about the best parka I have been able to find, which is made by a fishing company.  My particular parka is no longer made, but one similar to it is.  It’s expensive, but it was worth every penny.  I like to buy mine “blousy” to fit fleece or other clothing underneath it.

Put my water filter in an attachment bag on the outside of my backpack.  It drips water just a little and I don’t like the contents of my backpack getting wet.

From the picture above you can see that I carried my gun in a Hill People bag on my chest.  This works for a while but after three days it began to bother me.  In the future I’ll rig up a holster to my backpack belt with zip ties or some other method for carry.

I carried a tactical light.  In the future I won’t.  When ounces matter, aluminum light housing and batteries are at a premium for weight.  It’s a big commitment to carry that weight, even if the light is fairly small.  There is no point in using a tactical light in camp.  It’s so bright that it’s blinding.  Headlamps and small lights are fine for camp, and the only need for a tactical light is on your gun rail with a single 123 battery (like my Streamlight).

Don’t go cheap on important equipment like a hydration pack.  Joseph and Abe had good ones.  I didn’t, and I suffered for it.  Water (and the ability to get to it) is everything.

The importance of trekking poles.  Joseph and Abe didn’t use trekking poles, but I did.  I couldn’t have made the hike without them.  My triceps doubled for another set of thighs.

Equipment.  We are all experienced backpackers and hikers.  We all have either Keen or Oboz boots.  There may be other good ones out there, but I advise against experimentation.  Get the best.  Many of my readers like tactical equipment.  But mostly, tactical equipment sucks.  The civilian backpacking community has more money to spend, has done more research, and has invested more time and energy into making better equipment than the military community.  Dump your combat boots and get Keen or Oboz.  Keen for a slightly wider foot, Oboz for a more narrow or normal foot like mine.

All three of us were running Osprey 50L backpacks.  Dump your tactical packs, folks.  They’re no good.  No one who does this carries tactical packs.  No one.  No one on the trail has something like that.  If you’re running combat boots, you’re destroying your feet for no good reason.  If you’re running tactical packs, you’re destroying your spine for no good reason except that you’re unable to break with the community that trained you.  The community that trained you gave you equipment that sucks.  Accept that, and change.

Teamwork.  The slowest man holds everyone up.  I know that.  I was the slowest man.  In camp, everyone has to pull his own weight.  There are no slouches on the trail.  There’s too much to do.  Making camp means processing wood for a fire, filtering water, setting up tents and/or tarps, preparing food and a host of other things.  We divided responsibilities and got busy when we dropped our packs.  There are no socialists in the bush.

Because it means hard work, responsibility and productivity, meeting obligations and learning to survive, every man who is capable should do this with their sons.  What?  You didn’t think that Marines are made by the US Marine Corps, did you?  That’s completely false.  Marines are made by fathers.  The Corps just sharpens the blade.

Carry multiple means of fire starter on different parts of your body or kit.  If one gets wet, you have another.  That happened to me on this trip.

Physical conditioning is everything.  To prepare for this trip I hiked, biked, worked out in the gym three or four days a week, and swam.  My preparations seemed endless.  For a 58 year old man with rheumatoid arthritis, I did okay.  But I was equivalent to other hikers on the trail.  In other words, I couldn’t turn what most of the hikers know to be a two day climb into a one and a half day climb.  The rocks, boulders, scree, streams, rivers, downed trees and thin air worked too hard against me.

A moment of honesty is in order.  Some folks in the patriot community talk about wearing body armor, whether soft or plate.  Don’t even discuss that, don’t even consider that, if you can’t strap on a 50 pound pack and make a climb, perhaps not this difficult, but one like it.

You might be able to shoot 1 MOA, but if you’re injured or dead, you’re no good to anybody.  Every part of my body hurt – triceps, hips, thighs, back, everything.  When you’re exhausted, you make moves that aren’t supported by the muscles, and twisting moves especially can cause real problems for your frame.  Get in shape, or drop the notions of suiting up in armor.  It won’t help you if you can’t carry it. Muscle strength is good, and while I used to be on the powerlifting team in college, I’ve lost some of that muscle mass.  Fitness can partially make up for loss of muscle mass over the years, but nothing can make up for lack of fitness.

