James Wesley Rawles On The Legislative Onslaught Against Gun Rights
BY Herschel Smith
Via WRSA, at Survival Blog, Rawles has a great analysis of the current attempts by the statists to undermine recognition of your God-given rights.
It’s a very comprehensive analysis, and as always, Rawles is well worth the time. Also as always, share your thoughts and comments.
On January 16, 2019 at 8:33 am, Fred said:
I’m pretty sure you had something else on your mind when you typed his name. – Your Chief Editor, A Reader. (heh)
On January 16, 2019 at 4:23 pm, Gryphon said:
Should be No Surprise to Anyone at this point – the (((bolsheviks))) are getting Desperate, ‘incremental measures’ have Failed to make any dent (even in reducing the Rate at which Guns and Ammo are being Acquired) in the Up-Arming of the Citizens (aka goyim slaves) ans so Now they have No Choice but to go Full-On Fascist and try to ‘Ban’ everything, the “Constitution” be Damned.
The only thing Patriots can do about it is to Stack the Ammo Higher, and IMO, it is IMPORTANT to ‘cache’ one or more Weapons Not where you Live, in case of a Surprise Attack. And Make Lists.
On January 16, 2019 at 10:40 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Thanks. Fixed it. If you knew the things going on in my life over the last several months, you’d wonder how I still manage to type at all.
On January 18, 2019 at 10:05 am, Fred said:
If/when you could get a little voice recorder and have your son show you how to upload audio as a ‘podcast’ format here. Link the article, read the relevant section, and rebut or expound.