East Texas State Fair Bans Open Carry Guns, Concealed Carry Still Allowed
BY Herschel Smith
SMITH COUNTY — The East Texas State Fair will not allow open carry guns this year, according to fair president John Sykes.
“We really want everyone to understand that safety and security at this event is for most on our mind and has been for many many years,” Sykes said. “We as an entity do have the right to prevent open carry.”
While Sykes says they do reserve the right to prevent concealed carry, fairgoers may carry guns concealed as long as they have a CCW.
“I’ve learned that maybe we are violating the rights of others too much when you already have a license to carry concealed,” Sykes said. “So we have decided to go ahead and allow that to happen.”
Sykes says security will be checking licenses and will also be looking to see if a weapon becomes exposed. If someone violates the open carry policy, they will be escorted from the property.
Sykes says security and police are expected to be the first line of defense if an incident should happen. However, the fair ‘trusts’ those with concealed carry licenses should anything happen.
Those concealed carriers are so much more trustworthy than the open carriers. Hey, it’s too bad for the criminals that they won’t be able to open carry now as they plan their mass shooting. I guess they’ll just leave their guns at home or not go. Surely they won’t violate regulations and conceal their firearms.
On September 24, 2018 at 7:26 am, Talktome said:
“I’ve learned that maybe we are violating the rights of others too much when you already have a license to carry concealed,” Sykes said. “So we have decided to go ahead and allow that to happen.” So, these statists are worried they might be violating the rights of others too much? Does he perhaps mean – we need to phase in these abuses over time, rather than all at once? So, by 2020, expect a complete ban, except of course, for costumed hero’s, they are special. As clear an admission that what they are doing is clearly wrong, but f you citizens, we have the power.
On September 24, 2018 at 10:38 am, June J said:
Whether or not they have the “right” to conceal carry depends entirely upon whether or not the fairgrounds are owned by a government entity.
Texas State Law prohibits government entities from posting 30.06 signs prohibiting concealed carry. Not that it stops government entities from doing so of course.
The Texas State Fair in Dallas tried the same thing and got slapped down, now allows concealed carry by LTC holders.
I can and have open carried in the Texas State Capital building. I don’t know why the little fiefdoms across Texas don’t trust license holders since the governor and legislature trust us to carry in their house.
On September 24, 2018 at 11:20 am, NOG said:
Just goes to show you, its not only the fedgov you need to watch. Local/state are no better.
On September 24, 2018 at 2:24 pm, moe mensale said:
“Sykes says security will be checking licenses…”
I guess my understanding of conceal carrying is incorrect. I always assumed that if I was conceal carrying then nobody around me would know I was conceal carrying. And therefore you wouldn’t be checking my carry license because, you know, you wouldn’t know I was carrying. But what do I know.
On September 24, 2018 at 7:02 pm, Gryphon said:
Places like Fairgrounds more often are owned/operated by ‘Private’ ‘Corporations’ licensed by the State; it becomes Problematic to expect Your Rights will be Respected in these Places. Since I tend to Avoid Crowds like “the Plague” (no telling what the illegal aliens are bringing in with them) I don’t see this as some sort of ‘Red Line’ unless the Venue IS a ‘Public Place’.
And yeah, Moe brings up an Interesting Point – Is it Illegal only if You get Caught?