Pr. George’s Police Bust In And Invade Innocent Man’s Home
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 4 months ago
Via Insty:
A police search warrant team going after a drug dealer targeted the wrong address and burst into the apartment of an innocent resident who shot and wounded two officers believing they were home invaders, Prince George’s law enforcement officials said.
Police Chief Hank Stawinski apologized for the error Thursday and said he has halted executing search warrants until the department reviews how it corroborates information to confirm addresses and the location of investigative targets.
As soon as officers entered the apartment, the man inside immediately surrendered when he realized police were on the other side of the door, Stawinski said.
The man yelled, “‘You’ve got the wrong address! Don’t shoot my daughter!’ ” according to Stawinski.
No criminal charges will be filed against the resident, who fired at police with a shotgun, said Stawinski, adding that police “did not draw the right conclusion” about their target.
Here is the report. Glenn Reynolds adds, “This is how it should be handled.”
No, it’s not. Here’s a note to LEOs. I don’t believe in your war on drugs. In fact, I don’t believe in law enforcement in America conducting a war on anything at all, except invasion from foreign countries, a job which isn’t going so well.
The process isn’t over. Now it’s time for the LEOs involved to be fired and charged with destruction of private property, trespassing, and assault with a deadly weapon.
Then perhaps these idiotic home invasions by LEOs will begin to subside. Otherwise, it will turn into a war on something else, like LEOs. Get my drift?
On September 21, 2018 at 3:51 am, skybill said:
No, ….I am “NOT” a drug dealer, Thief, or any other “low life” type.. “SO,” if you think I am and try to break down my door, you will not get wounded.. YOU!! will get at least one round of “00BUCK” in your face shield, groin or lower abdomen (where you don’t have a flack vest!!) and be advised as this will happen fast and expect round 2 about a nano second later after I rack round 2, then 3 … you get my drift puke!! You Mitch Bailsford types are in for a rude awakening……. pukes!!!!!
On September 21, 2018 at 4:59 am, Mark Matis said:
Yes, the process IS over. Unless some Mere Citizen decides to deal appropriately with Prince George’s “finest”.
And no, the Mere Citizen will NOT be allowed to fire them, nor charge them with destruction, nor charge them with assault.
Shoot. Shovel. Shut up.
Or be prepared to do a LOT more shooting, because the Only Ones will keep coming until they kill you.
But if you stack enough of their corpses in the streets, your death at their hands might still send a message that the REST of the pig sties across the country could understand.
On September 21, 2018 at 8:42 am, Fred said:
Pigs can’t sweat. This is why they roll around in wallers and in their pigsties. They need to stay cool or they will die. This wallering is a good thing. There are many things that are good because they serve a purpose that we think is helping. Like giving people free food or fighting drugs. But when God looks at it all He sees is you covered in your own excrement.
The opposite of evil is not good. Lot’s of things are good. The opposite of evil is love. Pay attention; God said you will know good and evil not good from evil. The love of God is not in this thing, this war on drugs.
On September 21, 2018 at 2:29 pm, 15Fixer said:
I like your drift…
On September 21, 2018 at 10:10 pm, Fred said:
Somebody is getting the drift, Five by. Via WoG.
On September 21, 2018 at 10:28 pm, Fred said:
Oops, it’s fake. But a man can dream can’t he?
On September 23, 2018 at 2:30 pm, Gryphon said:
Darned Surprising the piggies didn’t Execute the Man and His Family for Defending Himself…
It may take a while, but He has a good chance with a Lawsuit against the County, starting with Naming Personally the pigs Involved. The .gov MUST legally Defend its minions, and chances are they will Settle ‘out of court’ to prevent the negative publicity.
And Fred, though ‘fake’, THAT is Exactly what needs to start Happening, the Elimination of the Perverts (and their Enablers in the media and courts)
On September 24, 2018 at 11:16 am, Hiram said:
Something is very very wrong with this story. Cops get shot and say, “Oops! Our bad!”? It doesn’t happen in this country. Certainly not in MD. There is more, much more to this tale than anyone is willing to admit.
On September 24, 2018 at 5:43 pm, Gryphon said:
Hiram – I was thinking the Same Thing – Who is this ‘innocent resident’, what are his political connections? Is he another ‘deep state’ Asset? VERY difficult to believe that the thugpigs, after Taking Fire, didn’t Kill everyone in the house, and Burn it Down to destroy any Evidence.
An important ‘tell’ might be whether or not He sues the County, or the nature of any Settlement. If there is No ‘legal action’ about this, it would mean the individual is a .gov Swamp Creature of some sort….
On September 25, 2018 at 11:32 am, revjen45 said:
Is being literate or numerate a disqualifying factor for applying to be a cop in that area?