Sheriffs Who Don’t Enforce Washington’s New Gun Law Could Be Liable, AG Bob Ferguson Says
BY Herschel Smith
County sheriffs who say they won’t enforce Washington’s new, stricter gun laws could be held liable if they refuse to perform enhanced background checks and someone who shouldn’t buy a gun is able to buy one and uses it in a crime, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson said on Tuesday.
In an open letter to law enforcement, Ferguson wrote that he was confident the wide-ranging law was constitutional and would withstand court challenges, but that he was concerned about threats — mostly from county sheriffs — to not enforce the new law.
At least 13 county sheriffs have said they won’t enforce the law, Initiative 1639, which voters passed by a wide margin in November.
Are you going to let him talk to you like that? Oh … probably so.
It is unclear how many of the sheriffs and police chiefs who have vowed not to enforce the law planned to not conduct the background checks.
For instance, Franklin County Sheriff Jim Raymond called the law unconstitutional and said he wouldn’t enforce it, but said he supported the 10-day waiting period and the enhanced background checks.
“Certainly we’re going to follow all of those type of things,” Raymond said.
If other sheriffs do not, however, Ferguson said they could be held liable if a gun sale that would have been prevented by the new background checks goes through and then someone uses that gun in a crime.
“The taxpayers of your city or county assume the financial risk of your decision to impose your personal views over the law,” he wrote.
Take note that surviving a challenge doesn’t mean that the law is constitutional, it just means that some tyrant, or gaggle of tyrants, lets it go.
So that’s the plan, just as I have said all along. They will come after your money, your licenses, your reputation, your job, and your ability to do business.
In this case, he’s bullying the citizens of those respective counties to force compliance with the law by the Sheriffs out of fear of financial liability.
It’s almost as if they want to fight, or something.
On February 12, 2019 at 11:59 pm, BRVTVS said:
They have also been getting death threats:
On February 13, 2019 at 8:21 am, J said:
As all “Law” goes…
Selective Enforcement is a Strong Option.
Your move (f)AG
On February 13, 2019 at 8:32 am, Fred said:
Wow. Liable to a law from on hight from the chief city of the region instead of liable to the people and constitution. Every governor, and every mayor gets his own little army to conduct the war on guns. This is truly a tyranny. They’re going to kill us all.
On February 13, 2019 at 8:38 am, Fred said:
The point of the Bill of Rights and 2A was to make law that points out the danger of a tyranny by a majority, to enumerate civil rights of the individual. Gun owners are the new Negroes.
On February 13, 2019 at 10:47 am, Bram said:
So the ATF is liable for all the crimes committed with Fast and Furious guns?
On February 13, 2019 at 10:57 am, Chris Mallory said:
Two NYPD cops shot by friendly fire. One killed. Suspect had a fake gun.
On February 13, 2019 at 11:41 am, revjen45 said:
So, are the relevant police agencies liable for dead junkies at or around “safe injection” sites when they decline to enforce the laws against heroin/fentanyl?
Are the same agencies liable when they release illegal aliens (I refuse to use ennobling euphemisms) who subsequently perpetrate crimes on the drooling masses?
How about when they refuse to act on numerous offenses by underage f**kups who go then massacre their classmates?
On February 13, 2019 at 12:09 pm, George said:
The Washington law as I understand it is even worse that California in some ways. A five round magazine? I have heard some say this applies to revolvers. So I guess you are left with a Chief’s Special or a pump shotgun with a less than 5 round magazine capacity for any defense purpose.
On February 13, 2019 at 12:13 pm, George said:
Ferguson thinks the law will survive court challenges. Of course it will. When you have traitors on the SCOTUS like John Roberts and countless others in lower courts.
On February 13, 2019 at 12:41 pm, PJ said:
“You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.”
On February 13, 2019 at 4:27 pm, Pat Hines said:
What the Washington AG seems to project that he has troops at his disposal to challenge county sheriffs in their jurisdictions. He probably knows better, but is attempting to intimidate the sheriffs.
That AG needs to have a knot jerked in his ass.
On February 13, 2019 at 5:50 pm, Sean said:
Did the AG also find city and state officials who actively subvert immigration laws are liable for the death and destruction caused by illegals??? Asking for a friend.
On February 13, 2019 at 8:39 pm, Conrad said:
The law is an ass that Big hand Bob came riding into town on.
Washington State used to work for me, now within a few years I will take my business and leave, for I will not work for Massa Bob or any of his ilk that frame mischief into Law.
On February 13, 2019 at 10:37 pm, MTHead said:
Revgen45 is spot on! which brings us to the fact that scotus has past on many times. Police are under no obligation to defend anyone from anything. even if the threat is known to them.