NRA Dark Operations?
BY Herschel Smith
From Military Arms:
It’s no secret that many in the media have been holding the NRA accountable for their actions as of late. There are very powerful people within the NRA who stand to lose a lot by the continued loss of members and revenue.
We have friends all over the world and in many communities which include those who reside and work within the realm of the Dark Web. It has been brought to our attention by a source we deem to be credible within this community that a bounty has been placed by a high level NRA operative against all detractors of the organization. The bounty calls for the deplatforming of the media person(s), the hacking of their bank accounts, mortgages, mail servers, etc. The stated goal is to cause so many personal problems that the person will be focused on that vs. talking about the NRAs activities.
I represent several media people who have been approached with this information. I’m only posting this message so that there is written record that should we be deplatformed, should our accounts be hacked, or should anything else occur that might be destructive to our personal and financial well being, the likely source will be the NRA or an agent acting on their behalf. We truly hope this information isn’t accurate but we must proceed as if it is given the serious nature of the warning. To this point we have not been victims of any such targeted attacks. If something were to happen after this post is made public, the culprit will be crystal clear.
I will not answer any questions about this statement.
Thank you for the continued support. The fight for our rights will continue and we will not be deterred.
Well, I hope he isn’t deterred. I am in 100% agreement with his views.
On the other hand, this is a serious allegation and the dark web is a known hide-out for Larpers and liars. Would the NRA do something like this? I suppose it will be easy enough to watch and see what happens. Frankly, I rarely believe much of anything I have ever read over at 4Chan (not that I spend much time there, but I’ve seen a few threads). Most of the threads are without merit or evidence, with long posts by Larpers followed by replies from people who sound like they’re on dope and can’t construct a complete sentence.
I think I would have waited to see this manifest itself before saying anything.
On January 29, 2019 at 10:30 pm, Bill Oliver said:
I find this almost impossible to believe. For the NRA the downside is huge, and the upside is negligible. An organization of, what, 5 or 6 million people has a few members that like to bicker and suddenly they are all sooper spooks on the dark web? This sounds exactly like a disinformation campaign.
On January 30, 2019 at 8:41 am, JoeFour said:
“This sounds exactly like a disinformation campaign.”
On January 30, 2019 at 9:03 am, H said:
If the Winning Team will use physical violence in annual meetings to enforce their will, and make sure another Cincinnati Revolt is impossible, I don’t see why they would hesitate to do something like this.
My first question is how much they, or more importantly for the Winning Team, Ackerman McQueen is hurting? For example, I read that the NRA-TV people recently riffed were employees of the latter. Anyone who’s still a member, are you still getting a flood of snail mail begging that it traditionally made a lot of money off sending at the NRA’s expense?
In any case, we should all practice the best cybersecurity we can, there’s a host of crooks out there, and the Left is determined that 2016 will never happen again, they don’t need any prompting from the Winning Team to deplatform us and wreck havoc on us, they literally want us dead after all.
On January 30, 2019 at 12:20 pm, Fred said:
Meanwhile GOA is challenging ’34 in SCOTUS.
On January 30, 2019 at 12:43 pm, Saint Mike said:
The NRA is dead to me. DJT will be a one term President. Bumpstocks.
On January 30, 2019 at 4:03 pm, Pat Hines said:
That reminds me, I need to cast my NRA vote soon. I’d like to see some very good lists of candidates for control of the NRA that are junk yard dogs for firearms access, total firearms access.
On January 31, 2019 at 12:00 am, BRVTVS said:
@Pat Hines
Jeff Knox wrote a short list of pro-gun candidates:
On January 31, 2019 at 3:12 pm, Gryphon said:
“Cyberwar” can be accomplished just as well by posting ‘credible’ Threats as by actually “Hacking” someone’s Computer or Bank Accounts. It is a form of Propaganda intended to make the Targeted Party change their Behavior, and spend Time and Effort trying to Identify and Counter a Perceived (even if False) Threat. The fact that most People do Not have a clear Understanding of how the Internet (or even Local Computer Networks) Operates makes such Threats seem more ‘Possible’ than not.
Nor do they Know that the “Dark Web” consists simply of Websites/Users who use Only their Numeric I.P. Address and do not “register” a “Domain Name” (like for Easy Remembering and Access…
And Seriously(?) The Cucks and Gun Controllers at “Not Relevant Anymore” doing anything but Whine about their (increasing numbers of) Critics? ROFL.
On February 1, 2019 at 6:25 am, DAN III said:
Recently the National Rifle Association installed Oliver North as president to replace outgoing president Pete Brownell. In the ’90s during an interview with talk show host Larry King gunrunner North supported the Clinton-era Assault Weapons Ban. North told King that anyone who wanted to shoot an “assault weapon” should join the Marines. The NRA itself supported the same ban as long as the 10-year sunset was included. Furthermore, North defended the vicious, armed attack by fedgov’s ATF, FBI and US Army elements against the Branch Davidians at their compound in Waco, Texas. North is another two-faced, Deep State scoundrel who thumbed his nose at his oath to defend the US Constitution.
Per my above remarks why WOULDN’T elements in power at the NRA not engage in the subversive activities described in the attached essay ? Look at NRA President North’s past history. That alone, for me, lends substantial credence to the allegations presented by Military Arms.