U.S. Appeals Court: New Jersey Can Enforce Magazine Limits
BY Herschel Smith
New Jersey may enforce a new law that lowered the number of bullets that guns can hold, a divided federal appeals court ruled on Wednesday.
The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia upheld a lower court’s refusal to temporarily enjoin the law, which was passed in June and reduced maximum magazine capacity to 10 rounds from a 15-round limit adopted in 1990.
What? You didn’t expect the black-robed tyrants to ensure your rights, did you? And make sure to notice that this limit never applies to LEOs who do virtually as they please and are the most dangerous people on earth (via David Codrea).
According to Michael Harriot at The Root, police killed more Americans in 2017 (1,129) than military combat, terrorism, airplane crashes, mass shootings, and Chicago gang violence combined. Furthermore, of those 1,129 slain, most (718) were suspects in nonviolent offenses, stopped for traffic violations, or were found innocent of any crime whatsoever. The recent case of Jemel Roberson in suburban Chicago is one more reason to remove law enforcement from Swalwell’s exempt list.
Because gun control isn’t about controlling guns. It’s about controlling you.
On December 6, 2018 at 2:31 pm, Andrew said:
I’d say I’m shocked, but I’m not.
People “wanting the Supremes to make a decision” get reminded of “Heller” and the “weasel words from Scalia”.
On December 7, 2018 at 9:30 am, Michael K. said:
Funny that I never hear about the need for more gun control when it turns out that the cops kill more people than are killed in mass shootings.
Well, OK, it’s not funny…