Update #2 On Leland, North Carolina, Prohibition Of Weapons During Hurricane Florence
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 4 months ago
Via WoG, GRNC responds to the credit poachers.
As GRNC volunteers continue to diligently monitor the state for “State of Emergency (SOE) Gun Bans,” it seems that other organizations are taking credit for our successes. No one, not credit poachers like the Firearms Policy Foundation, nor any other organization that “sends a letter” can claim credit for the work GRNC has been doing for years—work that made SOE Gun Bans unlawful and forced government entities to repeal these bans.
GRNC has now added Littleton, NC to our list of hurricane Florence successes. This morning, we were alerted to a declaration of an unconstitutional SOE gun ban in Littleton and our volunteers immediately contacted them, citing the law. Before Littleton, it was Leland, Carolina Beach and Roanoke Rapids. Fortunately, and in nearly all of these cases so far, discussions with municipal leaders have been cordial, and they were happy to correct the problem once they understood the illegality of their declaration. Kudos to Carolina Beach and Littleton for being particularly receptive during our discussions with them.
As a local organization, we are happy to say that our relationships with these municipalities remain properly cordial as we help the municipalities identify and correct these problems.
I’ve met the good folks of GRNC at a gun show in Charlotte and talked extensively with them. I like them and want to remain cordial with them, and I’m glad they take this approach (perhaps there is something to the notion that a message is received better when delivered with honey instead of vinegar).
And I never thought that a letter from the FPF or FPC did the trick. My post preceded the letter, and I didn’t think my post did the trick either. But I simply cannot consider the folks in Leland allies or friends. They are enemies of liberty because of what they did.
Had they not been stopped by GRNC, they would have put peaceable and good men on the road with road robbers, highway thieves and murderers, and nefarious men of all kinds who could have done their family harm. Hopefully, no one obeyed their immoral and illegal edicts.
They showed their predilections and predispositions with this edict. Their beliefs run contrary to moral and Godly thought. Their actions ran afoul of state law, and thus they are either criminally culpable or negligent in their ignorance to the point of malfeasance in office. They should be in prison.
Postscript: It isn’t clear to me whether GRNC should be referring to Leland rather than Littleton, or I shouldn’t have connected this to Leland (although the FPF letter was sent to Leland).
Update On Leland, North Carolina, Prohibition Of Weapons During Hurricane Florence
On September 17, 2018 at 8:53 am, Liberty4Ever said:
I recall the despicable video of the New Orleans police chief announcing that “no one will be allowed to be armed” in the wake of hurricane Katrina. This resulted in several laws specifically prohibiting such firearms prohibitions during states of emergency, when we most need to exercise our right to bear arms for our protection and the protection of our loved ones. The second amendment should have been sufficient, but apparently many governments were forced to pass, “No, seriously, we really mean it” legislation.
Sadly, all free states need a firearms preemption act to protect their citizens from the mini tyrants in local government. Kentucky’s firearms preemption act is KRS 65.870. You can search for it and use it as model legislation in your state. Our firearms preemption act was a simple two sentences but it had no provision for enforcement. Our state legislature assumed that elected officials in city and county governments would obey the state law without any need for penalties, but of course they ignored the law with impunity so some of us went to the state capitol and added penalties to the law in 2012. Petty tyrants who pass laws or create government policies that deprive Kentuckians of our unalienable right to bear arms are now guilty of official misconduct, subject to up to a year in jail (that will never happen) and/or a substantial personal fine that cannot be paid by the government. We also took the opportunity to add specific prohibitions to cover the specific tricks the local yokels had been using to subvert the state laws that protect our rights. My addition was “or any person acting under the authority of any of these organizations”. My local government was bad about hiring a quasi-government corporation to manage parades, fireworks displays, charitable fun run events, etc. The gov-co corporation would prohibit firearms at their events, and the local police would enforce the corporate policy. Not any more!
