Police Seize More Than 450 Guns Under Florida’s New ‘Red-Flag’ Law
BY Herschel Smith
Hundreds of gun owning Floridians have been ordered to surrender their firearms under a new ‘Red-Flag’ law signed by the governor just three weeks after a gunman entered Stoneman Douglas High School and opened fire.
The Risk Protection Order, signed by Florida Gov. Rick Scott, essentially strips a person’s second amendment rights if a task force team and a judge believe it is warranted – meaning if the person shows any signs of being a threat to themselves or others.
According to WFTS-TV, Sgt. Jason Schmittendorf, of the Pinellas County Sheriff’s Office, said approximately 200 guns have been confiscated in Florida since the red-flag law was enacted. “Around 30,000 rounds of ammunition were also taken,” he stated.
The team has reportedly filed 64 risk protection petitions in court, which is the second highest number of cases in a Florida county – Broward County has the most, with 88 risk protection petitions filed since the law was ordered into effect in mid-March.
Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri – who chairs the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Commission – shared this sentiment when asked about his decision to devote an entire unit to carry out the new law:
“It’s a constitutional right to bear arms and when you are asking the court to deprive somebody of that right we need to make sure we are making good decisions, right decisions and the circumstances warrant it.”
According to the report, every petition filed under the order in Pinellas County has been granted by the judge, with the vast majority involving people with a previous history of mental illness.
So here’s the gouge. As long as they can get a community witchdoctor to say it’s okay, a judge will reflexively grant the petition. So much for the justice system called “Department of pre-crime.”
If they were so dangerous, why hadn’t they already committed a crime? Worry not about details, dear folk. There is an entire unit devoted to carrying out this confiscatory policy. I’m sure Trump is happy, along with the NRA. For two more years, anyway.
On January 4, 2019 at 7:29 am, Carl B. said:
Just a matter of time before being identified by the “court” as a “Conservative White Christian Male” – and thus a “threat to public safety” – will be sufficient grounds for confiscating your firearms.
Hope everyone enjoys the totalitarian s***hole that America is rapidly becoming.
On January 4, 2019 at 8:13 am, ragman said:
All the more reason to keep yer mouth shut. No 2A bumper stickers, t-shirts &TC. Cash purchases for parts, ammo and private gun transactions. And it wouldn’t hurt to build a couple from 80% lowers. What the communists don’t know about they can’t take away.
On January 4, 2019 at 9:08 am, Frank Clarke said:
Gualtieri is a RINO gungrabber. He is on record as favoring requiring background checks for the purchase of ammunition. No better than your average Democrat.
On January 4, 2019 at 2:14 pm, billrla said:
Pre-crime, indeed. Might as well screen for genetic pre-disposition. Then, team-up with Planned Parenthood (at taxpayer expense) to get rid of future potentially dangerous people, before they are born.
No, the geniuses who concoct these “well intended” plans and programs are incapable of thinking ahead.
On January 4, 2019 at 8:43 pm, BRVTVS said:
And now Rubio want the Federal Government in on the pre-crime racket: https://wjno.iheart.com/alternate/amp/2019-01-04-rubio-pushes-for-florida-style-gun-control-federally/
On January 5, 2019 at 3:25 am, Dan said:
The commies in power….and make no mistake about it, MOST of those in power are commies….want to rule. That requires that we be DISARMED. This tactic will be the one that WORKS. We are at a decision point in America. Allow them to disarm us ONE RED FLAG RULING (and death) at a time or “step off the porch”. While the hired thugs enforcing these rules need to die when they attempt to disarm us it is MUCH more important that we address the REAL problem. Those SENDING the hired muscle to disarm us. We need to be “laying hands” on these politicians and solving the problem by any means required.
On January 5, 2019 at 2:30 pm, Steve Miller said:
As good a time as any to review Mike Vanderboegh’s classic What I Learned From The 20th Century. A very relevant excerpt:
LESSON NO. 1: If a bureaucrat, or a soldier sent by a bureaucrat, comes to knock down your door and take you someplace you do not want to go because of who you are or what you think — kill him. If you can, kill the politician who sent him. You will likely die anyway, and you will be saving someone else the same fate. For it is a universal truth that the intended victims always far outnumber the tyrant’s executioners. Any nation which practices this lesson will quickly run out of executioners and tyrants, or they will run out of it.
LESSON NO. 2: If a bureaucrat, or a soldier sent by a bureaucrat, comes to knock down your door and confiscate your firearms — kill him. The disarmament of law-abiding citizens is the required precursor to genocide.
LESSON NO. 3: If a bureaucrat tells you that he must know if you have a firearm so he can put your name on a list for the common good, or wants to issue you an identity card so that you be more easily identified — tell him to go to hell. Registration of people and firearms is the required precursor to the tyranny which permits genocide. Bureaucrats cannot send soldiers to doors that are not on their list.
On January 5, 2019 at 3:48 pm, Gryphon said:
The “Incrementalism” of Gun Confiscation efforts is Increasing in Speed each Week. The (((bolsheviks))) have realized that “The Program” is at a Critical point of Too Many (heavilly armed) People awakening to the “Manifesto”. Thus, the attempts (Unopposed for the most part) to pass, at the State Level, ‘laws’ that allow the State to Confiscate Weapons for any “Reason”.
Use of “Mental Illness” as an Excuse to Disarm and Imprison People for political dissent is a Key Policy of the (((bolsheviks))), designed and perfected during their Occupation of Russia and the “soviet” States.
The Quote from Vanderboegh “Registration of people and firearms is the required precursor to the tyranny which permits genocide…” is Pertinent, but neither He, nor the Majority of Patriots, Understand that the Root of our Tyrannical “System” is the ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED process of Numbering and Labeling the “Stock”. Look Into the Origins of the “Social Security Number”, its Creation (by IBM) as a pre-computer-age Tracking and Classification of Business Assets. The “Hollerith System of Stock Control” was Purchased (before the War) by the German Government, and Used to Number the Stock, or Slave Laborers during the War.
It was also Purchased by the U.S. feral government, and the Incremental Program to “Sell” its Use by the “Stock” began with the Ponzi Retirement System called ‘social security’. This has been Extended to the point where Every Child Born in the U.S. is “Given” a Number on the Day of its Birth, and the Use of that Number is Required by that “Corporate Person” in all dealings with the government.
If, (ever) there is an Effective Rebellion against the “Beast System” of the (((moneychangers))), one of the First Things that MUST be done is to DESTROY, in its Entirety, the “Registration Apparatus” that is used for People, and Forever Ban the whole “Papers, Please” and Total Surveillance State that now Exists.
On January 6, 2019 at 11:00 am, Ned said:
Gryphon makes some good points. 42 USC § 666 requires SSN disclosure for a licensed activity.
So if you ever bought a hunting license you are likely in some database. Hunters often own guns.