Putin Says Russia Needs Stronger Gun Restrictions
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 2 months ago
The Russian President on Thursday said the country was in dangerous times and needed to step up gun regulations for public safety.
While attending a ceremony to promote senior military officers and state prosecutors, Vladimir Putin said that the Rosgvard, the federal national guard service — a force established two years ago to combat terrorism and organized crime — will have to get tougher when it comes to guns.
“You must promptly suppress any violation of public order,” said the Russian strongman. “Please note that it is necessary to significantly improve gun control. I expect from you concrete proposals, including regarding the legal framework.”
Missing from the quote is the following: ” … just because I say so, because the state is god, and I am the state.”
Don’t miss the ideological connection between American gun controllers and Putin. A communist is a communist and always favors control over others. Can a leopard change its spots?
On October 29, 2018 at 8:45 am, Fred said:
Did you know that the NRA has set up shop in Russia. They are going to help the Russian people defend their gun rights. The Russian people need to nip this in the bud. The NRA is not your friend, it is an UN NGO.
On October 29, 2018 at 3:06 pm, Gryphon said:
Last Time I looked, Russia wasn’t a ‘Communist’ country, nor is Putin a member of the residual ‘communist party’ in Russia.
The (((bolsheviks))) were largely Driven Out of the Russian Government, and Nation, following the collapse of (((their))) ‘soviet union’.
Millions of (((them))) Fled Russia to the U.S. and the zionist state of israel, where they make up the ‘neocon’ Political Element that is Anti-Constitutional in all Aspects.
And I agree with Fred, the “NRA” is probably a Greater Threat to the Rights of Russian Citizens, than a President who has served 3 Terms an has 80%+ Approval Ratings, something NO president here ever had.
On October 30, 2018 at 11:37 pm, TheAlaskan said:
OMG! I’m crestfallen!
On October 31, 2018 at 7:17 pm, Gryphon said:
Alaskan – Can’t You see Russia from Your House, anyway?
On November 1, 2018 at 1:00 am, TheAlaskan said:
That’s correct. There are Alaskans that can see Russia from their houses. Me…no.
On November 1, 2018 at 6:33 pm, Gryphon said:
And few Americans Know that Alaska used to BE Russia….
On November 2, 2018 at 2:34 pm, TheAlaskan said:
There still are Russian Villages here. The Russians living there still speak russian, dress traditionally, and are all Russian Orthodox Christians. When the wall came down in Russia, and Perestroika made Christianity legal again, Russian Orthodox Priests (and others) came to Alaska and traveled to the Russian Villages (Kodiak, Homer, Prince William Sound, Southeast,) to re-learn traditional, Orthodox Christianity, to take back to Russia to re-establish Russian Orthodoxy. Alaskan Russians practice Russian Orthodox Christianity unchanged since Tsarists time.
Native Alaskan people in Southwest Alaska, Aleutians, and Kodiak: Yup’ik, Aleut, Alutiiq peoples respectively, are practicing Russian Orthodox as well.
The one thing not imported back into Russia from the Alaskan Russians was their, very visible, right to be armed. The Russian visitors, emerging from a 80 year (four generational) repression, were amazed (most likely, pleased) to see the Alaska Russians armed as they were/are.
Of course, White Russians at the time of the Tsar, were also armed. Then came 1917….
On November 4, 2018 at 12:38 pm, Gryphon said:
Alaskan- That’s quite a Surprise – I have seen many Articles (on Russian websites) about how the Orthodox Church is undergoing a Massive ‘Revival’ there, literally Tens of Thousands of Churches being Rebuilt after the (((bolsheviks))) Destroyed them and drove the Worshipers ‘underground’. This is just One of the things the (((bolshevik))) ‘meda’ here is Desperate to Hide – that Russia is a Majority White, Christian Nation, like america Used to be, before the (((cultural marxists))) took over the .gov and its ‘schools’.
How the (((bolsheviks))) here make Russia out to be an “Enemy” or “Threat” to the US is quite Sickening once you become Aware that they are Different only in Language from most Americans. That, and Antagonizing a Country that has Nuclear Weapons (lots of them) is Profoundly Stupid (if not Suicidal).
At least, You are a Long Ways from any real “Targets” if it comes to that.