NRA Does Immigration?
BY Herschel Smith
They finally admit it? My response: you’re a little late to the game, pal. There is one minute to go in the fourth quarter and we’re down 44-16.
If I didn’t know better I’d swear this is just another stunt for fund-raising.
On January 10, 2019 at 9:35 am, Fred said:
Chris Cox told me, face to face, that he’s going to call for the immediate and complete repeal of all gun laws in the united states…just as soon as we get enough Red Flag republicans elected.
While this is a gross misrepresentation of our quick back and forth it would be negligent of me NOT to represent it in this manner. The NRA are the enemy.
It’s the NRA that will be finally saying; “just give us your last few dollars and leave your pointed sticks here as you climb onto the railcars. We’ll file suite just as soon as you get to the camps, after all, it’s law. We need to get more Republicans elected so we can overturn the laws that they themselves are writing and voting for. Is that all the money you got? Git on that train and your children too, peasants!”
On January 10, 2019 at 12:54 pm, June J said:
Probably half of NRA employees could care less if you and I have our 2nd Amendment rights infringed. As long as there’s enough money flowing in so they keep receiving their paychecks they’re okay.
I don’t even open NRA mail anymore, goes straight into the recycle bin.
If the NRA really cared, they would offer refunds of life memberships to those who no longer believe that the NRA is serious about protecting the 2nd Amendment.
On January 10, 2019 at 1:23 pm, billrla said:
NRA would do itself a big favor by ditching it’s political aspirations and its faux-judicial aspirations and focusing on what it does best: gun safety education, marksmanship training, hunter education and education about the role of firearms in American History. NRA has become part of the Swamp. NRA keeps trying to drag its members into the Swamp and, speaking for myself, I do not want to go there.
On January 10, 2019 at 1:35 pm, Chip McKeller said:
I am super-duper, double-secret, Patriot Benefactor Life Member of the NRA…and I won’t send them a dime for political lobbying. They have proven that their priority to to ensure that our rights are ALWAYS threatened so we keep sending money to the ILA to bargain yet more of them way and declaring victory over what remains. By remaining a multi-adjective life member, I can at least continue to vote for directors who might turn around the ILA farce while continuing to do what they have always done best…training and education.
FYI, my political lobbying money goes to GOA, where I am also a life member.
On January 11, 2019 at 11:50 am, TheOtherGeorge said:
” They have proven that their priority to to ensure that our rights are ALWAYS threatened so we keep sending money to the ILA to bargain yet more of them way and declaring victory over what remains. ”
I saw through the NRA’s spiel years ago. They would call at least 3 times a year for donations.No let up. I told them at one point that I was unemployed (true at that time) and could not afford to donate. Didn’t matter, the calls kept coming. I told them that I was having serious surgery (also true) and the medical expenses wouldn’t allow me to donate. Didn’t matter, the calls to donate kept coming. Finally, I told the NRA’s last caller that I was a DEMOCRAT (NOT TRUE) and not to ever bother me again. No further calls after that. There are times in life when you just have to do what you gotta do.