Democrats Introduce Bill Banning 80% Lower Receivers
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 2 months ago
Democrats in the House quietly put forward a ban on 80 percent frames and gun parts kits while Americans were focused on voting and watching the outcome of the midterm elections.
The legislation, HR 7115, is sponsored by Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and has 16 Democrats as co-sponsors.
The states purpose of “the legislation is to prevent the sale, possession, or advertising, of 80 percent receivers, gun parts kits, etc.
The text of HR 7115 says:
To prohibit the sale, acquisition, distribution in commerce, or import into the United States of certain firearm receiver castings or blanks, assault weapon parts kits, and machine gun parts kits and the marketing or advertising of such castings or blanks and kits on any medium of electronic communications, to require homemade firearms to have serial numbers, and for other purposes.
The Firearms Policy Coalition warns that bill is ambiguous and would be far-reaching. For example, they explain that HR 7115 does not “make a distinction between upper and lower receivers” for AR-15s and would make “home gunsmithing” illegal.
That sounds pretty broad and I can certainly see it being used by the ATF to prohibit [a] personal gunsmithing, [b] fabricating your own firearms or part (which is currently legal), and/or [c] fabricating firearms without registration pedigree.
That isn’t the only thing they’re floating. See this fawning coverage of the gun laws in Massachusetts. The holy grail is certainly “may issue” rather than “shall issue” (so that only the moneyed and connected people get protection), state approval of everything, and universal background checks. Note especially this quote.
“The end impact is you decrease gun ownership overall,” Cassandra Crifasi, a researcher (and gun owner) at the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, told me. “Lots of folks think, ‘Well, it’s probably not worth going through all these hoops to buy firearms, so I’m not going to buy one.’ And then you have fewer firearms around, and less exposure.”
As it’s always been, the goal of the controllers is to make gun ownership so laborious, so difficult, so expensive, so time-consuming and so arduous that no one will go through the process.
They want this to be the national model. If bills like the ban on 80% lower receivers pass (as it surely will in the House), expect the Senate to go along with it. After that, you can expect the Fudds to raise no objections, the NRA to go along, and Trump to sign it – because gun owners are good and law-abiding folks, and what law-abiding person wouldn’t want their gun registered?
You’ve been warned, but you expected it, didn’t you?
On November 14, 2018 at 12:52 am, Joshua Smith said:
On November 14, 2018 at 7:39 am, Fred said:
On November 14, 2018 at 9:29 am, Pat Hines said:
Most of us predicted this sort of attack upon our self defense right, and made damn sure we obtained “sufficient” supplies to ward off the effects.
It will pass the HoR next year and the Senate may pass it as well.
May God protect us from Fudds.
On November 14, 2018 at 9:57 am, MICHAEL B said:
Get Grizzly mill now, or at least a Sherline
On November 14, 2018 at 10:44 am, Dane said:
The gun control playbook:
Step 1: Dry up the supply of “unpapered” firearms by making sale and possession of them illegal. Require serialization of previously unpapered firearms.
Step 2: Now that all firearms are required to be serialized, forced registration of all firearms is easy.
Step 3: Confiscation, using registration lists.
They will start with semiautomatic rifles, then move on to handguns, and eventually standard capacity shotguns.
Each step requires a firearm-related atrocity (school shooting, etc.) to drum up public outcry. This will be easy, since none of the previous steps will have any effect on reducing crime.
If the UK is any predictor, knife crime will be the next frontier.
In my opinion, this is what’s at stake. The gun controllers have to be crushed.
On November 14, 2018 at 11:00 am, Darrell Cloud said:
Trump is in retreat. Time to go to ground.
On November 14, 2018 at 11:13 am, Kennymac said:
Get a grip folks. It may pass the House, but there’s no way it’s going to pass the Senate.
On November 14, 2018 at 11:20 am, DAN III said:
Mr. Smith,
Thank you for posting this latest attack on what little Freedom remains in this nation.
FWIW….go here:
….to read details and to see the names of the domestic communists and their districts who signed on to this attack on the CON-stitution.
Unless folks organize against these attacks from within and at our borders, fUSA will be no better than any other third world dung-hole.
On November 14, 2018 at 11:37 am, billrla said:
Next-up, a ban on Lego, Erector Sets, Tinkertoys and Lincoln Logs because that’s how little boys and girls learn how to assemble gun parts to build firearms. Removing thumbs at birth would also help to stop this murderous wave of home-gun-building, at least for future generations.
Oh, I almost forgot. Everyone should have to take an empathy class.
On November 14, 2018 at 11:57 am, DAN III said:
Kennymac @ 1113,
Never say never.
On November 14, 2018 at 12:24 pm, Carl B. said:
“Get a grip folks. It may pass the House, but there’s no way it’s going to pass the Senate.”
Yeah, and Americans will never elect socialists/communists as their representatives, senators, and President. Obama, mass immigration/invasion, and the “bluing” of the States are all a figment of your imagination.
The handwriting has been on the wall for a long time. The US Government, Media, Academia, Corporate Globalists, and the Race Industry are all arrayed against YOU. And they are winning.
Be ready.
On November 14, 2018 at 1:02 pm, John said:
79% works.
On November 14, 2018 at 2:22 pm, Torcer said:
Well, now that Intergalactic Background Checks, Registration and all the other restrictions on Liberty in the People’s republic of California have shown to be failures the question has become one of figuring out where the Liberty grabbers would strike next.
What ‘problem’ is this supposed to solve?
What is the justification for this kind of control on these parts and the speech for adverts for them?
