Why Did The NRA And Gun Controllers Cross The Road?
BY Herschel Smith
Does it matter, and can you tell them apart?
The people who have been complaining consistently are the NRA’s “leaders.” They’ve made “enforce existing gun laws” a mantra many gun owners repeat unthinkingly, as if ceding to the status quo of infringements will dissuade the totalitarian lobby from enacting any new citizen disarmament edicts.
As I’ve said before, the NRA is the largest, most powerful, best financed gun control organization on earth.
On September 24, 2018 at 9:33 am, Fred said:
Speaking of Gun Controllers; my TN CCL is coming due for renewal so I went on the tn dot gov intertubes page and found that the renewal for eight years will be 50 bucks. This is a negligible amount. It’s the cost of a frappuccino mocha thingy, at $6.25 per year. Everybody (the NRA and other ‘pro gun’ Fudds) are so happy that the price has dropped this low. It’s just wonderful isn’t it?
Is it? If the cost is negligible, then the revenue must negligible. Therefor the purpose of the permit is…? Registration? Databasing? Tracking? Monitoring? Red Flagging? SWATing? Prison Camping?
On September 24, 2018 at 11:52 am, ExpatNJ said:
Fred, the TN CCL is for revenue-generation. As a side benefit, the cheap cost encourages compliance, so as to get more gun-owners into ‘The System’. If it was too expensive, many gun-owners would balk. Its final purpose is multi-functional.
Some would say TN can stuff its ‘permit’:
“I don’t ask permission from my [public] servants”
– ‘Anonymous’, sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com, 02222015.
On September 24, 2018 at 5:36 pm, Gryphon said:
Supported NFA ’34 and GCA ’68. Nothing left to Say about these Traitors.