The Open Carry States Are Ones Where Everybody Gets Shot
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 12 months ago
News from Representative Chris Lee of Hawaii.
“The open carry states are ones where everybody gets shot so I think we have a very good record in Hawai’i for gun safety protection and and the fourth lowest gun violence in any state in the union. It’s a combination of things but one of most important parts of it is that we have strict gun laws.”
Representative Lee says it could be years before the Young case is settled but the top priority for Hawai’i lawmakers is public safety.
“I’ve owned guns in the past; I don’t today but we have an obligation on our part in Hawai’i to make sure that we have the adequate legal protections in place to make sure that it’s not gonna be the wild, wild west …
Drama queen much, Ms. Lee?
From the comments, “The open carry states are ones where everybody gets shot.” Oh yeah, Vermont is a really dangerous state.
Texas too, huh? Blood in the streets, it is. Everybody is getting shot. Everybody. Because open carry, that’s why. Everybody.
No exaggeration. Everybody. From open carry.
On January 27, 2019 at 10:45 pm, Dan said:
The reason that Hawaii doesn’t have a lot of gun violence is they don’t have a lot of criminal low life trash. As in black ghettos, Hispanic gang
neighborhoods etc. The people in Hawaii either were born there ( meaning they are probably white or Asian pacific) or they had enough money/education to MOVE THERE from the mainland meaning they aren’t members of the violent portion of the population. These facts are inconvenient too the left….but they are still facts.
On January 28, 2019 at 8:57 am, Fred said:
Now, Dan, we’re not allowed to talk about how crime rates involving guns in the US among whites are some of the lowest of any data on earth. It’s forbidden. Turn in your weapons and report to the re-education camp asap!
My personal experience, and I, unlike Mrs. Lee, have both carried a weapon openly and have been in the presence of others doing it, but my own experience is that when somebody is open carrying EVERYBODY, becomes polite, and EVERYBODY becomes orderly. It’s amazing really how a simple tool for keeping the peace can bring good order and discipline by it’s mere presence. And EVERY time, EVERYBODY safely went about their business. But what do I know, I actually carry a gun but can’t possibly know better than my self appointed masters.
It’s almost (/s) as if we don’t need police when competent men go armed.
On January 28, 2019 at 10:05 am, revjen45 said:
I lived in TX from ’03 to ’06, and never saw any kind of violence in public. In fact I found the people to be gracious and friendly, which was a real change from the PNW.
On January 28, 2019 at 1:44 pm, George Pace said:
For the record, Chris Lee is, according to appearances anyway (suit and tie, etc.) a male person. He’s an idiot, but he’s a male idiot. He’s also author of a bill just submitted to the new session that just in case in the distant future a Hawaii county police chief might ever issue a license to carry a firearm outside the home that the term of that hypothetical license, now one year, will be six months (!) and that prior to each six month renewal that person will have to undergo the designated training qualifications course(s) again and again and again and again.
You can’t make this shit up. They really are this stupid/evil.
I won’t even bother to start in on all the other dumb/evil stuff they’ve introduced… and we can’t even possess a stun gun in this state! “Compelling government interest in public safety” my ass. Ugh.
By the way, here’s the makeup of the Hawaii legislature: Senate: 24D, 1R; House 46D, 5R.
And those Rs would be Ds in any really red state.
On January 28, 2019 at 5:12 pm, scott s. said:
Chris Lee is one of the worst, though there are many candidates for that award. They will be pushing a semi-auto ban bill this year, modeled on Washington (we get all our “great” ideas from Seattle, Portland, and San Francisco).