On November 14, 2018 at 3:03 pm, Jim said:
“…On November 14, 2018 at 11:13 am, Kennymac said:
Get a grip folks. It may pass the House, but there’s no way it’s going to pass the Senate…”
Says another dreamer. Everyone needs a dream, I guess.
On November 14, 2018 at 3:30 pm, moe mensale said:
Has anyone actually read HR 7115? The text seems to indicate that the Consumer Products Safety Commission and/or its rules will be involved in carrying out the law’s purposes. The CPSC has no regulatory jurisdiction over firearms of any type barring some Congressional action modifying its mandate. This bill isn’t going anywhere.
On November 14, 2018 at 3:42 pm, CB said:
NO! Plain and simple, you on the left and you on the right have no authority to restrict anything from me, myself and I. BFYTW and you and your ilk can stomp your little feet and shake your little fists and threaten all you want. You can threaten me, myself, and I. you can send your little narrow mind peons with fake costumes and tin badges. You can, blah, blah, blah…. Hey let me tell you what you better do. You better use your head, and realize this, YOU are not untouchable, your kids, grandkids, any family members, are not safe. Your office, home, vacation house, not safe. Better think about that next bite of food your cook prepared, how about the mechanic who fixed your breaks, or the help who just took you kids to the park. See Mr. and Mrs. lying, thieving, stealing, cheating, local, state, and federal crooked asinine politicians, were not TURNING in ANYTHING! See I can feel it, almost taste it, there is a wind blowing and it started Nov. 6th of the year 2018. Its coming and you and yours are not ready for it, we have been trained by the best and brightest, in the toughest military schools, we have learned living in the toughest streets, we have honed our skills secretly in the shadows and across the hot desert sands of the middle east. You have milked us dry, taken almost everything in the name of taxes and permits and fees. Now we begin taking from you. Can you smell it? The winds of change, the hint of copper in the air, fear rising, the shadows moving… The chair is against the wall. The cupboard is opened. The steel is sharpened…
On November 14, 2018 at 6:30 pm, Gryphon said:
I have some difficulty with thinking that Peripheral “Laws” like this can have any meaningful “Reduction in Gun Ownership”, as the authors of this crap seem to believe… The Numbers of Existing Firearms, particularly Militia-Compliant ones, is now so High, and Resistance to ‘Registration’ Edicts like in New York already quite Extensive, Other than “Restraint of Trade”, what will this Accomplish?
The (((bolsheviks))) already have Declared that the End State is a Total Gun Ban, and Confiscation. They have obviously Failed to consider these Facts:
First, the Vast Majority of Gun Owners Know that ‘registration’ leads to Confiscation. People who Will Not ‘register’ their Guns, Will Not ‘Turn them In’.
Second, the numbers of ‘Hobbyist’ Home Gunmakers is Statistically Insignificant compared to the Numbers of (Traceable) Commercially-Produced Arms, most likely smaller than the Numbers of People who Reload their Ammo.
Third, (((they))) Can’t do Math. (Maffs is Hard, Yo’) and even if it were Possible to FIND all the Guns, there Isn’t anywhere Near the manpower needed to TAKE all the Guns.
On November 14, 2018 at 10:25 pm, mj said:
this is laughable. go to california and spend time and get to know some people. the amount of “regular joes” committing felonies everyday is pretty reassuring. these people are born there, vested, and will not leave their home.
ban guns, alcohol, drugs, whores, crime, pot, piracy, environmental destruction, wmdz, science, religion, etc, and hurry up. none of it will “work”.
change is accelerating and systems are too complex. the derivative exists.
no one, no nation state, no relgion, no experts, or entity “knows” what to do, nor has the wisdom on how to proceed. people are trying tho.
legacy expiring just takes time.
On November 15, 2018 at 10:38 am, theirritablearchitect said:
Clue me in on something from Grizzly that won’t break the bank and can do what needs doing for this sort of thing (finishing receivers).
You can get as technical as you want, learning isn’t hard for me.
On November 15, 2018 at 11:22 am, revjen45 said:
Not to brush it off, but the Dems have been introducing wish list bills since the early Pleistocene. I am not sanguine about the resolve of the Senate, but neither do I assume they would just roll over. In any case, hand wringing is not in order until and unless we actually do lose on this.
Kapitulieren? Nein!
On November 15, 2018 at 11:24 am, revjen45 said:
“The chair is against the wall. The cupboard is opened. The steel is sharpened…”
And don’t forget “John has a long mustache.”
On November 15, 2018 at 3:27 pm, moe mensale said:
The “Chicken Little” coefficient in this thread is just astounding.
On November 20, 2018 at 5:07 am, wheezer said:
Democrats introduce bills like this all the time. The sponsors of the bill (16 out of 435 representatives) all hail from NJ, NY and IL. This shows the voters back home how they are “diligently working to stamp out the scourge of gun violence on our streets”; nothing more. I’m sure even THEY don’t expect it to go anywhere.
This will die in committee. It will never come to a vote. Thirty more “wishlist” anti-gun proposals will be floated this year, each meeting the same fate.
Just like every year, and every congress.
Remember that when the NRA, Gun Owners of America, et al start shrieking “we need immediate cash to defend against this dire assault on our freedom!!!!”
Kabuki Theater by both sides.
On November 20, 2018 at 12:46 pm, BRVTVS said:
99% of the time, you are correct. Unfortunately, our side never seems to go on the offense. When one of these proposals get through, as happened with the Brady bill, it never gets repealed. Losing even once is a disaster and will be until our side learns to take the offense.