The Good And The Bad In Recent Police Searches
BY Herschel Smith6 years, 1 month ago
An out of state concealed carry permit does not establish sufficient cause to warrant a car search for firearms, a New York judge’s Decision and Order decided Wednesday. Further, the opinion concludes the sworn testimony of the officers involved is not borne out by police video camera and microphone evidence, and a recording from a defendant’s cell phone.
The search wasn’t good, the judges decision to vacate it was. Read the entire article, as there are many more importanr details.
Now to the really grotesque.
According to the story, Jackson was arrested after a pretextual traffic stop where officers found a baggie of marijuana and detected cocaine residue on his car seat.
Jackson has a long rap sheet and was combative with police in jail, but the encounter crossed into dubious ethical and legal territory when police compelled doctors to perform a medical procedure they saw as unnecessary.
Previous cases like this have resulted in police and hospitals paying out huge amounts of money to settle lawsuits.
Police has the doctors probe the man’s rectum for drugs. This, after he had already been x-rayed and none had been found. Any cop or doctor who would do that is a freak.
On December 21, 2018 at 2:37 am, Annoyed Max said:
Yes. Doctors should not facilitate intrusive illegalities. I’ve had pushback – not subtle – from cops in my ER. Doesn’t matter. I don’t report to them, I report to Hippocrates.
On December 21, 2018 at 8:00 am, Mark Matis said:
Not only that, but then the piggies had the hospital BILL him for the search:
The sooner every pig in this country burns in hell, the better off we will be. The best Christmas present of all would be dead pig corpses stacked in the streets.
On December 21, 2018 at 3:09 pm, Longbow said:
“the opinion concludes the sworn testimony of the officers involved is not borne out by police video camera and microphone evidence, and a recording from a defendant’s cell phone.”
Wow! You mean the dirtbag LIARS are gonna be charged with perjury?
Oh… wait. Never mind, THEY’re members of The Gang.
I’m sure all those “good guy” cops who are in the “vast majority” are square these two lying fucks away… right?
Oh… wait. Never mind, THEY’re members of The Gang.
On December 21, 2018 at 3:36 pm, Fred said:
What a pretext! Having a CCW is not suspicion of a crime? What a shock! The only thing that having a CCW is evidence of is no criminal record which is sort of the opposite of a reason to search somebody or their property. But we all know what the po po were looking for, don’t we? Illegal or improperly carried or stored weapons or ammo, because: ‘Guns Bad’.