Gloves.  I wore Mechanix Impact gloves, and as I had to pound and hit the boulders more than once to keep my balance, it saved my hands.

Finally and again, the TSA is an irredeemable clown show.


For every beast of the forest is mine, the cattle on a thousand hills … And everything that moves in the field is mine … For the world is mine, and all it contains.”

God is the maker of all I saw, of everything I admired and everything that astonished me.  He has made it for His glory, and for my edification.  He had made the world to give it over to mankind for his own dominion according to His holy law.

What men may think about where this all came from is of no consequence to God, who scoffs at His detractors.  Our opinions only have consequences for us and will be our judgment.  I am thankful to the Almighty for giving me this opportunity to honor and worship Him in this way.  He is the God of the universe, and my personal Lord.  Even if he slays me, yet will I serve Him.

AR-15 Cleaning And Maintenance

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

Shooting Illustrated:

I clean my AR-15 gas systems approximately every 1,000 rounds. Direct-impingement gas tubes are easily maintained by inserting a long [purpose-made] pipe cleaner wet with solvent into the tube, then following it up with a fresh pipe cleaner. The portion that extends through the upper receiver is easily cleaned with a couple cotton swabs. Carbon build-up on the inner surface of adjustable gas-block screws can be cleaned off with a wire brush after removing the screw(s). Operating-rod systems with removable gas regulators also benefit from occasional removal of carbon deposits. Follow the manufacturers’ instructions for cleaning them, as they tend to be unique. If your AR-15 has an operating rod that moves through a bushing in the upper receiver, a bit of lubrication on the rod where it passes through the bushing helps to prevent binding.

I guess I haven’t thought much about cleaning the gas system of my guns.  I guess I need to.

Thanks To WiscoDave For Filling In

BY Herschel Smith
6 years, 7 months ago

I want to express my most sincere appreciation to WiscoDave for filling in for me while I gallivanted in the woods.  Sometimes you just have to take a knee, and this was one of those times.  I wanted readers to be able to make visits and sound off, as well as mine the thoughts of a good man.

I found him in WiscoDave.  And to boot, he had experience writing elsewhere, so I want to thank Ken for loaning him to me for the week.

It’s obvious that WiscoDave is a harder working and busier man than I am, and besides, you needed a break from my ramblings and musings and droning on and on about whatever pissed me off last.

I hope you enjoyed the week with Dave.

Turn out the lights, the party’s over…

BY WiscoDave
6 years, 7 months ago

Well, gentle friends, the hour has struck and the Captain is soon to retake his rightful place.

Hopefully he will find no cracks in his crystal egg.

As has been the custom, we begin with a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer.

I hope my musings this week have been to your satisfaction.

I just put down the thoughts that came to me.

Obviously, my style is different front Mr. Smith’s. (Also,he knows how to use WordPress). I readily give way to his expertise on many subjects. My attempts were mainly devised to get you to consider things.

I doubt I could claim expertise in anything. I do have knowledge, along with scars and aches and pains.

I envy the tongue of the Bard:

“If we are mark’d to die, we are enough

To do our country loss; and if to live,

The fewer men, the greater share of honour.

God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.

By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,

Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;

It yearns me not if men my garments wear;

Such outward things dwell not in my desires.

But if it be a sin to covet honour,

I am the most offending soul alive.

No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England.

God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour

As one man more methinks would share from me

For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!

Rather proclaim it, Westmorland, through my host,

That he which hath no stomach to this fight,

Let him depart; his passport shall be made,

And crowns for convoy put into his purse;

We would not die in that man’s company

That fears his fellowship to die with us.

This day is call’d the feast of Crispian.

He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,

Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,

And rouse him at the name of Crispian.