The revised firearms preemption act didn’t stop every newly elected tyrant wannabe from passing an ordinance or putting up a gun buster sign on a government building, but it has made it much easier to once again force them to rescind their anti-gun edicts.
It’s a shame that the nature of government is to grow in size and power, subsuming more of our money and more of our rights. It is the duty of every American to be ever vigilant against the metastasis of government at all levels. Liberty is a never ending job. We must fight them constantly. Our wins are temporary. Our losses are permanent.
On September 17, 2018 at 11:20 am, Henry said:
“The second amendment should have been sufficient, but apparently many governments were forced to pass, “No, seriously, we really mean it” legislation.”
No doubt due to all the “during a state of emergency, all your rights dissolve” legislation they had passed previously.
On September 17, 2018 at 1:42 pm, Gryphon said:
The so-called ‘federal government’ has been acting under various forms of “State of Emergency” since the Dissolution of the Congress with the Secession of various “Southern” States. The Constitutional Republic has not Existed since then as has been ‘presented’ to the People. There is Plenty of Info detailing the whole “SOE” Fraud, most of it even ‘approved by’ the Con-gress in the form of various “Laws”.
The more Recent Versions of the “SOE” non-constitutional ‘government’ began with the ‘9-11’ attacks, and are Codified by things like the “NDAA” and “Patriot Act” that Explicitly Remove the ‘Constitutional Rights’ of the Citizens.
But, as Captain Smith ably points out, No Corrupted Government can Take Away the Rights of Man, as Granted by God. When more of the Citizens become Aware of the Total Fraud that is the feral ‘government’, the Godless Commies are going to be in for a Bad Surprise…
On September 17, 2018 at 4:48 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Local bans on the exercise of the right of citizens to keep and bear arms, even those which are reversed upon appeal and complaint or which may appear to some as “reasonable and prudent” measures during natural disasters and other civil emergencies, should be understood for what they are – de facto, a form of martial law.
The cynical among us might even call them “trial balloons” for similar state, regional and national edicts of the same kind. Boston was locked down in a state of de facto martial law after the Boston Marathon bombings in 2013. The authorities chose the Orwellian name “shelter in place” for that particular operation, which saw SWAT personnel conducting warrantless house-to-house searches, amongst other things.
Civil Rights and Constitutional Law Attorney John Whitehead has done yeoman work on documenting the emerging American police-state, both in his books and his writings for the Rutherford Institute. Interested parties are urged to seek out his work, which is both exhaustively researched and well-documented. His latest books are: “A Government of Wolves: The Emerging American Police State,” and “Battlefield America: The War on the American People,” both by Select Books Publishing.
On September 18, 2018 at 3:33 am, Nosmo said:
My apologies to those whose delicate sensibilities may be offended, but, sorry, folks, you broke the law – law which, as an elected or appointed local government official you have a responsibility to be aware of – so now you must bear the consequences of your actions; at the very least, those consquences should be dismissal from office.
There’s no way to tell how many people might have been endangered by potential threats as a result of notification of the illegal ban on personal defensive equipment but were not aware of the “Emily Litella recant” (“…never mind…”) which came out later and only because authorities were “politely and cordially” informed of their illegality.
I doubt prison time is warranted – which, technically, should be because of the higher responsibility engendered by being a public official, but dismissal from office by the decision makers and all who supported them, and a lifetime ban from ever holding public office again certainly is, if for no other reason than setting the example for other public officials.
On September 18, 2018 at 9:51 am, Donk said:
So if our right, scratch that, duty to self defense and of others comes from God, why do we ask permission to carry concealed? I understand choosing which hill upon which one wishes to die on (paying Fed taxes or not, drivers license or not…). I also understand the desire to be a gray man and having a state sanctioned CCW sure seems like voluntarily putting oneself on a list, if not, great peril should one be pulled over by an over zealous or fearful coproach for a traffic violation. Those two licenses are linked my friends, not just the local but state and federal databases. Just curious of the opinion of the Captain’s Commentariat