Wyoming Bear Attack Glock Had No Round In The Chamber
BY Herschel Smith
With no round in the chamber and no magazine in the pistol, the Glock was rendered useless, if Mark Uptain ever got to it.
Uptain had bear spray holstered on his hip. Chubon did not recall Uptain using the bear spray to the point where Chubon fled to get help. Uptain emptied the bear spray at some point during the fight. The 250-pound grizzly sow had evidence of bear spray on her. Mark Uptain was killed in spite of the bear spray.
Carrying a semi-automatic pistol with an empty chamber is known as carrying in condition three, terminology used by the renowned gun writer, instructor, and competitor Col. Jeff Cooper. It is also known as “Israeli Carry”, because it is how Israeli soldiers are trained to carry semi-automatic pistols.
It can work well if the user trains to always load a round from the magazine when the pistol is drawn from the holster. As a safety feature, if an untrained person accesses the pistol and tries to fire it, they may not know how to load a round into the chamber and can be stymied in their effort to fire the pistol.
First, use guns, don’t rely on bear spray. Second, a gun is of no use to you if it isn’t on your person and ready to use. Finally, whatever you may think about having a round chambered, this is one reason I carry 1911s and use the safety. In one motion I can sweep the safety down as I’m gaining purchase on the gun.
On November 22, 2018 at 7:25 pm, Fred said:
“He swung me around in the air,” This is my favorite part of the story. Let’s hear it again; ““He swung me around in the air,”
Apparently, ‘Experts’ and ‘Officials’ have tried to study the effectiveness of Bear Spray by studying its real world application in actual cases of use against a bear. The study(s) was “muddied” some how? That bears have agency and may or may not break off an attack for reasons that will FOREVER be unknown in each case has seemed to escaped these “Experts” and “Officials”. Dominion is lost on these “Experts” and “officials” because they know not the LORD. So they follow their gods of evolution (I admire your faith) and science falsely so called which leads them to believe that a half measure of dominion in the form a Spray, yes satan is that subtle, is sufficient for the assertion of a man as God’s Apex upon earth among creatures and critters. I don’t begrudge them the job though. I’m a little jealous I must confess. His large predators are something to behold. Anyway, qualifying the conditions which lead to disengagement is a loopy endeavor, unless you just like the animals, which is then annoying because I’m paying for it. Quantifying it is something different. In X number of attacks in which Spray was deployed the animal disengaged in how many percent of the time? Useless information, Agency and Dominion, remember?
Ok, one more time: “He swung me around in the air,” .
On November 23, 2018 at 12:59 am, Adam Baum said:
I would never carry a semi-automatic pistol without a cartridge in the chamber. Better to carry a loaded double action revolver than an autopistol with no round in the chamber.
On November 23, 2018 at 6:29 am, Duke Norfolk said:
“He deliberately took off the pistol, took off his shirt, and placed both the pistol and his shirt near the two packs.”
“Before the two began field dressing the elk, “the guide removed an automatic pistol that he carried in a chest holster as well as his shirt and left them with the two men’s packs a short distance up the hill from the carcass…”
Good grief. This was the biggest mistake. Gun’s no good to you when it’s “a short distance up the hill”, away from you. Combined with having an empty chamber and a companion who’s clueless about that weapon, and you get dead from bear.
On November 23, 2018 at 10:56 am, revjen45 said:
No mag in the gun doesn’t even make Cond. 3.
No mag in the gun = unarmed.
On November 23, 2018 at 6:38 pm, Gryphon said:
Darwin Award Winner… “Unarmed” in Beartown.