Art Acevedo Pushes Gun Control After Raiding The Wrong Home In Houston, Texas
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 11 months ago
The day after four Houston police officers were shot while serving a search warrant in southeast Houston, Chief Art Acevedo once again called on lawmakers to find ways to reduce gun violence.
“I would express my personal frustration at lawmakers that know we have a public health epidemic in this country we call gun violence,” Acevedo said at a news conference Tuesday morning related to the shooting. “It doesn’t just impact law enforcement. It crushes communities, tears apart families, cuts lives short, every single day.”
Veteran narcotics officers broke down the door of a suspected drug den, armed with a warrant and hoping to arrest heroin dealers operating out of the Pecan Park home. They were met by a hail of gunfire, instead, as one of the suspects inside unleashed a barrage of bullets that wounded four officers, two critically.
Free Thought Project has the scoop. So let’s stipulate for a moment that there was nefarious activity going on in the home (the evidence doesn’t seem to point that way, it’s more likely a bad tip). Why wouldn’t any sensible person assume that a home invasion was being conducted for the purposes of handing them flowers and wine? Why wouldn’t any sensible person shoot the invaders?
Isn’t that something? Art Acevedo conducts a wrong-home raid, get’s his people shot, and then goes in front of the cameras to pimp gun control.
What a putz.
On February 3, 2019 at 11:41 pm, George 1 said:
Yes. Several things about this. #1. The homeowner shot at and hit four of five police officers who were in full tactical garb. The homeowner was armed with a 357 magnum revolver. That is pretty decent shooting.
#2. The police returned fire and killed the homeowner. The homeowner’s wife is said to have witnessed the events and then attacked the officers and tried to take one of the officers’ weapons away from him. #3. The officers shot and killed her as well in response to that.
Now I am sorry, #3 does not pass the smell test. I can’t see a woman attempting to disarm a cop in that situation. I would postulate that once the shooting started the cops immediately concluded that both were threats and just shot who they saw. I could be wrong but I doubt it.
On February 4, 2019 at 3:45 am, Longbow said:
“I would postulate that once the shooting started the cops… just shot who they saw.”
My thoughts exactly. Why leave a witness to tell a contradictory story? Remember, the first one is expensive, the rest are free.
On February 4, 2019 at 8:15 am, Andy said:
i read where the police were not in uniform but plain clothes.
They burst into the home and shot the dog.
The home owner then came out with his gun and shot them.
Then the remaining police killed both him and his wife.
On February 4, 2019 at 9:31 am, Chris Mallory said:
If you go to the first News Now Houston video on this incident, 48 seconds into the video there are six bullet holes in the wall of the house about 18 inches-24 inches from the door opening. Someone was firing blindly through the wall.
NNH has reported that the cops were in plain clothes and none of them wore body cams. The chief has supposedly said that since this was a “Federal task force” they did not wear cams.
The house that was shot up was at 7815 Harding. There is a house at 7815 HARDY that matches the first descriptions given by the cops.
But now they have tried to walk back those descriptions saying they were talking about drug houses in general.
The cops supposedly found personal use pot and a “white powder”. Both of which could have been planted after the shooting. They did not find any black tar heroin or stacks of cash. They did find legal firearms. I have not been able to find any “trophy” pictures like the cops normally do when they make a bust. They will lay out one joint, $12, and a Hi Point pistol for the cameras, but nothing from this major incident?
On February 4, 2019 at 9:37 am, Chris Mallory said:
“The homeowner shot at and hit four of five police officers ”
Unless I have missed the report, we don’t actually know that the home owner shot all 4 cops. He might have hit the first one and the last three were shot by their buddies firing blind into the house. Wouldn’t be the first time that LEOs have been shot down by their own team. Wouldn’t surprise me in the least.
On February 4, 2019 at 9:38 am, Fred said:
Police getting shot for conducting a no knock raid must be MY mental health problem? Did you know, dear Americans, that your government has declared war on you? Well, you need to get over yourself in hurry and accept this FACT.
On February 4, 2019 at 11:44 am, DAN III said:
I say AGAIN:
There are no good cops.
On February 4, 2019 at 12:32 pm, Towser said:
I find the comparison between this post and the your post on “Civil Asset Forfeiture” somewhat telling. Wrong house but gee, what if the homeowner did not defend himself? He and his wife may have lived, probably not the dog, only lightened of any heavy cash burden weighing them down, or maybe jewelry? Silverware? Gold teeth? Gosh, that’s a nice TV set you’ve got there. What I don’t see is anyone standing up demanding an end to these raids. Gun violence indeed. I have no sympathy for those “law enforcement officers” who won’t be able to spend a nice evening at home with their family. The wife and kids will just have to spend a lifetime monthly paycheck by themselves.
On February 4, 2019 at 6:44 pm, Gryphon said:
Yep, just like the “civil asset forfeiture” Crime, (its origins in the “war on Drugs”) these Home Invasion “Warrants” are another Facet of the non-Constitutional, ‘Admiralty-Law’ Police State we live in. “Law Enforcement” consists of Thieves, Liars, Murderers, and Cowards. (did I mention, Cowards?) The eventual, Karmic Backlash against these thugs and their Parasite Masters is going to be Epic in its Violence and Scope.
Eventually, the ‘wrong house’ gets Raided, some Thugpigs get Baconated, and the whole ‘issue’ will get the negative publicity it deserves.
Are Your Doors Difficult-to-Impossible to Break Down with Hand Tools? Steel Doors and Frames, with Multiple, Heavy Latches, set in Reinforced Frames, are Effective in Delaying Forced Entry, and are made to look like ordinary Wooden Doors that can easily be ‘Kicked In’.
On February 4, 2019 at 9:15 pm, Henry said:
What’s the surprise? Only putzes pimp gun control.
On February 10, 2019 at 8:45 am, Talktome said:
Is this why the feds send three carloads of swat thugs to raid an old mans house for political crimes?
On the news has to do is ash hero and America starts slobbering away
Saw some asshole on foxnews saying it’s bad to start second guessing the fbi. WTF? Coplickers all of them