A Bleak Look At Children Training For Jihad
BY Herschel Smith
He said he is still haunted by several scenes in his film, notably the one with the children playing with the makeshift bomb.
In another scene, one of the children proudly boasts to Abu Osama — which means father of Osama in Arabic — about killing a little bird.
“We put his head down and cut it off, like how you did it, father, to that man,” the boy proclaims.
The bombed-out desert landscape that the family calls home and the fact that the family’s women are never shown or even heard adds to the sense of despair throughout the film.
This isn’t an aberration.
… nearly a quarter of the Muslims polled believed that, “It is legitimate to use violence to punish those who give offense to Islam by, for example, portraying the prophet Mohammed.”
This poll was taken of Muslims in America. Not Syria. Ponder those things within the context of the facts that [a] you are made in God’s image, [b] God will not suffer His image to be marred, and thus [c] He has decreed that you must defend yourselves and your loved ones and neighbors because of [a] and [b].
Oh and by the way, wherever you are, you don’t live too far from a U.S.-sanctioned, U.S.-supported, and U.S.-funded settlement for Muslims.
On November 19, 2018 at 8:04 am, M Collins said:
Yup…there is no denying it, jihad is here…
right down the street actually:
MOA- Holy Islamville, South Carolina
Address: Islamville Way York County, S.C. 29745
Year Founded: 1982
Website: http://www.holyislamville.net/
more national info at: https://clarionproject.org/
On November 19, 2018 at 8:20 am, ragman said:
They hate us and they will kill us given the opportunity. And they are very patient.
On November 19, 2018 at 11:59 am, Frank Clarke said:
Can I do it again, Cap’n?
There are two kinds of Muslim: the first wants to kill all the unbelievers; the other wants someone else to kill all the unbelievers.
On November 19, 2018 at 7:49 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
Islam, as an entity, is the greatest engine of mass death in human history, with some 270 million dead who have fallen beneath the scimitar in the 1,400 years since Mohammed rode out of the Arabian desert. Most of those deaths were non-Muslims, the hated unbelievers, kaffirs and infidels – everything from Christians and Jews to Hindus and Buddhists to atheists and polytheists. All belong to Dar al-Harb, the “House of War,” what the faithful call the non-Muslim world which lies outside Dar al-Islam – “The House of Islam.”
In what may be the single bloodiest genocide in human history, the Timurid dynasty conquered the Indian subcontinent, and ruled until 1857.
The Mughal Empire, as it was known, slew an estimated fifty million Hindus and other non-Muslims in the 14th century alone.
The soldiers of Allah have not grown soft since that time; as recently as 1916-1921, the Ottoman Turks killed an estimated 1.5 million Armenian and Greek Christians in what is now modern Turkey and the Levant.
The persecution of non-Muslims in the Sudan grew so severe during the 1990s that the victims fled, took up arms and were ultimately forced to establish a homeland of their own in the South Sudan in order to obtain a measure of safety. Nevertheless, raids by fierce Islamic Janjaweed tribesmen on horseback continue to exact a toll.
In Nigeria, the Boko Haram terror-jihad group continues its reign of violence, slave taking and mayhem.
These are just a few examples from the hundreds which could be offered. Everywhere around the world where significant numbers of Muslims come into contact with non-Muslims, there is the death, violence and jihad of Islam.
Contrary to western apologists for Islam, jihad is central to the practice of orthodox mainstream Islam. Moreover, contrary to Muslim and non-Muslim apologists alike, “jihad” does not mean an internal, non-violent struggle. The Koran, Hadiths and Sira – the foundational sources of Islam – are very specific: jihad (holy war) is the eternal struggle which must be waged by the believers (shahids or true believers of Islam) against the infidels until the whole of the world is Muslim and all lie within the “House of Islam” – Dar al-Islam.
Within Islam, there is no greater feat than to wage jihad in the name of the prophet, and if the mujahid (holy warrior) is martyred while engaged in it, he is promised a place in paradise and all of the earthly pleasures he desires. If, on the other hand, the shahid lives, then the riches and spoils of war he takes are his. All the more glory to him if he loots the possessions of the infidel and takes his women and children. Under sharia, they are his to do with as he pleases.
So, it can be seen that to the would-be Islamic fighter, he wins no matter what happens. If he survives battle, he accrues the prestige and material wealth of the successful raider and jihadist. If he falls in battle with the infidel, paradise and the seductive “houris” (maidens of paradise) await him.
The Jamāʻat al-Ikhwān al-Muslimīn – better known as the Muslim Brotherhood or simply as “the Ikhwan,” is the largest and most-influential pan-Islamic group on earth. Although the ‘Brothers claim to be non-violent, the Muslim Brotherhood has been linked to nearly every Islamic jihad and terrorist group in the world, whether Sunni or Shi’ite.
Formed in 1928 in Egypt by schoolteacher Hassan al-Banna, the Muslim Brotherhood quickly expanded beyond the borders of Egypt and the Arab Middle East to all corners of the Islamic world. The motto of the Muslim Brotherhood is as follows:
“Allah is our objective – The Prophet is our leader – Qur’an is our law – Jihad is our way – Dying in the way of Allah is our highest hope”
Numerous Islamic groups around the world use something similar. Hamas, the Palestinian Sunni jihad-terror group, have as their motto, “We love death as you love life…” – “you” presumed to mean non-Muslims.
This is what the non-Muslims of the world are up against – an enemy who view death as a promotion. And one who does not hesitate to sacrifice even its children in their cause.
On November 19, 2018 at 9:15 pm, SGT.BAG said:
One more time….. A mosque in the United States is a command and control center of a foreign political and military state that seeks the overthrow of our government, and an Imam in a mosque is a political and military representative of a foreign state that calls for the overthrow of the United States.
No one is coming to save you.
On November 25, 2018 at 1:07 pm, Scott said:
Here is a solution –
But nobody is interested in it.