Is The Second Amendment Really Obsolete?
BY Herschel Smith
Via WRSA, MHN has a very interesting and riveting take on what forcible confiscation of guns would look like in America. Actually, I think it would be much worse, and I’ve said so and described it before.
However, take this with a grain of salt. This is what unrestricted warfare against American gun owners would look like. As I’ve said many times before, this isn’t how it will go down.
It will be a gradual drip, drip, drip of increasing infringements, all codified and substantiated by the court system as legitimate, mind you, but all designed to target gun manufacturers and gun owners with increasing difficulty. Consider this.
The Detroit City Council approved a “Bullet Bill” gun control resolution Wednesday with a unanimous vote.
The resolution limits ammunition amounts that can be bought while requiring a mental health background check on buyers of ammo in Wayne County. Commissioner Reggie Reg Davis of the 6th district spearheaded the resolution.
I recently covered this, and at least some readers guffawed. But my prediction has been proven out. Then consider this.
S9191 “requires a person applying for a license to carry or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of such license to consent to having his or her social media accounts and search engine history reviewed and investigated for certain posts and/or searches over a period of 1-3 years prior to the approval of such application or renewal,” the draft bill states.
If the bill passes, investigators would be able to look for posts or searches that contain threats to the health or safety of others; intentions to carry out an act of terrorism; or commonly known profane slurs or biased language describing the race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation of a person.
Then consider this.
Neither Dantos nor any other official at the hearing on Baatz’s petition to recover the pistol ever told Baatz, who represented himself, that he had to provide some sort of evidence of ownership, Lazarus observed.
Instead, she wrote, Dantos “abruptly” ended the hearing by telling Baatz, “There is no way I’m giving you that gun back. Not happening. Your petition is denied.”
You’d better have records, boys. You’d better not ever have to use your firearm in self defense. You’d better register your weapon with the state, and you’d better watch what you say and how you say at all times, even in private.
Gun manufacturers had better never issue public stock or their stockholders could shut them down. The banks are another story, and gun manufacturers had better never take out a loan for expansion or building of any kind.
You get the point, I think. From money, to driver’s licenses, to professional licenses, to statements made in the workplace or over the internet, FedGov is watching you (as is the local government, apparently).
The intent is to boil the frog, not go to war with him. Do you understand? Don’t be stolid. Be thinking men and women.
On November 26, 2018 at 5:44 pm, J said:
I got flamed afew times for speaking of caching.
“2A” “my dead cold fingers” blah blah blah…
But i will always have another one, just incase of Communist Totalitarian Judges and the like.
But..thats just me.
On November 26, 2018 at 8:08 pm, Gryphon said:
The government has already done enough of these Random ‘administrative confiscations’ to make it Clear that Everyone with more than one Gun should have something Hidden (at another Location than Home) so in case you are Surprised, you can still have a Weapon. Whether you go Hunting for the bureaucrat ‘responsible’ for a Non-Constitutional Confiscation is Up to You…
On November 27, 2018 at 1:24 pm, dad29 said:
You’re dead (cough) right on this matter. Although Gummint workers are not too bright, they are bright enough to know that a full-frontal assault on gun owners will cost them a lot of their own lives, and perhaps the lives of their families.
Much easier to strangle gun-owners through regulatory/finance restrictions on manufacturers and purchases.
On November 27, 2018 at 7:04 pm, Gryphon said:
The “Incremental Approach” has been the bolsheviks’ Method for Decades, but now I believe that even (((they))) are coming up against the limits of Effectiveness… Looking at the near-total Non-Compliance to Registration/Bans in CT, NY, and MD, at Some Point, Confiscation has to Start in earnest, or else the Plan to Disarm the Citizens just won’t Happen.
That, and the Numbers of Guns are so High now as for it to be Irrational to believe that any significant “Confiscation Attempt” would result in Anything but a Total Rebellion that would be “Biblical” in its Violence and Scope. (sorry, Captain)