He that shall live this day, and see old age,

Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,

And say “To-morrow is Saint Crispian.”

Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,

And say “These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.”

Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,

But he’ll remember, with advantages,

What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,

Familiar in his mouth as household words—

Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,

Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester

Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.

This story shall the good man teach his son;

And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,

From this day to the ending of the world,

But we in it shall be rememberèd—

We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;

For he to-day that sheds his blood with me

Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,

This day shall gentle his condition;

And gentlemen in England now a-bed

Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,

And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks

That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.”

I did not want to trust that to my inadequate skills with linking.

This next, however, I must.

There is a tradition within a group to which I once belonged. I believe it continues to this day. A verse is sung on the Sabbath in remembrance of comrades departed.

I have encouraged that twice in my web of friends (see what I did there?).

Once for a man who had given much knowledge.

Once for a young woman taken far, far too soon.

Please, take a glass in hand.

And listen.

And remember.

[My apologies on having to copy and paste that in order to listen. You can also search for The High Kings Parting Glass].

edit: It worked!! It FINALLY worked!!

Goodnight, Mrs. Calabash. Wherever you are.

Fish Fry Friday

BY WiscoDave
6 years, 7 months ago

The week is nearing its’ end. Soon this place will be reclaimed by the rightful owner. But until then…

As is our habit, we start once again with a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer.

Long days make for long weeks. My day begins at 1AM when I get up and tend to animals. I leave shortly after 2 on my 65 mile drive to work.

I return home, traffic willing, around 430PM. I tend to animals, then to myself (there’s a wife in there someplace) and retire, hopefully, before 7PM. Rinse and repeat. That pretty much is my week.

But Friday. Friday is special. Not only is it the end of my work week (OK, my paycheck earning work. Plenty to do around the farmstead on the weekend) but it is the day of THE FRIDAY FISH FRY!!!

Those of you who have never experienced it are probably staring at this quizzically. Those that live in WI take it so for granted that it’s difficult to comprehend what a unique phenomenon it really is until you reflect on it.

A wonderful peek at it can be found here

[Hot damn, I think I did that right!]

So, how does a glimpse into my journey to another quadruple bypass operation fit into this week’s theme? [I really hope this blue underlining goes away when I post this. Damn, tried to fix it and now everything’s underlined].

To me, the fish fry is something to look forward to. [OK. Underlining gone but it’s still blue. Sigh]. A little mental diversion to help “get through the week.” We all have, or at least I hope we all have, some thing that we look forward to. Maybe not as dramatic as a cast away clinging to hope and life but some thing/thought to have as a goal or mental diversion.

If/as things fall apart I believe things to look forward to will be critical to our mental health and wellbeing. Please remember that I’m not talking about getting so caught up in a day dream fantasy that a monkey drops a rock on your head and removes you from the equation. Just a little something that helps you keep going.

My wife’s stepdad was in the 1st Cav in Vietnam. He kept a picture of his muscle car in his helmet. He had left the car all tarped up and ready for his return when he left. The thought of that car kept him going through his tour. When he rotated home he actually met one of his brothers who was heading over to start his tour. They talked briefly. Bob’s brother, Lee, mentioned that nothing special was going on at home and that all was pretty much the same as when he had left. They parted ways, each continuing on their journey. Lee left out the part where he had taking Bob’s car out of storage and totaled it. Oh well. Life goes on.

Until tomorrow.

Rummage your way to survival

BY WiscoDave
6 years, 7 months ago

Well, made it past the halfway mark with no pitchforks and torches visible on the horizon. We’ll take that as a good thing.

As is our habit, we start once again with a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer.

As I’m sure most of you know the months of summer do far more than bring forth a bounty of corn and beans. They bring forth the ubiquitous rummage/garage/sale here signs that beckon you to wreck your wallet on the rocks of their wares.

But all is not lost, my mariner of the concrete (asphalt and gravel work, so does dirt) seas of the modern world. Bargains are to be had that can greatly aid you in your survival goals at a great savings when compared to the harpies of retail.

The key to successful navigation in these areas is to have a plan. Look first for obvious items such as garden tools: rakes (garden is my preferred type), shovels (pointed or flat are my preferred) along with a miscellany of small “planting type” tools are my personal “look fors.”

Granted, having a small farmstead makes it difficult to have too many of these things. Think ahead to how many other able bodies you might be dealing with and equip for them.

Next I look for outdoor “stuff.” Hunting items, heavy duty clothing and things of that nature. Hopefully it will fit me or my wife. After that, generic sizes will do for the “others.”

Next food preservation items. Canning equipment and supplies. Both water bath and pressure. Remember, you may not have electric so I’d lean more heavily towards the stove top variety. Also you need to consider how many are in, or might be in, your tribe. With canning equipment the more you can have going the faster (and more) can get done. Dehydrators are something of a “Holy Grail” item to find. While they require electricity you can run them 24/7 and preserve damn near everything. [Remember a few days ago when we talked of training? While a class in canning and preserving food is not as “sexy” as a small unit deployed in an ambush class might be, I’ll bet you spend more time eating than fighting. Just a guess. YMMV].

I could go on but your situation will be different than mine. A person in an apartment might see little use for shovels and rakes but I know a guy that has, I’m pretty sure at least one, multiple dehydrators going constantly. He does everything.

I’m thinking he’s almost got water down…

Don’t just think rummage sales. Thrift stores are also great to search through. Looking for bargains on food alone could be a whole ‘nother post.

I’m sure you see the point of all of this now. Yeah, you’re buying something used. What do you think that new shovel will be the day after you buy it?

Please remove pants before ironing.

Management is not responsible for items left overnight.

You’re on a list

BY WiscoDave
6 years, 7 months ago

Day 3. The journey continues.

We start once again with a quiet recitation of A. Shepard’s Prayer.

Due to popular demand (OK, a couple of comments by James) I’ll throw my two cents out there with regards to the 3D printer files kerfluffle going on.

First off, it seems that there are files out there that have been previously released. All you have to do is look for them. They’ve been out there for years. Defense Distributed may have some newer designs they wanted to release but there are plans out there for at least the Liberator.

Secondly, I’m loving all of the “pearl clutching” and anti-gun/anti-freedom moral outrage being spewed by all of the usual suspects. Once again they can breathlessly hype (and probably fund raise off of) absolutely nothing.

C’mon, people. There already are well over 300 million guns in the USA. A few more single shot homemade ones are not going to push us off of a cliff.

If you’re working the angle that you want to make one “off of the books” you’re fooling yourself. You’re already on a list if you’ve ever done anything, belonged to anything or bought anything (by means other than cash/barter) gun related. Spending a couple grand on a special machine and then ordering special materials only to have to go and buy additional components in order to complete it does not an off the books gun make. I don’t doubt that it could be done BUT I’m guessing that you’re already on a list.

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not in the least against someone doing it themselves. It’s just not for me. And, in my opinion, there are far better ways of spending your money.

One suggestion I have is to get a combination drill press/lathe/mill and have something that can do far more than just 3D printing. They can be had for less than $2,000. I know they’re not perfect but they’ll suffice unless you want to get separate, full sized stand alone machines. Besides, metalworking can be a fun hobby and a valuable skill.

History tells many stories of “hidden” firearms manufacturing in occupied areas. I have heard stories, but can’t verify, of Sten gun plans being dropped to the resistance in France during WWII so they could make them.

I also stumbled across this article during my browsing: I don’t know who this guy is but he seems familiar.

In short, I’m loving it but it’s not for me. Maybe if you want to make me some of those Frito Bandito erasers from a few years back…

I’ll wait for the technology to get advanced to the point like in that old Star Wars tv show from the ’60’s. You know, where Kirk and Jeannie would ask the Tardis to make something and there it was. Yeah. I’m waiting for that.

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